Rotation Transition from Beginner to Intermediate


NOTE: This thread is being updated each week from learnings as we progress from Beginner to Intermediate Rotation!

Good Monday Morning!

After reviewing the intermediate week 1 from Cathe's rotation, I figured that if I tried to do that - I would end up frustrated and fatigued. I started Cathe in October 2009 using the Beginner Program - up until that point, I had done Leslie Sansone Walking, elliptical, yoga, abs, etc. So - it was a jump for me. :eek:

Anyway - I would like to post my week-to-week transition rotation from beginner to intermediate so that I can get some input from all of you and maybe there are others out there who could not jump right to intermediate. A couple of points that I found about moving to intermediate "cold" was:

1. You went from 30-50 minute cardio/curcuit - to 60-78 minute. That jump in time and that jump in intensity would have been too much for me.
2. The move from week 1, 2, 3, 4 using different DVDs would be disheartening for me. It takes me awhile to "get" the program - so, I will be slowing down the transition between weeks.

Hope this helps someone out there - and, if anyone can give advice, I would appreciate it.

Monday: Body Fusion (increase weight and step height from Beg), Yoga
Tuesday: Basic Step (increase step height and give your all), Pyramid Lower Body Premix (predetermine your step height and pyramid weights), Abs from Basic, Pilates Stretch (note: a good stretch before bedtime might be good since it is first time doing pyramid - I was sore on Wednesday!)
Wednesday: Low Impact Step, Abs (your choice), Yoga
Thursday: Basic Step (increase step height and give your all), Pyramid Upper Body Premix, Total Body Stretch
Friday: Kick, Punch, Crunch (you can use a premix if needed), Stretch Max
Saturday: High Step Circuit, Yoga (Today is my day to try something new to see if I can move on within the Intermediate Program - that way, if it is too much, I have a day off tomorrow.)
Sunday: DAY OFF

Week 1 RESULTS: Weight = +1.25 Inches = -1.25"

Monday: Low Impact Circuit (Cardio Premix), Abs, Yoga
Tuesday: Low Impact Step, Pyramid Lower Body Premix, Abs from Basic, Pilates Stretch
Wednesday: Low Max PreMix Combos or elliptical, CoreMax, Yoga
Thursday: Low Impact Step, Pyramid Upper Body Premix (abs included), Total Body Stretch
Friday: Kick, Punch, Crunch (abs included), Stretch Max
Saturday: Low Impact Circuit (full program, abs included), Yoga
Sunday: DAY OFF

Week 2 RESULTS: Weight = -1.25 Inches = -2.75"

WEEK 3 Note: Not much change from Week 2; but, now doing much of what Cathe calls for in Week 1! YEA!
Monday: Body Fusion, Abs, Yoga
Tuesday: Elliptical, Treadmill, or Run (35-40m), Pyramid Lower Body, Abs from Basic, Pilates Stretch
Wednesday: LowMax, CoreMax, Yoga
Thursday: Low Impact Step, Pyramid Upper Body (abs included), Total Body Stretch
Friday: Kick, Punch, Crunch (abs included), Stretch Max
Saturday: Low Impact Circuit (abs included), Yoga
Sunday: DAY OFF

Week 3 RESULTS: Weight = -1.00 Inches = -.25" (Gains in arms/calves)

WEEK 4 Note: Not much change from Week 2/3. Want to have a full week of routines I know before inserting new DVDs from Cathe's Week 2 Intermediate.
Monday: Body Fusion, CoreMax, Yoga
Tuesday: Elliptical, Treadmill, or Run (35-40m), Pyramid Lower Body, Abs from Basic, Pilates Stretch
Wednesday: LowMax, Abs, Yoga
Thursday: Low Impact Step, Pyramid Upper Body (abs included), Total Body Stretch
Friday: Kick, Punch, Crunch (abs included), Stretch Max
Saturday: Low Impact Circuit (abs included), Yoga
Sunday: DAY OFF

Week 4 RESULTS: Weight = -1.00 Inches = -2"

WEEK 5 Note: I really hit a "muscle fatigue" plateau. I could not figure out why I was becoming clumsy, tired, etc. Found out I was over training for my body. So, this week, I am taking advice from Cathe's other rotations and advising rest, fun DVDs, and reviews of previous CATHE DVDs.

