rotation question - anyone have advice?


I have been doing the following rotation:
weeks 1 & 3
1 - PUB
2- cardio
3 - PLB
4 - cardio
5 - total body weights
6 - cardio
7 - rest
weeks 2 & 4
1 - GS chest,tri's
2 - cardio
3 - GS back, shoulders bi's
4 - cardio
5 - GS Legs
6 - cardio
7 - rest
My cardio varies depending on my mood. Either a Cathe step tape, kickboxing or running on my treadmill. I also mix up the weight days and rest day to fit my schedule but this is a close picture of my rotation for the last 2 months. Can I continue with this and keep getting results? I am getting good definition and I LOVE this rotation. I have lots of DVD's to choose from and I don't get bored. I don't have the S&H or supersets DVD's... yet:) I am considering doing the June rotation but I am not sure I want to change. Any advice? thanks for your input!!!
Hi Vicky,

My advice is to keep doing what you are doing. You are meeting your goals and having fun with your rotation, so stick with it :) You'll know when it's time to change; listen to your mind & body.

Hi Vicky,
I agree totally with Jordan. That rotation includes three different styles of weight work, you've got the whole upper, whole lower, full body and a three day split. You could probably do that rotation indefinitely and still get results - - as long as you were challenging yourself with enough weight.

If you stop seeing good results or you finally get bored then it will be time to switch it up! In fact, I like that rotation so much I think I'm going to use it myself!Thanks:7


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