Rounder Glutes


What Cathe dvds have gotten you the best glutes. I'm trying to give my backside a little more of a lift. I have butts and guts but don't do it that often. Has anyone seen really good results, and if so please tell me about it!
Butts and Guts, lower body blast (I think that's what it's called) premix, done this way:
Do the warm-up, go over to the floor ankle-weight work for the glutes, then finish the rest of the premix. The floor work pre-works the glutes and kind of 'wakes them up' and tells them to work!
Oxygen magazine always includes a straight leg hip extension move in their glute articles. This is a move like what Cathe does in the floor work and bar work of LBB. Oxygen has said it is an absolutely essential move because it hits the glutes higher up in that shelf area. It makes sense to me that this move would be necessary to a complete glutes program because the positioning and movement is so different than in a squat or lunge. Recognizing this, I always include tons of straight leg press backs in my stepping to shape the glutes, but have made the new year committment of strapping on the anke weights and doing them 2x a week on the floor. Historically I don't do floor work for legs and glutes and my posts asking people why I should don't get too many excited responses in favor of floor work. I'm thinking that by spring should be enough time to see some results. I guess this doesn't exactly answer the question, its just a topic I have been thinking about too.
I did one of the Brazilian Butt Lift rotations slightly modified (added a few things to it) a while back and got great results!
I don't do floor work for legs and glutes and my posts asking people why I should don't get too many excited responses in favor of floor work. I'm thinking that by spring should be enough time to see some results. I guess this doesn't exactly answer the question, its just a topic I have been thinking about too.

Seriously? I love floor work. I always feel like it's a rest from the leg work... that is until I get started on it and remember that it's damned hard work. My personal opinion is that if Cathe makes the effort to put it into the workout, it's worth doing. She's the brains of this operation, right?
My personal opinion is that if Cathe makes the effort to put it into the workout, it's worth doing. She's the brains of this operation, right?[/QUOTE.]

True, true...if Cathe includes them they must be of value.... but, I tend to think of floor work as something extra and not the real muscle builder of legs and glutes. And compared to squats and lunges, not real calorie burners. Consider that S&H, LL and PLB don't include floor work. Sometimes I wonder if Cathe includes floor work for people with knee issues who do really need to rely on floor work to get the job done.

So in a world of limited time, floor work is the thing to go for me, especially since I think my legs are already my best feature and maybe don't need as much shaping as something else. But I wouldn't mind rounder glutes, so ...

I am going to make that committment to strap on the ankle weights and do the floor work and one legged bar work of LBB 2x a week. (But I have wondered what will happen when my 5lb weights don't feel heavy enough. 10lb ankle weights don't feel good on the knees. I'll figure something out.)

Also, Oxygen magazine did say in one issue that isolation exercises for the glutes will indeed burn lots of calories since the glutes are a large muscle group. So that nixes that excuse for me.

Gotta try something new to get new results right?
Actually, Oxygen magazine did do a piece on this and for a round butt, floor work is the best way to go - specifically, that lovely move Cathe calls a "pizza press" in Butts and Gutts. That one move, and its variants, isolates the glute more than any other, according to EMG tests. In a big way! If you do it right and really focus in, you can seriously feel it, too. The benefit to floor work, is you can more easily isolate the upper leg and glute muscles than you can when doing standing work, when so many of the smaller, supporting muscles come in to play. The ideal is actually a workout that includes both components. When you go to the gym, think of all of the isolation machines - lying hamstring curls, steating leg extensions, even seated leg press, all isolate and focus in more than standard weight-bearing exercises. Technically, anything you do standing is a compound exercise - squats, lunges, step-ups. The only true isolators are floor work! Enjoy!
I may be in the minority here, but I have gotten much better results with floor work than with heavy weights, or squats or lunges for glutes. I got the Tonique Mat video a few months ago, and after doing that a couple of times per week for a couple of months I saw some real results that I haven't gotten with anything else. Don't get me wrong, I love my Cathe DVD's and use her workouts almost every day, but I think for rounder glutes, there is a lot of value in simply tightening and toning muscle with body weight floor exercises, rather than building muscle with weights. Just my opinion:).
I may be in the minority here, but I have gotten much better results with floor work than with heavy weights, or squats or lunges for glutes. I got the Tonique Mat video a few months ago, and after doing that a couple of times per week for a couple of months I saw some real results that I haven't gotten with anything else. Don't get me wrong, I love my Cathe DVD's and use her workouts almost every day, but I think for rounder glutes, there is a lot of value in simply tightening and toning muscle with body weight floor exercises, rather than building muscle with weights. Just my opinion:).

Hey, thanks for this. I was curious about Tonique Mat, since I never heard of it, and found her site where I could download the mp4 of this workout. Just finished it up and wow - it hurt! She's super cute too with that Polish accent telling you to ignore the pain. I wasn't in the mood for weight work today, so this was a nice change of pace.
Actually, Oxygen magazine did do a piece on this and for a round butt, floor work is the best way to go - specifically, that lovely move Cathe calls a "pizza press" in Butts and Gutts. That one move, and its variants, isolates the glute more than any other, according to EMG tests. In a big way! If you do it right and really focus in, you can seriously feel it, too. The benefit to floor work, is you can more easily isolate the upper leg and glute muscles than you can when doing standing work, when so many of the smaller, supporting muscles come in to play. The ideal is actually a workout that includes both components. When you go to the gym, think of all of the isolation machines - lying hamstring curls, steating leg extensions, even seated leg press, all isolate and focus in more than standard weight-bearing exercises. Technically, anything you do standing is a compound exercise - squats, lunges, step-ups. The only true isolators are floor work! Enjoy!