Week 5 RESULTS: Weight = -.00 Inches = -4.25" :eek:

WEEK 6 Note: Moving into Week 2 of CATHE's Intermediate Rotation.
Monday: Elliptical or Run (45m), CoreMax (20m), 10 Minute Solutions Stretch Ball (10m)
Tuesday: Cardio/Weights (abs incl) (60m), BWO+ (16m), StretchMax (20m)
Wednesday: SPLIT DAY: M: Low Impact Step (40m), Firm Abs (7m), 10 Minute Solutions Stretch Band (10m) E: Push Pull (45m), PM Yoga (20m)
Thursday: Cross-Train Kickbox (54m), BWO+ (16m), Ladybugs/1/2 Frogs/10 Minute Solutions Abs (22m), AM Yoga (20m)
Friday: Body Fusion (50m), Basic Abs (9m), Yoga Step-by-Step (35m)
Saturday: SPLIT DAY: M: TurboJam Warm-Up or Basic Step (20m), High Step Circuit (48m), Ladybugs/1/2 Frogs/Core Solutions (22m), Stretch Max (20m) E: BWO+ (16m), PM Yoga (20m)
Sunday: Yoga Step-by-Step (35m)

Week 6 RESULTS: Weight = -.00 Inches = -1.5"

WEEK 7 Note: Rotating days of cardio/strength with circuit training.
Monday: SPLIT DAY: M: Elliptical or Run (45m), CoreMax (20m) E: BWO+ (16m), Lower Body Sculpt (20m), Ladybugs/1/2 frogs (12m), Yoga Step-by-Step (20-35m)
Tuesday: Low Impact Circuit (80m), Firm Abs (7m), A.M. Stretch (20m)
Wednesday: SPLIT DAY: M:Kick, Punch, Crunch (68m), ladybugs/1/2 frogs/Basic Abs (22m), Total Body Stretch (13m) E: Pyramid Upper (57m), BWO+ (16m), Core Solutions (10m)
Thursday: Body Fusion (50m), The Firm Pilates (30m), A.M. Yoga(20m)
Friday: SPLIT DAY: M: Low Max (69m), Ladybugs/1/2 frogs/Firm Abs (22m), 10 Minute Solutions Stretch (10m) E: Pyramid Lower Body (50m), BWO+ (16m), P.M. Stretch (20m)
Saturday: TurboJam Warm-Up or Basic Step (20m), High Step Circuit (48m), 10 Minute Solutions Band for Abs (10m), Yoga Step-by-Step (35m)
Sunday: Yoga Step-by-Step (35m), Maybe a bike ride with family if weather permits

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The first thing I noticed was your Tuesday and Thursday workouts. If you havent done either of the Pyramid workouts before, I thinking just doing those alone and not both that and the cardio would be enough. I think giving it your all on the Pyramids will get you better results than doing both cardio and a Pyramid workout in the same day. Another option might be, if you really want to do the cardio then, do one of the Pyramids premixes such as the "pyramid Up" premix for both the upper and lower body workout.
Thanks Stacy :D

I have reviewed the Pyramids and was concerned about that. I had a feeling I would need to reorient myself on Tue/Thur - I will look at the premixes as well!

Thanks again for the feedback!

likewise, I didn't think I could go right into the intermediate rotation, I had a collective "wheww" at the end of the year, after the holidays, and finishing the beginner rotation.

