Rotations and soreness


Cathe , I usually do my own workout rotations. 1 week gym style, 1 week intensity, 1 week pure strength, 1 week slow and heavy, 1 week pyramids.I am always sore. I do try to keep up with you with weight, (except biceps). You are really strong. Impressive.
The question is : Is doing this why i am sore the next day? Should i stick with a series for a couple of weeks?
When i do the gym style , especially chest, it feels like i got a b--b job the next day.
Am i not letting my muscles adapt enough? I have been doing your videos since August. Before that the firm for over a year.I workout 5-6 days a week. 1 day strength 1 day cardio.
Am i just pushing too hard or is this normal?If i go lighter it feels like a waste of time.
Oh, I made it through boot camp this week without dying .It actually felt kinda easy last night. Your tapes have increased my stamina tremendously.
You are the best instructor out there. (I have about 200 exercise videos)All but yours are collecting dust.
Input appreciated.

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