Rounder Glutes

One leg slide back lunge is what I have referred to as a "surgical procedure":D
It feels like a syringe insertion right in middle of the cheek;);). Do I need to be more precise than that---No I do not think so.
YES! That is what it feels like. lol. And I feel it for 4 days afterwards!
All those step ups followed by other lower body work,
Yep, I think that what does it for me with the tri-sets as well. Step ups and then wait .. there's more!! Of course, it isn't HIGH step up with I ought to be utilizing more. High Step Training looks great cause it has more upper and lower body strength!
WOW! I need to pull those out! Thanks Nathalie!! Lower body trisets & high step. Excellent idea!

:):) To change things up I do add in 100 hip thrust challenge (This helped in maintaining result gained from Rock bottom rotation),
Rolls in and out on stability ball (Very effective to build a thutt ;)), plus compound exercises.
Yes I have it but haven't done it in a while. You have made me want to do that one again. I have to use dumbbells now because I have an issue with the area on my back where the barbell sits. But when I use to use a barbell, I know what you mean by having to use your "rear muscles" for better balance. I thought Cathe was crazy when I first saw this workout, but she really knows what she's doing.

Your post just goes to show how the use of different equipement add a challenge to an exercise. I have used a weighted vest and dumbbell
but when I used my barbell I felt my glutes within seconds:eek::eek:.

As to highlighted above LOL I thought the same. I said to myself REALLY:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.
But when I loaded my barbell with moderate weight, executed the move, I smiled and I knew exactly
what muscle she was aiming to hit LOL. Yes cathe knows what she is doing.

Enjoy pyramid lower body;)
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Butts and Guts, lower body blast (I think that's what it's called) premix, done this way:
Do the warm-up, go over to the floor ankle-weight work for the glutes, then finish the rest of the premix. The floor work pre-works the glutes and kind of 'wakes them up' and tells them to work!

Lower Body Blast the dvd? I'm sorry I looked on B&G's premixes(on WM) and didn't see the premix listed there. I wanted to try your suggestion. I just got done with 3 month rotation of STS + extra day of glute work and got great results and I want to continue on improving my glutes =)
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For me, the best Cathe workout for my butt is High Step Training. All those step ups followed by other lower body work, I love this one. I try to do it at least 2 times a month. I just wish it had abs at the end.

When I do this one I change some of the step ups to lateral and curtsy to recruit the booty different and man does it give booty burn.
When I do this one I change some of the step ups to lateral and curtsy to recruit the booty different and man does it give booty burn.

Yep, same here---Any move splitting legs in various angles hit the glutes. Lunges do not get mentioned but
they work when executed correctly lunging down with knee closer to the floor.:):)

Love curtesy lunges---I can just sense another variation coming from Catheo_Oo_O
Yep, same here---Any move splitting legs in various angles hit the glutes. Lunges do not get mentioned but
they work when executed correctly lunging down with knee closer to the floor.:):)

Love curtesy lunges---I can just sense another variation coming from Catheo_Oo_O

Nat also when you do lunges lean forward 45 degree and it really recruits the glutes I started doing that on cathe workouts that have a whole lot of lunges - wow totally more glute recruitment (I read this in oxygen or some other fitness mag last year and its really makes a difference.)
I love Cathe older circuit stuff but there is a lot of repeat of exercise so just changing positions and movement pattern really modernize the workouts.

I also do heavy hip trust but more slow control heavy with a 70lb barbell 3 set 10 rep.

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