Good afternoon Ladies.
I'm posting very late today as Joey is having a bad time with the 4 molars he has coming in ALL AT ONCE right now so I was up with him on and off from 3am. I never really fell back to sleep until after 6am and was up at 9:15 again. I feel like dog doo. LOL
I had either a spin class or an elliptical work out planned for this morning but that was NOT happening. I was going to try for some kind of cardio here at home but I'm just too exhausted. I can't do it so I'm gonna lay down on the couch with my running book }( and read while DS naps.
ShelleyC: I am hoping to take it outside for the first time on friday morning. DH and I are taking a trip down to Atlantic City for the holiday weekend and we are leaving early friday afternoon. Joey will be with his aunt from thursday afternoon so that leaves friday morning wide open for me to give this a shot!
I'm trying to decide if I should just run the streets or drive to the paved "trail" that runs through our town and run there. It will probably be much prettier if I do the latter and I will also not feel like I'm being "watched" by the passing cars on the road.

If I use the trail I have no way of figuring out how far I ran so I guess I'll just time how LONG I ran instead. This should be interesting.;-)
Laura: I am so happy for you and how well you did on your race! Enjoy the nice easy run today and your well deserved rest day tomorrow!
Karen: Aren't the gymstyle workouts the best!? I LOVE them! Have fun with them today! The book I am reading goes over proper nutrition for running before, during and after and they mention the drinks. There is sooo much info in this book I'm gonna have to start taking notes! LOL
Christine: Are you enjoying P90X? I have often considered buying it but I just don't see myself sticking to a rotation like that.
Carole: You and Christine are doing almost the same work out! Did you gals plan it that way!? LOL
Barb: Ooohhh swimming sounds wonderful...too bad I'm AWFUL at it! LOL My gym does not have a pool anyway so it really hardly matters, right?

Enjoy MM tomorrow! That work out is a BEAST!}(
Gayle: Glad you had fun on your camping trip! Nice run today! Hope your congestion clears up PRONTO!
Jess: Have fun at the park!
Mattea: Another gymstyler today!'s like everyone in sync with thier work outs today! lol So who in the heck in Mr. Yummypants anyway??? :9 :7
Elaine: Enjoy your work out today and best of luck on your upcoming 5k!