Runner's Checkin June10

Good Morning Karen and the rest of the Cheetahs!

This morning is my outdoor run...8 mins running before I get walk...OH NO! :eek: LOL I'll report back on how I do. :) It's very windy here today so I'm thinking that will slow me down...

Karen, sounds like a nice day you have planned. I go shopping with my mom and Joey alot on the weekends. In fact, tomorrow we plan to go out flower shopping again. I just put 4 pots of flowers in my yard and now want a flower box for my porch railing.:)
Good morning!

Karen- enjoy your rest day & have a nice time w/ your Mom & Grandma. How's she doing????

Wendy- you can do it!!! Update how it goes later!

I did my 5 mile run. Had to get up early as usual because my dh had to leave by 6:30. It was actually kinda chilly, only in the 50's & I just had my usual tank & shorts on! My legs felt heavy & it really wasn't the greatest run, but I got it in! Tomorrow's my rest day, I need it!

The fun run last night was soooo cute. There was a big crowd too!! Allison did great in the 2 & under- I ran w/ her (about 1/3 of a lap around a track) & held her hand for a little bit & then she just ran. She ran the whole time & I think we were close to the top 10 in!! (they don't keep track & everyone gets a purple ribbon).

Kiersten was in the 5 yr old group & she did great too. She didn't know what was going on at first but once she got going she did great! She made it all around the track & was all smiles! She said it was hard but she passed a lot of other kids!! ;-) (that's my girl!) And Hannah was in the 7 yr old group. Poor thing- speaking of spider bites she had a HUGE one on her leg y'day that was bothering her. But she still ran & did a good job!!! And then they all got an orange drink & little package of McD's cookies. They were happy kids. :p I saw a few people I recognized from other races w/ their kids & we'll definitely do it again!

Not too much going on here today other than a bday party of my dd's friend at 1. It looks like rain today & it's supposed to be outside so we'll see....

Have a great day! My kiddos are still asleep so I'm enjoying my coffee & am going to stretch out now!

RE: Good morning!


That run for your girls sounds great! How cute! Glad they enjoyed it...and you too!:+

That quiet time in the morning and evening when the kids are in bed is great isn't it? I stay up a little later than DH and get up really early in the a.m. PURPOSELY to take in that quiet time even if there is no good reason for me to up. :)

Have a great day!:)
RE: Good morning!

It was so cute! So many kids too- I couldn't believe the crowd! There were at least 100 in just the 2 & under!!

Oh yeah, I love the quiet time!! My kiddos have been wiped out from all of the playing outside & swimming lately so they've been sleeping in a bit. I love drinking a whole cup of coffee in peace & quiet! ;-) Enjoy your quiet time too!

RE: Good morning!

Good Morning Cheetahs!-
Karen-It's a rest day for me too! I'm thinking a little Mr. YP later, but for now I'm just enjoying my breakfast:9 Have fun shopping and visiting with your Grandma, best wishes for her.

Wendy-You can do 8 minutes (Just keep telling yourself, "You can do anything for 8 minutes!:+ ) Let us know how it goes. Thanks for the motivation encouragement! Can you believe that you're now in love with gym workouts? BTW, do you still experiment with the weight machines?

Jess-Sounds like you and your girls had a great time! Give them a high five from all of us:7 I still remember the fun run my brother and I did when we were young. I think we got a medal, and orange slice, and a coupon for something. I think it was about a block long, lol! Nice job getting through the lead legs run today, sometimes those are the days I'm most proud of!

Pamela-Yes, a chatty bunch of cheetahs! Hope you get to Mr. YP today, maybe Wendy and Karen will join us as well and we can have a little YP party:p

Gayle-Just wanted to add that we are all thinking of you and wishing you the best at this particular time, [[[Hugs]]].

Cathy!!!! You live near Mt. Laurel??? Are you sure that you aren't THE Cath'e' and just trying to fool us with the 'y'?? Trying to anonymously get into our cheetah check-in, lol;-) Seriously though, you could go and visit Cathe at her gym!! Lucky...:D

Barb-If I trained as hard as you had I could probably run it, especially in my new shoes!! I can't believe I don't get to run in them until tomorrow. Yes, this is a great area to be in and I'm glad your niece is enjoying college. The pigeon pose is one of my faves too! Want to join us for the YP party today? White leotard optional, lol.

Marcia-Hope you enjoyed the book and the 4 miler. The street dance sounds like so much fun.

