Runner's check-in Wed. May 31


Top o’ the mornin’ ladies, WOW…you cheetahs have been busy! And I need to give a welcome shout out to Cathy! Looks as if you have already found that this bunch of ..uh, I mean ladies are the best this and that side of the Mississippi!

Thanks for the kind words and Bday wishes for DH. I missed ya’ll as usual but I’ve been busy since last Friday with having company, DH’s birthday cookout (really fun, by the way), and spending time off from work with DH etc. Even though I’ve been going like crazy and getting the scratchy throat thingy, I have been able to get in a couple of runs, and a couple of bike rides but man am I ready to get back into the swing with my workouts! I feel and probably look like a huge puffer fish after all of the wine, green olives, wine, green olives, wine, and green olives I’ve consumed the past few days. Oh, did I mention I ate some green olives? LOL.. Ok, so we REALLY didn't need the 6 month supply size jar from Costco now did we? .. ok so now I’m back to reality and today I will be running a nice HILLY 6 miles. Why a hilly run you ask? Well because that’s all that is up here! #$*(*$&@)(#*$&@#(*$ Someday I hope to become a “hill killer gal” like Judy and Mattea, but for now all I can do is use my best French when encountering each hill while huffing and puffing like the little engine that could. Oh and then yeeeeeah baaabeeeee, I’m gonna try out my brand spankin’ new Bryan Kest Power Yoga…Yippee! Oh, and I wanted to mention to lurking Karin that I’m happy you got some new shoes. I think proper fitting non-worn out running shoes are as important to running as good gas and oil changes in the car are for optimum performance. Glad you gassed up and changed the oil! And oh yeah, the screen name bit. Well, mine is pretty self explanatory but instead of being Sleepless in Seattle, I am Meatless in California…. Vegetarian that is…Ok, and I think we were to say where we live and our age. Well? I live in Northern California (northeast of Sacto on the way to Tahoe/Truckee), and in March I turned forty one-derful!

Hope ya’ll have a great day and workout…

Thomasina :)
Mornin', cheetahs! :)

I feel more like a sloth this morning, but I'm heading out for a 5 am run to beat the heat. Then, after work, it'll be GS CT...AND probably lots of previewing as UPS is expected to deliver my shipment of Cathe DVDs today. Yay! Happy dance!! :)

Thanks for the welcome, Thomasina, and hi to Elaine (and anyone else I might have missed yesterday)! I didn't see you there when I posted last. Everyone, have a GREAT workout & day. Will check in again later.


9 days til the World Cup
15 school days left (I'm worse than my students!) :)
Good Morning Ladies!!

Thomasina- So glad the cookout went well! Don't sweat the's all water weight from the sodium. Drink tons of water to flush it out...shouldn't be hard, I am sure you are thirsty!:7 As for the's all attitude!!! You decide who is boss! Take each hill one at a time and make it your bi#ch! Enjoy Mr. Yummypants (I miss's been a few weeks)

Welcome Cathy! So glad you have joined us!! Your day sounds wonderful! A nice workout followed by Cathe previewing!!

As for name stands for I'm-a-fitness-freak because plain ol "fitnessfreak" was taken by someone who does not even post on the forum anymore!! I'mm 33.5 years and reside in hot and humid Cincinnati.

Last night I met the training group for 1/2 mile pick-ups. We ran a 5 mile loop. Warm up 1 mile, every half mile, we would kick it in the arse, then recover 1/2 mile. Kick in the arse, it was!!!

I have so many posts to catch up on. You know where I will be!!!
Good morning ladies:

Thomasina - great job getting out early to beat the heat, you will be more energized after a good hilly run ;-) And, you can think of the rest of us that won't get out there until the afternoon and here you are done. ENJOY! the great morning air, I love mornings.

Cathy - I hear ya, we got out of school last week (a week earlier than normal) because our school is consolidating on July 1 with a neighboring district. This week is spent moving 60% of our staff to another building. I know those last few days of the countdown are tough, everyone is ready to go, but there's always a few days left. Hang in there - won't be long now. :)

Today, I've got a 2 mile run on tap for my training and will do that after work. That's pretty easy now, so I'm looking forward to wearing my new shoes and see if I can break those babies in soon. I'll be helping everyone with their move at work and doing some much needed garden-catch-up when I get done running. Full day on tap, but I'll try to make it back and see what the rest of you are up, too. :p

Have a great day!
Hey there Thomasina, Cathy and all who follow.

Okay, I must've been in la la land when someone asked about our screennames, etc.! Sorry! LOL Here goes:

My screen name is the 2nd one I've had here on the Cathe forums and it was created after my son was born because I was feeling very good about the fitness/weight loss gains I had accomplished. My first screen name was just part of my name...BORING...which is why I changed it in the first place!:p I just turned 34 last month and I have lived in pretty much central Jersey all of my life but now I am 30 mins. farther south than where I was raised.

