

Hi Everyone! This rotation is designed for those who are looking to really see some improved definition in their arms while burning body fat and maintaining leg endurance/strength.


Mon: Gym Style Back/Biceps and Shoulders
Tues: Imax 3
Wed: GS Chest and Triceps/ any segment of coremax
Thurs: Any all step workout of your choice/any segment of coremax
Fri: Gym Style Back/Biceps and Shoulders
Sat: off and stretch
Sun: GS Chest and Triceps/Light 30 minute run


Mon: Imax 2
Tues: Slow and Heavy Triceps and Biceps
Wed: Any all step workout of your choice
Thurs: S&H Chest and Back/ 30 minute run
Fri: 30 minute run and leaner legs/12 minutes of ab hits
Sat: S&H Shoulders/ any segment of coremax
Sun: off and stretch


Mon: Gym Style Back/Biceps and Shoulders
Tues: Imax One
Wed: GS Chest and Triceps/ Abs from Muscle Endurance
Thurs: Any all step workout of your choice
Fri: Legs & Glutes/ Abs from KPC
Sat: off and stretch
Sun: CTX Upper Body


Mon: Cardio Kicks
Tues: Slow and Heavy Triceps and Biceps
Wed: KPC
Thurs: S&H Chest and Back/ 30 minute run
Fri: Body Max (eliminate the upper body weights but KEEP the ab work)
Sat: S&H Shoulders/ any segment of coremax
Sun: off and stretch


I want to do this rotation but I dont have Slow and Heavy series, what can I sub?
Trust in the LORD with all your heart.

this looks like a great rotation, but i would have to sub alot. most of the cathe's i have are off fittv. is this a rotation that cathe made up? i don't see a name on it.
Looks like a rotation from the list of Cathe's rotations: Oct '05 "Upper Body Bliss"--

As for a substitution for Slow & Heavy, I for one might use Muscle Max, but not sure what the "experts" would say.


Hi Lainie,

Thank you for the information as to where the rotation originated.
I also what to thank you for the recommendation of using Muscle Max in place of S&H for I do not have this one... yet ;)

Hi Heidi,
You're welcome. I looked it up because it looked like something I might like to do soon myself (right now I'm doing the March Intermediate rotation).


If you have the Gym Styles, you'll do fine to use those to replace slow & heavy. You could leave off the bonus buffer (typically band) exercises and just stick to heavier weights.

OR... you could use Pure Strength. They are a bit more endurance based, but they would work to shake things up.

Thank you for the information regarding the switch from S&H to MM or Pure Strength. I don't have PS either but will use the MM instead.

You could up the number of sets in Muscle Max to 2 or 3 per exercise (3 sets of each in Slow & Heavy, 2 or 3 in Gym Styles, a pre-exhaust set plus 2 sets in Pure Strength)... that would give you a workout similar to the others (particularly if you are going to do a chest/back workout... maybe tack on two sets of dumbbell or barbell chest presses (since you are only doing push-ups in MMax)... on biceps add in a set of crazy 8's... just a couple of suggestions.

Here are the exercises in the Gym Styles... (it's early, so I might miss something)

Chest & Triceps:
Push-Ups 16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2
DB Bench Press 3 sets
DB Flyes 3 sets
DB Incline Bench Press 2 sets
DB Incline Flyes 2 sets
BB Close-grip Press 2 sets

Dips 24
DB Lying Extensions 2 sets
DB Overhead Extensions 2 sets (3 up 1 down then 1 up 3 down)
Cross-body Extensions 2 sets
DB Kickbacks 1 set

Gym Style Back/Shoulders/Biceps
DB Reverse Grip Row 3 sets (sometimes I use a barbell)
One Arm BB Row 2 sets
T-Back Squeeze w/Band
BB Pullovers 2 sets
Back extensions (off bench)
Back side rotations (on the floor)

DB Overhead Press 3 sets
DB Lateral Raise 2 sets
Band Lateral Raise / Front Raise
DB Rear Flye 2 sets
Band Rear Flye

Barbell curls 3 sets
DB Curls (crazy 8's) 2 sets (back to back)
DB Concentration Curls 2 sets
DB Curl up, turn-downs 1 set
DB Hammer Curls 1 set
DB Wrist Curls 2 sets

Gym Style: Legs

BB Squats (3)
Bonus Reps
DB Front Lunges (2)
DB Rear Lunges (1)
DB Plie Squats (2)
Leg Press w/Band (2)
BB Deadlift (1)
BB Stiff-legged Deadlift (1)
DB Slow Motion Lunges (1)
Calf Raises

Tibialis Anterior Toe Pulls
Glute Squeezes on the Ball
One-Leg Roll-outs
Glute Presses
Glute Tucks w/Step & Band
Roll-ins with Ball
Inner Thigh Squeeze w/Ball
Inner Thigh Leg Lifts w/Band
Verticle Outer Thigh Press w/Band
Outer Thigh Lifts w/Band

Hope this helps!

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