This is great information, thank you! The new Lower Body Blast is amazing for this, and of course Butts & Guts.
I read an article years ago that said those leg lifts that you do on your hands & knees are the best thing. I do them on my elbows to avoid back strain. I also think that the ball work that Cathe does at the end of PLB accomplishes the same thing. So I try to tack on one or the other at least once a week after legs.
Out of nowhere it hits me that PLB does have floor work. Just goes to show how often I've done it. Maybe new question should be "what floor work do you like the best?"

Legs & Glutes?:)... but then I haven't done the new LBB floorwork(bonus) yet, shame on me...:eek:
I've always done floorwork in the form of supine and side series pilates work (most often with bands) as I entered the whole fitness regimen from an injured/rehab starting point. (and I still need need recovery exercises and always will as I need the smaller muscle activation)
But I just felt I ought to share that very recently what has made my butt look lifted and tighter is mixing in trisets from meso 2 STS. I downloaded one of the dvds as a 'stand alone' as I thought it was a relatively good price for a complete leg routine and I wanted to go with some trisets cause they are generally low impact and still easy on the feet like floorwork is. I didn't really get it to shape the butt in particular, but I am a bit giddy as to how has it has changed my bum in such a short time. I've never really have had a bum like this! hehe.
I think what works for some and then for others depends on many things and probably very likely what kind of shape you have to begin with. I started with a largish bum and a tendency to carry extra weight on the thighs. Trisets seems to like that I guess. :)
I find it interesting that many girls do so well with floorwork and 'tonique' type of exercise. It's really about doing what works for you I think and changing it up when your muscles no longer respond or you get bored with it. I get bored so easily.
I've always done floorwork in the form of supine and side series pilates work (most often with bands) as I entered the whole fitness regimen from an injured/rehab starting point. (and I still need need recovery exercises and always will as I need the smaller muscle activation)
But I just felt I ought to share that very recently what has made my butt look lifted and tighter is mixing in trisets from meso 2 STS. I downloaded one of the dvds as a 'stand alone' as I thought it was a relatively good price for a complete leg routine and I wanted to go with some trisets cause they are generally low impact and still easy on the feet like floorwork is. I didn't really get it to shape the butt in particular, but I am a bit giddy as to how has it has changed my bum in such a short time. I've never really have had a bum like this! hehe.
I think what works for some and then for others depends on many things and probably very likely what kind of shape you have to begin with. I started with a largish bum and a tendency to carry extra weight on the thighs. Trisets seems to like that I guess. :)
I find it interesting that many girls do so well with floorwork and 'tonique' type of exercise. It's really about doing what works for you I think and changing it up when your muscles no longer respond or you get bored with it. I get bored so easily.

Hello Giddy lady;);)
I love triset concept and meso 2 leg even more:):):). I still do other floor exercises too.
I hear you when you when you describe the change on your Lower body. All exercises from meso 2 work for me.
I always feel it big time while I execute the exercice. One leg slide back lunge is what I have referred to as a "surgical procedure":D
It feels like a syringe insertion right in middle of the cheek;);). Do I need to be more precise than that---No I do not think so.
LOL. These work wonder for me/pour moi;)

Yep Giddy lady it works for me too---I am happy with a compact fairly perky DERRIERE:):)

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For me, the best Cathe workout for my butt is High Step Training. All those step ups followed by other lower body work, I love this one. I try to do it at least 2 times a month. I just wish it had abs at the end.
For me, the best Cathe workout for my butt is High Step Training. All those step ups followed by other lower body work, I love this one. I try to do it at least 2 times a month. I just wish it had abs at the end.

Step ups are good for Glute training too.
Kim your post has made me pull out pyramid lower body for next week.

Have you tried it. It has step up with my favourite toy BARBELL.
Stepping up with the barbell is not a move everyone is eager to try. I loved doing it twice and I need to do it often.
There is a greater balance challenge on this exercise. I had no choice rather than to contract my glute to keep the
balance. It is a great smart way to work a muscle. Instinctively I had to contract the rear LOL

Have you done pyramid lower body?

Step ups are good for Glute training too.
Kim your post has made me pull out pyramid lower body for next week.

Have you tried it. It has step up with my favourite toy BARBELL.
Stepping up with the barbell is not a move everyone is eager to try. I loved doing it twice and I need to do it often.
There is a greater balance challenge on this exercise. I had no choice rather than to contract my glute to keep the
balance. It is a great smart way to work a muscle. Instinctively I had to contract the rear LOL

Have you done pyramid lower body?

Yes I have it but haven't done it in a while. You have made me want to do that one again. I have to use dumbbells now because I have an issue with the area on my back where the barbell sits. But when I use to use a barbell, I know what you mean by having to use your "rear muscles" for better balance. I thought Cathe was crazy when I first saw this workout, but she really knows what she's doing.

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