Rotation ideas

Does anyone have a great rotation plan they use? I currently shoot for 2-3 weight workouts and 3 aerobic workouts per week, plus as many ab extras as I can stand (usually 4 per week).

I'd love to hear about successful rotations that have worked for any of you. I have so many tapes sometimes it gets confusing and I just grab whichever ones I like best instead of trying to plan the most beneficial rotation.


Hi Thistlegal! My rotation has worked well for me. See if this fits the bill for you:

Day 1: Gym Style Chest/Triceps/1 segment of Core Max/1 from Stretch Max
Day 2: IMAX 1, 2 or 3 (your choice)
Day 3: Gym Style Back/Shoulders/Bis/1 segment Core Max
Day 4: Yoga (if you don't do yoga then do step cardio here
Day 5: Gym Style Legs & 1 segment of Core Max
Day 6: Kick Max

I usually only do cardio 2x a week but I make each of these cardios w/plyometrics to get the most bang for my buck!! LOL This way my muscles don't get eaten up w/too much cardio. I do this intense workout for 3 weeks & then go onto a recovery week consisting of Muscle Max/High Step Challenge/Low Max/Stretch Max/Core Max/yoga & then I pick it back up again w/either the Gym Styles or Slow & Heavy whichever strikes my fancy. HTH, Kathy:D
Thank you Kathy! I'm going to print this out and use it to design a similar one. I have lots of kickbox workouts and some yoga too, so I can get pretty close to this.

It's so nice to get an idea what works for someone else. Thank you!

Thank you Kathy! That is one kick-ass schedule. I'm going to compare it to the tapes/workouts I have and see if I can do some similar rotations.

I've noticed you answer a lot of posts - that's really cool that you take the time to do that! It certainly helps me when you provide such great info and suggestions.

Keep on kickin! (I love those kickbox workouts)


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