Here's what I did:
I got Low Max & LIC for x-mas (& timesaver, still in the queue)

LM the step combo premix only + (instructional kickbox this day)
LIC total body premix + (I do a 45 minute walk on this day)
rest & stretch
LM the step combo premix only + (instructional kickbox this day)
LIC total body premix + (I do a 45 minute walk on this day)
walk 45-60 + instructional kickbox
rest & stretch

I like learning new stuff & seriously couldn't get my legs to go "that" way,
(kick) but I found I really like that (kickbox stuff) so I'd just have learn how
for me the most limiting part is still cardio, it was when I started, and still is now. I stretch in the morning & evening almost every day to improve my range of motion (another limiting factor, oh there's so many, when you're over forty, out of shape, watching knees, etc.):rolleyes:

I like your rotation & I'll probably do something similar when I go back to doing more split weight days

Let us know how it goes:D


"looking back at you" ;)

so I'd just have learn how or me the most limiting part is still cardio, it was when I started, and still is now. I stretch in the morning & evening almost every day to improve my range of motion (another limiting factor, oh there's so many, when you're over forty, out of shape, watching knees, etc.)

Now - let me ask you - does Low Max or Low Impact Circuit seem tough cardio wise - that was my worry and why I was going to slowly move into them...

What about these premixes -

I'd suggest Cathe's Cardio & Weights/Interval Max 2 dvd next. C&W is pretty easy to learn and also has premixes. IM2 while it's tougher as far as intensity goes, you can do just a few of the intervals at a time b/c the choreography is pretty easy to learn and the "blasts" can be easily modified to a lower impact version which is what I do. While I like Low Max, I find that it bothers my knees a bit b/c it has more lunge-oriented moves to compensate for the low impact of it. Low Impact Circuit is one of my favs though! Took me a few tries to learn but was easier choreography for me compared to Low Max. If learning step is a bit tricky, Kick Max is pretty easy to learn. I skip the leg blasts b/c it's too much impact but I do the low impact premix alot.

Would you replace Pyramid with Cardio& Weights? Or, do cardio and weights later?



This is my question - I think I have figured it out - is it better in the transition from Beginner to Intermediate to do more circuit programs versus actual solo "stength" days?

Does that make sense?

Hi Donna, I think you'll get alot of answers to that question, but I think you should do separate strength and cardio days. You do have a circuit day in there (I think it's Sunday with High Step Circuit). You could substitute C&W on Sundays or alternate one Sunday with C&W and another with HSC. I was really just giving you some ideas for what I considered an "intermediate" Cathe workout. A few intervals from IM2 might be good to pair up with a shorter "up" pyramid premix if you dont want to totally separate your cardio and weight days. Some people will say the next step after circuits is to go full-body weight days alternating with cardio the next day. That never really worked much for me b/c I started out full force at the beginning of the total body workout and fizzled out by the end, so for me doing more splits for weight training seemed to work better. So I think your idea of doing an upper body and lower body split is good. You could then split upper body even further for your next progression, ie. doing back/chest one day, biceps/triceps another and shoulders/legs another. There are many ways to go about doing things, as long as you continue to make progress, get enough rest days, watch your form and listen to your body everything will fall into place! Have Fun!
I know all of us are busy with our lives - so, for you to take the time out of your day to help me means alot. Thanks!

I have updated Week 1 from my workout learnings this morning (see post #1) - Stacy's recommendation for PreMix "hit the spot" - thanks! Still trying to figure out to lift my "fanny" as high as they do on the stability ball - I am sure I looked humorous :eek:

Loved the combination of a step program that I could push harder in - then, a new strength training. Felt doable and challenging - yet, not overwhelming. As weeks progress - I will probably do the entire Pyramid - we will see.
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Hey Donna

Sorry I kinda missed your post,

About the LowMax Premix, If you've done BF & are strong at it you may like it, it's about 49 minutes, it's fun, I don't go up with the step height ( not yet ) and I've not done it enough to get it, if you're comfortable with a little quicker pace, there's a spin or too I don't do, I modify, personally with the premixes I think it's a good one to go to but like I said the choreography is more challenging (that's the way I felt about Basic & BF when I first did them:))

I only do the total body sculpting with LIC, and I really like this, I go with a 15 lb bar ( it's a solid reebok one ) I use 5lb db and 3's when my arms get fatigued, thers's a great set of pushups I can't do yet, I use the stairs, or do them on my knees, ( and yes, I'll get it, funny when you realize, yep it may be days or weeks away, but I'll get) the core section is still brutal though, that, is a jump, so I modify here and work on core through the week, yep that part may take awhile:(