Thomasina, Glad to have you back girl! We missed you! So you splurged on the eating too, huh? LOL You are not alone. I went NUTS over the weekend and gained about FIVE pounds from it! :eek: I've lost 3 of those 5 so far....water water water!;)

Cathy, Oh girl you are in for a treat w/that Cathe shipment! How many and what dvds are you getting? }(

Sarah, Hey there! Glad to see you. Good luck catchin' up on the posts...we are a chatty bunch! LOL ;-) Sooo, do you have your 2nd marathon planned yet? }(

Marcia, Can you come to my place and do some gardening too? I am dyin' to plant flowers...have wanted to since we moved here um...THREE YEARS AGO! LOL But I have no clue what I am doing!!!!:eek: Have a good run!

I am up for my long steady state run today at my comfortable pace of 5.5 and shooting for 3.5 miles again.

I am feeling a tad sore from's been several days since I lifted due to my shoulder issue PLUS it's been FOREVER since I've done BC. Hopefully the run will work out the kinks!:)

I plan to order Jari Love's Slim and Lean work out today and while I'm at it I guess it's about time that I took the plunge and ordered Mr. YP as well!:9 :+ I am going to look around though and see if I can order them off of one site...I'll have to see if collage carries Yummy Pants cause that's where I was going to order Jari's vid from.

Have a great day everyone!:)
Thomasina- you just crack me up! I looove green olives too- yum! I could easily eat a whole jar if I let myself!

I just got back from an eventful 4.3 mile run w/ my friend Melissa again. I did some speed work (4 x .25 mile)& she just kept a steady pace. It worked out pretty well, I'd do my speed burst & then jog back to her to recover. Eventful part- my dog jumped in the neighbor's above ground pool!!!!!!!!!! I didn't even know it, he usually runs along their fence & then runs through a little bit of woods where there's a little crick that he gets a drink from. So.... on the way back I hear my neighbor yelling, Jessica, Zach fell in the pool!! I thought one of her kids was in the pool!!!!! (my dog's name is Mikey). She meant Mikey but didn't remember his name. Anyway, I guess when we had run by to start with Mikey had jumped in the pool not realizing that there was a solar cover on it & got stuck in it!!! They heard him & jumped in the pool to get him out (and remember, this is at about 5:15AM). I felt like I could have crawled into a hole- I felt sooooo terrible. Dumb dog. He was ok, probably just scared him because he's a good swimmer! I apologized profusely & said we'd pay for any damages but still just feel bad. And, the thing is, we were just at a cookout w/ them on Mem. Day!!! (we don't know them real well, were just getting to know them better!) UGH! Not the way I wanted to start out my morning.

OK, gonna eat my oatmeal & drink my coffee. I wanted to take the kids to the pool today (my kids are out of school now) but it's going to rain.

I'm going to some Pilates later, probably the advanced circle workout.

Cathy- it was still sticky at 5AM but not nearly as hot as it has been! There's a storm coming though, you can just feel it in the air! Woohoo on the shipment of Cathe DVD's!! I really want to order the GS series, my dh is doing a roofing job w/ a friend to make a little extra money & we'll see if I can afford it then!! ;-) I call exercise my hobby- my dh hunts & fishes so he has to spend money on that stuff so I don't feel guilty about spending money on new running gear/ exercise DVD's!

Hey Sarah! ITA w/ the hills- I *attack* the hills. I don't slow down, I actually *power up* the hills. It works for me & you get an even better butt/ thigh workout from it!

Sounds like a good run last night! I wish I had a group to run with, for now I'm happy just to have a friend to run with!

Marcia- I hope you have a good run in your new shoes! I've found that good shoes are essential for running!! What kind did you get? Right now I have the Asics Gel GT-2100 but used to run in Adidas SuperNovas control. I need something to help my overpronation. I'm going to need a new pair soon though!

Have a good day & a good time gardening!

good morning everyone!

I barely made 2miles this morning after bootcamp class lastnight. It has my body so fatigued. I can tell I am not 100% yet either as fas as my endurance. Its amazing how a few days sick will bring ya down.

sarah will you continue to train with the group? I didnt know if that was just for the marathon training and all. I wish I had a running group around here.

sounds like everyone is up and ready to go this morning. Have good workouts ladies!!!
Good morning Wendy! I'm glad that I'm not the only quick gainer if I take a day/ weekend off! Like you said, water water water does the trick!

Have a good run on the TM & let us know what exercise videos you order! I love!

Sounds like a good bootcamp workout! It is hard to perk back up after being sick! I hope you feel back to your usual self soon! Have a good day!


Sounds like you had a good run this morning barring the "dog incident"! I'm sure your neighbors are not mad and know how badly you feel. It was an accident though. I wouldn't worry about it too much. :)

So how did you meet the girl you run with now?
Hi Cheetah Runners.

