Quick hello to everyone,
Have a great weekend!
I did a light workout today--walking, Stepblast combo 1, SJP step part #1, the 1st high-lo and then the weights from SJP, then floorwork from PLB and Coremax 2 (with pikes, because Christine said it's evil to skip them.) I really wanted to run today, but the training schedule says "Taper" so I am obeying. Hope I don't regret that...it's usually a recovery run today.
Good luck to Shelly tomorrow! You are now the Bounty/Trooper runner after that fall: the quicker-picker upper? I can't wait to hear how the run goes. Your attitude is great. Thanks for the info about shift work. I'm glad the hours work for you.
Christine -- good luck on your long run Saturday. My race is Sunday, but My nerves are getting to me today . Thanks for the good cheers. It helps!!!

. We are going to want video and still pics of your half with the other ladies in July! What fun you guys are going to have.
About that empty stomach? I definitely had better runs in the past 8 weeks and better times when I started taking more seriously that I need to eat for running.
The formula I have gathered from nutrition reading (Nancy Clark's book and Monique Ryan's book on nutrition for endurance athletes) is this: Your wt in kg (#/2.2) x .5 g carbs for each 30 minutes before endurance exercise. If I run for more than 5 miles or have been running more miles, I use this -- not to the nth degree, but to approximate. (So if you weigh 100 lbs thats about 45 kg x 1 g carb (easily digestible for you) for 1 hour before an endurance workout. ) If I eat oatmeal, it has to be at least 2 hours before a run for me to tolerate it -- but that works great for me. If less than an hour, bananas work well for me ....
Carole -- thanks for the good luck wishes and reminding me that 7 miles is "easy" ;-)
(Great bday cake for Mattea!) (If I get whiny on Sunday, I will remind myself that Carole never whines....) Thanks for being such a good supportive role model here for novice racers like me!
Mattea -- good, good luck to you with your DH (hopefully) by your side smokin' on that 5K. I have a special chair set aside to fall over into when I read your time!
Great job increasing those PUB weights. Excellent accomplishment!
Jess-hope your grandma is doing as well as can be for the situation and that you are feeling ok about it all. Sounds like you have a very loving family!! I saw you on TV again today. Have your kids seen the info mercial yet?
Karen-- so glad your ITB is feeling better and soon that runny nose will be history and you will be burning up the road Sunday!
Judy -- never noticed the typos!!! I like MM premixes, too. Your run sounds great + abs, too, you are in good shape!
Cathy- nice feeling to squeeze in the run even though it's a busy day!
Pamela-have a great trip. It sounds wonderful. Enjoy!
Gayle -- I'm a dunce here, but what is a power tower? Glad you are feeling better about your marathon (WoW!!!) training and congrats about the full-day kindergarten. sounds like that is going to be a good thing for everyone.
Wendy -- hope your neck/shoulder is ok and the doc visit shed light.
Elaine--good luck on your race. Is it Sat or Sunday?
Marcia-- I wish I had wise words for the lead legs. I have had them and it's no fun. Are you eating and drinking enough? The books I liked (Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guide, Monique Ryan's Eating for the Endurance Athlete and Lisa Dorfman's Vegetarian Sports Nutrition Guide -- were all really helpful to me. )
Karin-- I hope you keep enjoying running fast out of that Colorado altitude. So great that you are crusing along and in those new shoes!! I have Kayanos for treadmill runs and like Shelly, love them, too, but the 2100s are my outside shoe. (Two pair of shoes is purely for my vacuuming preference -- keep the clean ones in the house, so I vacuum less!) . I read that swimmers go to colorado to train in the altitude and then come "back down" to be in better cardiovascular shape for meets.
Now I'm officially out of time, so onward to the weekend. I can't wait to hear how everyone's races go. Hi to anyone I missed (thomasina! Amy, )
We need a cheetah t-shirt committee....