I haven't done the LIC cardio yet, maybe once I think, I had to go back and supplement with some other things
1. if I get injured, that wouldn't be good
2. I wear a heart rate monitor, step does get me into the zone, but i have to watch ( I never had good endurance or conditioning, so it's easy to forget and go too far I think)
3. I know I've also not ever been very flexible

If you have average to good flexibilty, good stamina for 50 minutes, and are comfortable on the step, yeah, Lowmax is doable & and seriously fun
someday I'll work up to the intervals? :rolleyes:
I'll probably get to the LIC Circuit before that though, and I think that's a good one up from BF, ( I'm just doing the total body now while I work on some other things)

I know it's long

Happy to answer any more questions,

Your post was absolute perfect timing :D! I have decided for Week 2 to take away Basic since I have found it too easy. So, between your notes and Stacy's - I should be able to come up something fun! :cool:

Thanks for taking the time to help me!

Minutes for LM premixes

Hey Donna

I had the numbers wrong on the premixes ( guess I was used to going back and doing some of the combos twice:))

for the record
45 min premix combos & blasts 1-4
44 min combos & blasts 4-7
44 all step combos
23 for all the blasts

also you would find similar steps to basic, BF & LIS
something there is working for me, and it went much better today


Thanks for the update - I will post Week 2 and possibly Week 3 on Saturday. I first have to see how Timesaver - Kick, Punch, Crunch goes as well as High Step Circuit.

Thanks again. BTW - the Pyramid Upper and Lower Premixes are quite fun - my muscles are tired at the end - but, it isn't undoable!

Loved Kick, Punch, Crunch - did a Premix this morning and could have gone longer - would recommend the total program of 68 minutes as Cathe has stated - there is an Ab routine at end - so, you are not doing full cardio for 68 minutes.

Loved it today and nice deviation from step.

Thanks Cathe!

glad to hear you liked KPC, I only have the timesaver right now, but given all the thumbs up on this one, I may have to oblige, I have plans to do the timesaver in February, (I may also need a pair of those springy shoes! for hi-lo!) I watched rhythmic step on TV the other day, wow!


LIC today TB premix:)
Hey! Just updated for Week 2. Tried High Step Circuit and thought it was a fun program! Really not an intense cardio workout; but, you end with a feeling of satisfaction that you had a good workout. Great for beginner - intermediate.

I have decided to try Low Impact Circuit as Cathe stated for this week. I may not be strong enough for the entire 68 minutes; so, we shall see. I also will continue with Pyramid Premixes (thanks Stacy! :D) and cardio. I need as much cardio as possible right now for weight loss. Thanks Linda for the LowMax times - I have inserted the combo premix as well :D!

As I see the scale drop - I will increase my strength training. My knees have to be considered :)

I hope some of you are still checking the thread - really appreciate your comments and care! It is fun to create a rotation that expands on the 4 week intermediate program that Cathe created - hope this helps someone else out there!


great to here your progress, January was a good for me, I reached my goal of 4 lb weight loss, no one was more surprised than me! I made some new goals for February, some more strength (pyramids), and something I call "plyo-lite", a video with shorter segments of increasing impact.

for two weeks:
"plyo-lite" cardio & stretch 36 minutes
pyramid lower body, the tv version
"cardio kb" & stretch 36 minutes
pyramid upper body
"plyo-lite" , cardio kb, & stretch 36 minutes
(maybe circuit or upper/lower here) haven't decided
rest & stretch

I didn't know if it was appropriate to mention the other videos here, so I don't. They are a way for me to ease into exercises that I don't know how to do, have never done, or ones that maybe too advanced for me.(knees :rolleyes:)

I'm keeping an eye on the intermediate rotation, my budget, & waistline:) another inch, gone! ( I can't wait to ride my bicycle when it warms up around here, hope I remember how...)

Have a great day:)

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