Four days and counting until my half on Sunday. Today I did slideboard & Legs & glutes a short, easy 3 mile run and then MM upper body. Yesterday I did a lot of floor work, KPC abs and a walk. I gave myself 2 recovery days after the Sun. 10 mile run, swam on Monday and & did core synergistics on Monday and tomorrow it’s my last Tempo run before the race.

I’m feeling good and getting as ready as I’m going to be. It’s now mental prep. Getting in the right mindset…:) My kids have a swim meet the day before and the day of the race, so it will be a busy weekend and I want them to stay focused on what they need to do to, so things run smoothly.

Cathy—good feeling to get the run in early, early and then off to work. Soon it will be summer….and school’s out

Thomasina—Hills are hard. I echo the adjectives you picked to describe them!

Jess—you’ve been holding back or I missed this earlier – I saw you this a.m. on TV on the Winsor Pilates commercial while I was slideboarding. I think that’s you as one of their success stories? Fabulous! Have fun at the pool with your girls. I have the same shoes you do and love them.

Sarah-- that track workout sounds fun. It's nice that you have your training group to stay connected with. Thanks for all your support. I'm thinking all positive thoughts...:)

Marcia- good luck breaking in the new shoes. Sounds like a busy day for you/

Wendy -- Ditto on your gardening sentiments. Good for you that you order Mr YP tape...:)

Mattea—are you pumped for your 5K? You are so ready and such a fast runner! I copied your garlic tip for Karen for the next time I get a sore throat. How are you liking your books? I have the Claire Kowalchik one and learned a lot from it

Karen-How are you today? I bet your knee is better, alnog with your throat?

Elaine—thanks for asking about my half. It’s Sunday and a big race in town – maybe a little like Sarah’s flying pig. It’s a big annual event. The last 3 miles of the course goes by my neighborhood and ends up in downtown.

Karin—glad you got new shoes. PUB is hard!

Laura- keep us posted on what you think of the Garmin.

Hi to Carole, Pamela, Judy, Shelly, Christine, Gayle, juststartingout, and who every checks in later. Have a great day.

:) :) :)
Good morning all!

Thomasina - great to see you back an in top form! Wow Girl! You're up early! It's 4:30AM now, and I know you were up earlier! We did miss you! I know what you mean about the hills. For me it's either flat or straight up. I guess that's what a "valley" is all about. But if you live above Sacramento on the way to Tahoe, yeah, I can see it's all hills - gorgeous too, I'll bet! Are you running the Tahoe Half this year?

Cathy - enjoy your 5AM run - I love early morning runs. It's like running through a different world.

Sarah - sounds like a really great group you run with! And you're right - it's all mind over matter. If you THINK those hills don't matter, they don't. *says the one who runs mainly flat land!*

Marcia - enjoy your run, and I hope everything goes smoothly on the consolidation. Those are never fun.

Wendy - it's such a joy to see you so steadily increasing your mileage! You're doing so well!

Jess - oh, dogs are a pain sometimes, aren't they? When we first moved to this house, our small dog fell into the "giant waterbowl" in the backyard twice - both at 5AM. I just heard a splash then a woosh, woosh, woosh as she panicked and tried to get out, but she didn't know where the exit was. I ran down to help her. She does not go near the pool any more. Our other dog will play ball with himself in the pool. He'll nudge the ball into the pool with his nose, then run around the pool whining, until the ball is in the middle, then he'll jump in after it, then get back out, and do it all over again. He's weird. But, sorry to hear it was your neighbor's pool, especially at that hour - it would be embarrassing. They'll forgive you though... Now if you decided to go swimming at 5AM, they may feel differently. *winks*

Barb - oh, how exciting - the count down until your half!!

I have a P90X Back and Chest workout on Tap, followed by abs (not sure which). Then a 4/5 mile tempo run this afternoon at the gym. Should be fun.
Yep, that was me!!! I know, I hated to post about it because I feel *weird* still. I just saw it on tv too as I was sitting here! I went to CA & did that last year after my obvious success w/ Winsor Pilates. I still do it nearly daily, I have most of the DVD's memorized so I can do them while playing w/ my kids or watching tv at night. Funny that you recognized me!

It sounds like you're doing some great workouts & will do great at your race!! Remind me again what distance you're running, a half?? You're right- running does take mental prep too!!

Yes, dogs can be a pain!! The funny thing is, their kids to go to my other neighbor's house for daycare & I know that she'll find out & call me! Ugh! Oh well.... I do hope they forgive me & we don't have to pay for a new solar cover- I hear those are expensive!!!!!!! Hm... that's an idea- maybe I'll jump in their pool next time! J/k

Have fun getting in your workouts today!! I'm intrigued by the P90X. My neighbor (the one that babysits) had lent me her Power 90 DVD's but I didn't like them & Tony annoyed me (sorry!).