Judy-Thanks for the info. on Hamilton, now I can confidantly say to Barb, Hamilton is not too far, but pretty far away:)

Sounds like my weather is the same as Jess's. Cold, a little damp, and stuck in the 50's today.x( But at least it's a Sat. It's also a rest day with some Mr. YP later today, tomorrow is scheduled to be a long run day.
Hi to everyone else! Elaine, Sarah, Amy, Thomasina and anyone else I forgot, sorry!
RE: Good morning!

Good morning cheetahs

Karen...enjoy the day shopping with your girls and your Mom. I hope your Grandma is doing well...:)

Wendy..I dealt with a few nasty customers. I never liked it but I would get a supervisor if they really pissed me off...Have a great outdoor run!! Hope the wind is at your back...:)

Jess...that is soooo cool about the kids run last night!! I do believe you could have some cheetahs in the making!

Judy..I have gotten chafing there before. Yes bodyglide is good and also if this helps, I don't get it as much with "coolmax" or "Drilite" type t-shirts as compared to cotton ones..:)

Barb...if Christine and I meet up in Oct, I will for sure take pics! I do most of my runs during the week on pavement including the tempo and interval runs. Sundays when I do long runs are normally the only time I do trail running...honestly is is tough to do speedwork on trails.

Mattea..I just love getting new shoes...have fun!!

Well, I was so tired yesterday I blew off my run and did the first 4 intervals of Lowmax I will be doing a run this morning before church and then I think TLT's BBBB later today.

Have a great day...:)
RE: Good morning!

Have fun w/ Mr. YP & enjoy your rest day, Mattea!!

Where do you live? In the midwest? Yep, cold & kinda dreary here today! Kinda strange since it's been hitting almost 90 every day this week!

Funny about remembering the fun run as a kid! My 2yo was in heaven getting orange drink & McD's cookies (I'm a mean Mom & don't give my kids much juice!)

Yeah, I'm glad to get through a run w/ lead legs. It must have been from running & pushing the kids in the jogger y'day? Not sure, but they definitely need a break! I'll do my Pilates later.

Have a good one! I'm off to make my fav WW & oat pancakes!

RE: Good morning!

Hey Carole! I agree w/ the coolmax shirts- not as much chafing as cotton. Speaking of running gear, what does everyone like to run in??? I love the racerback tanks w/ the sports bra built in for running, that's my favorite top! And my most favorite shorts are my Brooks light purple shorts- they're super comfy & soft too so they don't chafe my legs. Anything coolmax/ dryfit that will keep me cooler while running is good!

Funny at the cheetahs in the making!! I'm just glad that they enjoyed it so much & had fun!

Enjoy your run today, Carole!! And your long run tomorrow, right? This was my step back week so 5 miles was my longest run! Felt like I was being lazy this morning! ;-)

RE: Good morning!

Jess...a couple of years ago Target carried a nice type of running short. I had to buy every color...:)..I have run in Nike, Brooks and some from Road Runner Sports. Whatever is comfy. I don't need much support in a bra...:) that really isn't hard to find...

Thanks, and yes I do a long run tomorrow...maybe 22 miles if I get up early enough...:)

We will heat up to about 92 today...maybe 89 tomorrow with some rain....:)
Good morning, all!

Gotta make this superquick as the England/Paraguay game just started and I'm a fussball nut! Gotta get to that TV.

Wendy--I am going to Germany (for the World Cup and to visit family) and will make 4-day stops in Budapest and Amsterdam. I can't wait! I will be gone a month and as much as I love travel and look forward to the trip, I don't like the fact that I won't be able to do my normal workout routine. But I just ordered travel dumbbells that you fill with water, so I can at least keep up with some modified lifting routine. :) Where are you going on your cruise? Those are a great time. I saw your post in another thread about the pre-vacation wax. Idea has now crossed my mind, too, but I think I'm too much of a wuss! lol

Mattea--ha ha...I'm definitely not the real Cathe...wish I had her bod! I have visited her gym in Glassboro, where I went to college(didn't see her, though). The gym looks AWESOME!

Laura...thanks for the info on the Garmin. Sounds really cool. I suppose it's a stopwatch then, too?

I'm thinking a rest day for me today. I have to go out and find some new jeans. I have lost about 20 lbs. since Jan. and am now at the point where my jeans are falling off with a belt on. It's a good thing, but I LOATHE trying to find jeans.

