Rotation using Slow & Heavy


This is what I was doing:

Monday and Wednesday: MIS, Muscle Endurance or Power Hour
Tuesday and Thursday: Taebo (45 minutes)
Friday: Step Aerobics

For Monday - I started to do either Cardio & Weights or Body Max to get another cardio time in.

I just got the Slow & Heavy series while I'm waiting for the new DVD's - I don't have all of Cathe's tapes.

I'm lifting mostly 8 & 10 pounds although some days I use 5 pounds, other's 15 pounds - 20 for french presses - you can't really tell I lift weights though and I've been doing them consistantly since October 2003 although I started with the Firm until I found Cathe (I LOVE her).

I'm looking for advice. It's hard for me to think of doing the body parts separate like the Slow & Heavy does and it's throwing me for a loop how to tie in cardio along with it. I don't like working out for more then an hour most nights - I work out after 8:00 p.m. Thanks in advance for any advice/tips/suggestions you can pass along. Rachelle
The Slow and Heavy workouts are only 1 hour each, and there are 3 workouts. Cathe recommends doing S&H only once per week, so you will need 3 days each week. That leaves you the other days of the week for your cardio.
I only use the Slow & Heavy series about once a month. I really love it, and it makes a difference for me, but it's difficult for me to maintain that level of concentration if I use them more frequently. I like to mix things up, and even when I was doing the Firm (I'm also a Firm to Cathe convert!!!), I tried not to do the same workout more than twice a month. This is what works for me, or I get way too bored! Although, I can't imagine at this point getting bored with Cathe, especially with the Body Blast series coming to me soon!!!!

Hi Rachelle-

I LOVE, LOVE the S and H series.. I have seen the most results when I am doing this rotation. I have seen much improved definition, and even some weight loss too.

The way that has worked great for me is to do only 1/2 of each tape per day. IE, Monday-Chest, Tues-Back, Wed, Legs, Thurs-Shoulders, Friday-Tris, Sat- Bis.

Then just tack on a half hour of cardio after that. That will give you an hour work out. If you have the CTX series, the cardio portions of that is great.

By doing one body part a day, I found that I could do this rotation for a longer period of time ( about 6- 8 weeks) bec. the concentration factor wasn't as intense as it would be by trying to do both body parts/ day.

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