Barb-WOW, you do some seriously long work outs! I am in awe of you!

Christine-Enjoy your tempo run. P90X intrigues me too but I just can't justify it right now...perhaps it will be a good suggestion as a Christmas gift? ;) I have considered ordering Cathe's Slow and Heavy...if I seriously think I want to try P90X would S&H still be worth it in your opinnion? I am very excited about my improvements w/my TM runs but that outdoor run on Friday really brought me back down to earth, so to speak. I now realize that I still have to do ALOT of work before I can even CONSIDER a 5K.
Good morning cheetah runners!!

Tomasina!!! Nice to have you back....well, at least olives are a good fat!! I run hills about everyday too...not much flat around here! Have a good time with Mr Yummypants!!!

Sarah...nice to see you too!! Sounds like you had a good kick in the arse run..:)

Jess...I used to run in Adidas Supernova controls too! But it seemed like they changed a bit, so I switched to Reebok Premier FSM DMX II, as I need a good stability shoe too. I search them online to get the best price without shipping!

Wendy.. I do think your Joey might be a awesome swimmer...:)..Way to go with BC in the heat yesterday...enjoy your 3.5 mile run today!

Mattea..I hope you DH can race with you sunday too! Not to worry my recovery week you could handle easily...:)..Running before the heat is really better if you can do it. So far here we have not gotten TOO hot yet, but I know its coming..Have fun with the book reading..been awhile since I have read any kind of running book..

Karin, yes new shoes would be good...usually about 400-500 miles is about all a shoe can take. And I agree with Barb...ICE is good...

Karen...thanks for running the tempo run with me yesterday! When I get a scratchy throat I always do the old remedy..gargle with salt water...:) for you too! I have had IT Band issues myself (an overuse injury!)..too many miles too son, running on uneven surfaces, running downhill are a few things that trigger this. Cut back on your miles and actually if you can find Sarah's picture trail, she has IT band stretches there. Not sure about the bruise though. I never got one of those. How old are your shoes? It ususlly didn't take me as long as Christine to heal but we are all different. I even ran the last half of the Tahoe marathon with IT band pain that came on quick...(I discovered "Mind Over Matter" have lost your mind so it really doesn't matter!!!) I'd see a PT if it does not get better soon. Not offended, but can't help with the yeast infection..

Pamela...when I get the cattle prod I'll let you know how it works...way to go with your P90X workout today. Ab Ripper is a killer..

Cathy...thanks, I do love distance...:)...TLT's are short for Tracie Long Training (she was Firm instructor) this is their site I think functional fitness workouts are benficial to any runner. Enjoy previewing your new workouts!!!

Laura...for me. I am self employed and don't go in to work til about 10:30, and I don't have kids so I do have some time..:)...I am so in awe of you cheetahs that have kids and still find time for the running you do..:)

Elaine...hill repeats can really kick your @ss, I prefer the ultra way of doing them...walk up a half mile hill and then run downhill...repeat as many as you want ..:)..My fav TLT is Better Burn Better Buns (Tracy) and Strength In Movement (Jen Carmen), then Endurance for Movement (Tracy)..Susan's Finding Your Core is my least fav..

You ladies are up EARLY today....:)....I think I am doing MM and a 5 mile run, although that could change...

Have a great day!!
Good morning runners!

Today was a 3.5 mi run. Wow, what a difference time of day makes. 7:30am is much nicer than 9am. It was so nice. The air was cooler, the sun, while shining, was not hot. More runners were out too. It was a great run!

Wendy, technically I started a year ago with run/walk intervals on my treadmill (make that walk/run :)). Last fall I tried to take it outside using a version of couch to 5K that was in a special running edition of Prevention magazine, but everytime I ran outside my whole body would ache for days leaving me sidelined for a week. (Plus, the fact that I was a lot heavier didn't help my joints.) However, I really count my beginning as occuring in January after I took Carole's advice and went to Runner's Depot to be fitted for running shoes. Once I started running with those shoes I was able to run outside almost immediately. My outdoor pace and my treadmill pace are different. Today's run was an easy run and my pace was just under 12 min/mile which is a little faster than 5mph. On the treadmill it doesn't feel the same so my easy run pace on the treadmill is about 4.5mph. I use my breathing pattern and hr as a guide to keep it easy on easy run days. I'm watching your progress in awe. You're doing great!

Thomasina, welcome back! Glad your dh had a great birthday! I love green olives too, and can easily overindulge, especially if I've imbibed a little. :)

Hi Cathy, Sarah, Jess, Marcia, Barb, Elaine, Shelly, Carole, Gayle, Mattea, Christine, Karen, Karin, Kristi, juststarting out, Laura, and Judy!

Off to do P90X Shoulders and Arms!

Enjoy the day,

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