Hi to Carole, Barb, Karen, Karin, Thomasina, Barbara (if you're here), ShellyC, Judy, Jess, and anyone else who checks in later.

Have a great day! Will be nice to see some sunshine again here in NJ!
-cathy :)
Yes Carole-We've got to stop meeting like this;-) I just ordered pepper spray from the Cabela's website this morning and it should be here early next week. Good luck on the long run tomorrow!

Jess-I usually run in only type of Nike shorts. They have a slightly longer inseam and a reinforced seam around the bottom so that they don't ride up, ever! 100% chaffage protection. On top I usually go for a sports bra and some kind of singlet. Sometimes the racerback with built in bra and sometimes just a tank top.

Cathy-Isn't Cathe's gym beautiful! I was there on the Road Trip last summer and loved every minute of it. Although I did find the mirrored walls with glass doors a little disorienting at first, lol!
What an amazing trip you'll be taking to Europe!

Just wanted to let everyone know that deepdiscountdvd is having a sale on all DVD's, an extra 20% taken at the checkout. You can get the codes from I think it's good through the 17th.

I forgot to say hi to Karen, Karin, and last but not least ShellyC (Go granny cheetah!!)
Hi girls. This will be a quickie. Have to get ready for my company soon!

Mattea: I haven't messed with the weight machines at the gym again. My SIL is a personal trainer so I am going to get her into my gym on a free pass one day and she is going to set up a routine for me on the weight machines for free!}(

Carole: I had many a customer ASK to speak to my supervisor as if I was doing something wrong and they were going to get me in trouble or just get what they wanted to hear out of him. It never worked! He drove a harder bargain than I did! LOL :p

Cathy: Your vacation sounds great! Do the best you can as far as work outs go. Will you be able to run at all while you are gone?? I am happy that I will have the ship's fitness center to use. I can run and use the machines every day if I want. That will really help to offset the horrid eating I will be doing all week!:p

So I went out for my run and it was super windy. The first leg was difficult because I was running against the wind so it not only slowed me down but made breathing more difficult. The second leg was easier cause it was not as strong of a wind and it was at my back most of the way. I ran the route in 19 min 38 seconds doing 8 min run/1 min walk intervals. It seemed a bit easier on my legs this time around and with the exception of the breathing difficulty due to the wind, the 8 mins seemed no harder than the 6 I started with! Dare I say it seemed a bit easier even!? :) I still have a long way to go before that 5K race is doable but I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel!;)

Thank you all for the motivation and encouragement! It REALLY helps me get through when I think it's too tough for me to handle! YEAY!:+
Good morning ladies! I'm taking it easy today - planning a 4 or 5 mile run so I build my confidence again, followed by Core Synergistics.

Wendy - you CAN do it! Have fun with your outdoor run! If you can run 4 miles on a treadmill, you'll do fine outdoors! You're doing so well!

Carole - I have the Humbolt Half on my calender. I really want to make it. I agree that it would be a blast to hang out together!

Jess - your Fun Run sounds so sweet! I love the idea! How wonderful of your community to put it together! Have a great day.

Mattea and Karen - enjoy your rest days! The weekends are the only time I have to fit everything in, so I rarely take rest days on Sat or Sun. Oh well.

Cathy - your trip sounds wonderful!! Are you from Germany? Or do you have relatives there? My aunt Sonja is from Germany and as her daughter is my closest cousin and we spent many summers together (they had ponies - I loved it there!) I heard many tales of Germany. I would love to visit some day.

I actually might not be able to run the Half in Napa. DH and I are have some major issues right now. He moved his son back into the house without asking me. This is the kid (23 years old) who has the 5 DUI's, has physically threatened me and abused my dog and that is just the icing on the cake. He has gone through rehab (had to to avoid jail), but his lovelier habits have not changed - the dog is still terrified of him. We went to counseling the day before the son moved in and even the counselor said that DH would be stupid to move this kid back in with us. We agreed to 3 days that he could stay. Well, they found an apartment but it would take 3 weeks. Okay, I could live with that. Now the apartment fell through, and DH doesn't want to pay for an apartment, so DSS is staying permantely. I'm looking for an apartment today and tomorrow (have to find one that takes a 60 pound dog - that's always a challenge!) so I may be a bit busy. This is also part of the reason I've been having difficulty training. I'm thinking I can at least go and meet everyone and run the 10k - that I can run right now. But with everything going on training to run a half is out of the question. I'm thinking that I can do this 10k, and maybe run the Half with Carole in October. I should have time to train for that one.

