Runners Check-In Thursday May 25

Wendy-Yes, if you've never done yoga before, most of My. Yummypants might seem advanced, but the great thing about yoga is it's so easy to modify, so long as you're feeling it and breathing you're pretty much doing it right, lol! Sounds like a good idea to rest today, enjoy:)

Gayle-You are working like mad! Let us know what you think of the Christi Taylor when you try it out. I bet you are going to rock that 5K this weekend!

Judy-It's wonderful that you're narrowing in on what works best for you body, the only way to get there is to experiment. You might also try lightening up on the weights or doing floorwork legs closer to the run.

Karen-Great workout! Have fun with "Mom Max":p

Carole-Sounds like you have a killer workout today, especially as you "start" PLB with 50 lbs. and then run. I thought I would be much more sore today adding on the floorwork from GS Legs, but if so it hasn't kicked in yet. I'm trying to add in a lot more floorwork/leg drills and a little less standing leg work in order to try and increase my mileage. Thanks for the Runner's World Link that's very helpful!

Marcia-Have a great "Moving Max" day! I say plie jacks, kill me everytime!

Barb-You're right, it will be even funnier when it's over. Just think of the stories he'll have to tell his own kids. Teacher sounds a little flaky, but even if your kids aren't using those exact words yet, it won't be long before they at least hear it (even if they never talk that way) so better now when you can have more influence on their perspective. Nice workout today, how did you fair on the PUB abs? They slay me everytime!

Jess-What a workout! Two little ones in the jogger? Ouch, you must be doing something right. I admit, I'm going to have to get my butt out of bed a whole lot earlier to run well in the upcoming heatx(

Elaine-What a great story. I'm sure you'll be awesome in the 10K, you don't need luck as you have such great training and talent. But it just proves how mental running can be. I can't really think of a good way to get around it, but just try and use the nerves to your advantage:7 Love the new pics by the way!

Today was Stepfit for me (I had never done this one before and it was a lot of fun, but I did have to bump up my step height). Then ME abs and later I'll probably add a 3 mile easy run once it cools down this evening.
Have a great day,

Looks like I was posting at the same time as Thomasina and Christine.
Thomasina-Nice to hear from you and here's to hoping things calm down soon!

Christine-Ugh, I feel for you! I would suggest upping your calcium intake, drinking extra green tea (for the diuretic effect), drinking lots of water, and having a few planned cheats. Since you'll probably cheat anyway, you might consider having a cheat instead of a regular meal, this way the overall impact is not quite as bad. I'm actually having the opposite problem right now. I went of the pill exactly 4 months ago today and have yet to have regular period. I know it doesn't seem like a problem, but I was regular as clockwork before the pill, and I'm definitely not pregnant now, so it's a waiting game. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm exercising too hard?
Good luck!
And did my Pilates

I did Winsor Pilates (WP) Advanced body slimming & then did 2 sets of 30 manlies (pushups on your toes). I also did 3 chin ups & 3 pull ups in the garage (my dh made a chin up bar out there last year). I need to get back to doing them again!


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