>I was all set to go for the long run with DH today, but as we
>started out I got a hint of a side stitch, so I took the warm
>up slow (my legs felt a little like lead after Imax Extreme
>yesterday)and paced the first mile at about 10:00, then the
>next 2 miles are all uphill and the stitch disappeared. At
>about the 3.25 mile mark we headed downhill and about 30
>seconds later I was in so much pain I had to stop and walk.
>Well, long, tearful story short I stopped and started about 10
>times, but to no avail. Each time I developed stabbing pains
>and just kept getting more frustratedx( So glad DH was with me
>though, not just for moral support and to dry the tears, but
>to turn the walk back into some great personal time together
>and cheer me up. I am so lucky! He even made waffles for me
>when we got back for a late breakfast early lunch:9 Then we
>headed out to a local park that we wanted to explore (drove
>there), but hiked over 5 miles on muddy trails, through creeks
>and ravines, and finally headed back about 1 and a half hours
>later. I have no idea what happened I didn't change anything
>about my routine, but now I have a sore right side

>suggestions as to what might have gone wrong would be greatly
>appreciated. I am hoping that my side cramp today was me
>absorbing the "bad" things for the racers this weekend! I'm
>happy to take one for the team;-)
Sorry about the side stitch! I've never had one but it sounds so painful!! WTG to your dh for being such a sweetie & sticking w/ you & making some waffles too!! Sounds like fun anyway!