I'll check in when I can, (maybe not quite so long next time
) your suggestions are so helpful, and often I find it clarifies my real goals.
One thing I don't do is journal my food, I know that it is very helpful to see exactly what you are eating, and compare that to your exercise ( I do log calories burned, even in stretching ) I did a weight loss program a few years ago that required logging foods, and I absolutely dreaded it, a few years after I began to change what I eat, basing my choices on healthier whole foods, and a lot more vetgetarian & vegan fare. Several things over the years that have worked well are eat three fruits, three vegetables, two starches, and two proteins, one dairy ( for me that's yogurt w/ berries & bananas ) I food combine, often, proteins with vegetables, vegetables with starches, but not proteins with starches. Fruits, by themselves, except for the yogurt
If you log it it's FFF, VVV, PP, SS I don't always have dairy, I use soy milk
Just wanted to share, I've never really been more than 20 pounds over weight, once about 30 lbs, when I became more sedentary about ten years ago, my main focus now is regaining physical health, & having a much higher level of physical fitness than I've ever had, in my entire life...for the rest of my life, it's just that important. Sometimes it seems like it's going to take the rest of my life, but I'm okay with that too
Stacy, if you search BMR Basal metabolic rates you will find how to calculate what your body burns justs doing nothing all day. From there it can get complex based on your fitness level to see how many calories you need to sustain your workouts, I use a basic calculator, adding primarily more vegetables & carbohydrates, plus vegan protein sources, for days-weeks I'm working out more, I find if you over do it on fruits, vegetables or popcorn, it's not as bad as burgers fries & ice cream ( for me it's the kind of calories you eat)
One of my February goals includes menu planning - eat healthy Soups, Salads, Sandwiches, Pasta, Fish, Casseroles, & Chicken, weekly.
Check out produceoasis.com if you would like to find nutritional info on foods,
BMR calculator
http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/bmr-formula.php + total daily caloric needs
It took me years to change my diet, still a work in progress, but I grew up with all those comfort food favorites, Meatloaf & mashed potatoes gravy, mac & cheese, cake, etc. I still like those things, I just can't eat the same way now, unless I want to end up with heart disease, hypertension, or diabetes.
Really long this time, oh well
Hang in there!
I'll be doing Basic Step, Low Impact Step, & Body Fusion next week for the Cathe "fun factor" and with an extra set of risers to see how I'm doing?! Love that funky little cowboy part in the middle of? it positively makes me giggle.