Runners Check-In, Thurs, 6.08.06

RE: Good morning!

Karen - that sounds AWESOME - just what I need - somebody to help me be accountable and stay on task!!!! I never give any routine a chance, well, this one I'm giving a chance - with you behind me it HAS to work. ;-)

Thanks for the support!

Here we go.......................

RE: Good morning!

Hey all!! Wow! It's becoming a full time job just to keep up with y'all!!

Well, I did CTX Kickboxing this morning, followed by the blasts from Kick Max - didn't have time to do the drills from Cardio Kicks, though. I enjoyed the stretch from Kick Max, too - that's a nice one. The ole HR never got above 140. I was JUMPING, too. I'm thinking there's something wrong with me... This afternoon I'll do a treadmill run - might just do Cardio Coach 3. Or should I download 4? Which is everyone's favorite?

Marcia - WAY TO GO! I love your determination and enthusiasm. If you know you will do something, no questions asked, you will. YOU GO GIRL!!! And the fit but fat - I know that feeling.

Wendy - Bonnie and Clyde eh? That's cute! Good luck with your 4 miles!! And sorry you had to deal with the Daddy Long Legger - those don't bother me as much. I think DH got the creepy one that was so slippery on Tuesday - there was a spider in our room this morning - and I made him get it. Make him earn his keep! LOL

Laura - good job - the speed will come back. Just keep at it.

Karen - I like that idea for a tempo run - thanks!

Gayle - Nothing like having PMS for three weeks! Sorry to hear it. Today is my parent's Anniversery and the first one for my dad without my mom. I wish I were there with him. I feel for you - I know with my mom there are days when I don't think about it as much, and then there are days when the memories literally take my breath away. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Jess - I'm another one who is in bed by 9PM. We have friends who constantly have parties that go past midnight. I turn into a mashed pumpkin by that time. Sometimes it gets to my DH as well. But, I would rather be in good shape then be able to party all night...

*Jumps excitedly around the room* I MAY GET TO RUN WITH CAROLE!!! I'm soooo stoked! I don't want you to have to cut your distance, though. We can certainly hang out before and after! And yes, the minute I saw those tracks I stood up, raised my arms above my head and yelled. That mountain lion who was watching was either scared to death or rolling around the ground laughing his tail off as I never saw him. :)

Shelly - enjoy your elliptical workout today! I actually like using that - it's on tap for tomorrow.

Mattea - thanks for the encouragement! I am going to run today. A treadmill run. Not sure how long, but as work is SLOW, I figured I might be able to fit one in. And maybe a sauna afterwards. }(

Thomasina - we should get along well in Napa - you're a mule, I'm a clydesdale... We'll just trot along together... :p

Hi to anyone posting at the same time - always seems to happen!
RE: Good morning!

Hi Cheetahs,
What a great amount of posts here! It sounds like everyone is having great workouts.

I have lots to say but not time to say it today. Onward to work.....
I'll check in tomorrow and try to keep up with all the great conversation happening here.

I got a 5 mile run in this a.m., then some floorwork, but tasks of life this morning are leaving me gasping for air, like a rat on that spinning wheel thing. A rat having a bad hair day on that spinning wheel thing.

Why is it that these days when school ends for kids, we can't just say: "Buh-Bye...have a nice summer..." Umpteen culminating goodbye events. But I'm whining and that's no good. It's nice the kids have fun ways to mark the end of the year!!!

Gayle... (((((((hugs)))))))) ...I have lost many important people in my life, not a DH, but I know how hard it is to mentally get oneself up back onto a more positive ground. So glad you are feeling more yourself this morning....


:) :) :)
RE: Good morning!

Hey everyone!

I got home from the gym to discover that Mr. Postman had delivered Mr. YP to me!}( I also go Jari Love's Ripped which I am excited to try. I am deciding wether or not to try some of YP's beginner class before showering...I previewed some of it and am now previewing some of Ripped. I can only handle watching about 10 mins of vid w/o actually doing it.:p

Carole...I see you were in banking! Me too. What area? I was a collection rep for 6-7 years...

Karen...Nice run!

Gayle...I'm excited for you to begin your marathon training!:)

ShellyC...Have fun with MM! I just did that yesterday and now have DOMS in my chest!:) LBI is quite a ways south of me. It's nice down there! I used to go crabbing on Barnegat bay with my family years ago! What a great memory.

Mattea...That's on awesome work out you have planned! You go girl! What do you want pepper spray for? Protecting yourself from the wildlife?

Marcia...I know it's tough when life gets in the way. It happens to all of us. Don't be too hard on yourself. I admire your determination though! I say GO FOR IT! :)

Christine...My DH is called for bug killing whenever possible and he moans and groans cause he thinks I'm being retarded not wanting to kill whatever it is! Oh well for him! LOL

Well, I got in my 4 miler! WOOH! I even got it at my usual pace! :+ YES! I started at my usual and said that if I really needed to I would take it down a notch but I was OKAY...I did it! It was TOUGH but I expected as much. }( }( }(
Good afternoon everyone. I will be off the forums for a while since I am having issues again with my panic attacks. I know some of you might know about it or not. But I am seeing my Dr to get back on track again. I had this on and of for 18 years so I know I will be back on track again in a few weeks. So don't worry because I will be back soon. Sorry I didn't go through the forums but It's really hard to focus but wanted to say hi to all my runner friends. I will see you soon.
RE: Good morning!

Wendy - WAY TO GO!!! 4 miles at your usual pace?!? WOW!!! You're doing sooo well! I'm so impressed with your progress and your so intelligent and well thought-out approach to increasing speed and mileage!

As for bug killing duty - DH or my DD (she's not afraid of them unless they are big enough to carry away small children - living in New Mexico I have seen those, too!) are the designated bug killers. My DH's DD screams bloody murder and will refuse to enter a room to even point out the offending critter, so my approach - usually a quick "EEEWWWW!" and a "Honey, can you help me?" is appreciated. LOL.

Well, I ended up doing Cardio Coach #3. Last time I did this one, I had a tough time doing the sprints at 7.0 mph - I'd drift down to 6.8... Today I did the last 4, yes all 4 of them (okay, so they're 10 seconds, but hey!) at 7.5 mph!!! I guess I'm not losing my running ability! Now if I could only run the half on the treadmill, I may be able to do it... *sighs* Okay, okay, I'm going to do my 7 mile run again this weekend. I am hoping...
gayle you know we are here for you if you need us. Hugs to you!!

thanks everyone for the support and advice .
Hola, cheetahs!

Just a quick check-in. Did a 3 mile run tonight - no bears, mountain lions, goats, llamas, or any other such beasts on my route. Just a little skateboarder and a guy on a 10-speed who were both hell-bent on running me off the sidewalk. :) Apparently, two-legged wildlife can be just as treacherous!

Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement re: Imax2. Thomasina, I liked your idea of trying just a couple of intervals after my regular, real workout so I can just work on picking up the moves -- and this way I'm not feeling guilty that I've cheated myself out of a workout.

Will read through today's posts more thoroughly (there were so many!) in the AM.

Have a good night!

8 school days left :)

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