Anyway, sorry to dump that all on you, but I needed to say it. I'm actually doing better today. Ready to move forward with this. I'm hoping to get a place today so that I can start packing and getting everything ready.
Good morning all! Granny cheetah checking in and I DO mean granny today! I had a dissapointing long run yesterday. I meant to do at least 18 miles, hopefully a little more. I ended up just barely doing 17 and that was with mostly walking the last couple of miles:(
Well, we all have these days....onward! My plan is to scale way back for a while and start from scratch with a marathon training plan for novices. I've been running a while but never a marathon.
I work my way up on mileage again gradually to get ready for my "man against horse" race in October.

Wendy-- WOOHOOO...sounds like a great run for you today. You are doing this really well, very smart strategy! Congratulations!

Jess- The fun run for your kids sounded great! It is so wonderful to see a mother encouraging her kids in an active and healthy lifestyle. Your kids are lucky to have you for a Mom! As to running clothes I am slowly building up a good running wardrobe but I hate clothes shopping (weird, I know:) ) I don't stick to any particular brand, anything that is cool. On short runs I'll even wear an old cotton (gasp) Tshirt. I'm like Carole- I don't worry too much about a good jog bra- not necessary with me ;-)

Mattea- New shoes??? What fun and you get to really break them in well tomorrow with a long run! I'll be waiting for your report :)
A Mr. YP party sounds great to me. I'll be joining you this afternoon....I really need it after yesterdays runx(

Carole- tired? Our SuperCarole is human afterall????
Say it isn't so:eek: :eek: Seriously, it really means you are very smart as well as tough, listening to your body when it needs rest. Also, your long run is tomorrow. I hope yours goes better than mine did:)

Cathy- A trip to Germany---How exciting! I am so way jealous! Be careful if you are taking in some world cup games! Those fans can get really crazy I guess. Congratulations on your weight loss!!!
I think you will find your jeans shopping much more pleasurable for you now :) :) Also for a travel workout... If you buy dynabands from the company they provide a list of exercises to do, and of course you can do the exercises Cathe does with them. Dynabands take up almost no packing room also.

Karen- Have a great rest day!!!! I hope all is well with your kids
and other family!

Gayle- Our thoughts are with you!

Hello to Pamela in hot and humid Florida :eek: , Marcia- where are you, you usually start us off! Hello Elaine, Thomasina, Laura (probably busy playing with her Garmin :p ), Hello Barb- I do LOVE your race pics--you look WAY COOL)

Today will be a 5-6 mile recovery run, then some weight workouts, I think the long version of PushPull, then some YP :p later.

Hi Christine- I knew I was forgetting somebody special with my post!
Oh my gosh...I am so sorry for you right now ;( BIG {{{{{HUGS}}}}
It sounds like such a difficult situation for you with your DSS. I'll be saying a special prayer for you that you can find a suitable apartment soon. You're such a special lady and so strong...I'm confident you'll pull through.

Much Love,
Sorry to intrude, but...oh my....Christine! ((((((HUGS)))))) to you!!! I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. ;( I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. If you need/want to vent you can e-mail me. Haven't seen you on our check in and I love reading this thread. You all are so inspiring!!!! I'm just getting back into running now that my ankle is better. :7

Happy Saturday Cheetahs!!!

Christine- I am sorry to hear of your issues with DH & DSS. I hope and pray it all works out in your best interest.

Carole- You did well listening to your body telling you to change it up yesterday. Good luck on the long run tomorrow, and thank you for the chafing advice.

Shelly- You did 17 miles and are disappointed? It is OK, I'm sure you will get there and beyoned with proper trainning.

Wendy- Good job on the out door run today. I'm willing to bet if you go slow and steady, you can run the whole distance with more ease than you might expect. Let us know!

Hi Barb, Karen, Karin, Thomasina, Barbara , Jess, and anyone else who I missed.

This morning I did a 5.3 hilly, rainy, cold (48 degrees!) run with my two running buddies. Thank goodness they were there. It was not an appealing climate, but I am sooooo glad it did it!

Ps- this check in is such a positive place to visit!

Christine, I realy hope your situation gets better soon!! Keep checking here wtih us. We care :7

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Thanks everyone! :)

Christine...I am so sorry to hear about your situation. :-( I hope you all work through it some how and soon!

I'll probably be back later and will post some more personals!


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