

I'm not sure what is planned for the "Rotations" page, so ignore me if this has been figured out already. :D

Maybe we could have Cathe's rotations listed, organized by type (like "Strength," "Endurance," "Fat loss/Cardio" or something), and have the option of clicking on one to automatically add it to our calendar.

We would obviously need the option of picking a starting date and editing the day's entry for substitutions and days off.

OR...if that's a huge pain in the behind...have Cathe's rotations listed and organized, but allow us to enter the rotation schedule into our calendar manually, where we could just glance at the day and see, "Okay, today is GSLegs."

Editing the calendar manually would allow us to play with our own rotations and Debbie's too. :eek:
3 day rotations

I'm not sure what you are looking for in terms of suggestions for rotations either, but here is my situation.

I am only able to work out 3 days a week, so if you could come up with rotations for 3 days that would be challenging and make the best of the time available, I would like that. I would be able to do rotations anywhere from 60-about 80 minutes in length per workout day.

I also liked the above suggestion about being able to click and add the rotations directly to the workout calendar of individuals while making it editable if so desired.

I'm new to rotations and there are some workous I don't have. Is there anyway that if the rotation calls for Imax 2 for example, can on the side they put what we can sub for imax 2? Thanks!
Ooo, offering up suggested substitutions is a great idea! I don't mind coming up with a sub myself, especially for cardio, but weight subs get a little trickier. Having "Cathe-recommended" subs would make things a lot easier.
I'm not sure what is planned for the "Rotations" page, so ignore me if this has been figured out already. :D

Maybe we could have Cathe's rotations listed, organized by type (like "Strength," "Endurance," "Fat loss/Cardio" or something), and have the option of clicking on one to automatically add it to our calendar.

We would obviously need the option of picking a starting date and editing the day's entry for substitutions and days off.

OR...if that's a huge pain in the behind...have Cathe's rotations listed and organized, but allow us to enter the rotation schedule into our calendar manually, where we could just glance at the day and see, "Okay, today is GSLegs."

Editing the calendar manually would allow us to play with our own rotations and Debbie's too. :eek:

I was just coming over to suggest this since I am going to start my first Cathe rotation in August. I think being able to have the current (or even a past) rotation entered into the calendar with the click of a button is a GREAT idea and a HUGE timesaver. Great suggestion!

What we have Planned for Rotations

I'm not sure what is planned for the "Rotations" page, so ignore me if this has been figured out already. :D

Maybe we could have Cathe's rotations listed, organized by type (like "Strength," "Endurance," "Fat loss/Cardio" or something), and have the option of clicking on one to automatically add it to our calendar.

We would obviously need the option of picking a starting date and editing the day's entry for substitutions and days off.

OR...if that's a huge pain in the behind...have Cathe's rotations listed and organized, but allow us to enter the rotation schedule into our calendar manually, where we could just glance at the day and see, "Okay, today is GSLegs."

Editing the calendar manually would allow us to play with our own rotations and Debbie's too. :eek:

Rotations are our next major feature we’re working on for our next release of the WM. With the next release you will be able to automatically load any of Cathe’s former, current or future Rotations with just a few clicks into your workout calendar. You will also be able to create or automatically load any rotation you or your fellow forum members have made. Here is how it will work:

#1 You will select a Cathe Rotation from a dropdown list ( you will be able to sort this list in various ways) or any rotation another member has created. Your list of workouts will automatically flow into a table where you can adjust the dates of the month for each workout to fit your schedule.

#2 You will also be able to substitute other Cathe DVDs or Activities for any of your workouts.

#3 Once you’re done making any changes you like you will be able to click one button and all of your workouts will automatically load into the WM calendar with the title for each DVD showing on the date you have scheduled.

We will then show statistics like how many people have downloaded a particular rotation and which rotations are the most popular. We will also show who is currently doing a rotation similar to what you see on the homepage of

Please keep the feedback coming.
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This sounds absolutely fabulous!

I am really looking forward to working with this feature. It sounds really easy to use!

Thanks for putting so much work and thought into all this for us!
I agree, this feature sounds great. I really appreciate how you guys try to make our lives simple. Thanks fo much.
Rotation Suggestion


How about the WM Rotation being able to create rotations based on the Cathe DVDs you own and the option to add on fitness equipment you may have e.g., treadmill, jump rope, etc. These rotations can be customized based on user's fitness level and/or goal e.g., endurance, muscle gain, etc.

That's an excellent suggestion!

Why didn't I come up with that idea? :)

I think that would be a really userfriendly feature!
This sounds like a great feature.


How about the WM Rotation being able to create rotations based on the Cathe DVDs you own and the option to add on fitness equipment you may have e.g., treadmill, jump rope, etc. These rotations can be customized based on user's fitness level and/or goal e.g., endurance, muscle gain, etc.


You will have the ability to select from a dropdown list any substitution you like for any workout day. The dropdown list will have every Cathe DVD as well as generic activities.

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