Rocky #752


Ok, has anyone seen the trailers for this new movie? Sylvester Stallone is just OLD, people!!! WAY too old to be in the boxing ring again. I'm sorry, but I'm having a bit of difficulty suspending my disbelief this time around. Not to mention he looks so puffy and bloated, ick. Do you think he is just desperate for a film hit?
I saw him on GMA yesterday.... Actually I liked what he had to say about the movie- its meaning
Its about the hole that aging can leave in many peoples hearts... not being able to do what you are most passionate about.... It deals with all the "losses" we face daily as we age.... death, jobs, family moves, independence, etc....
I only saw the first Rocky but plan to see this as I am constantly listening to these types of conversations w/ my parents who are in their 60's like Stallone. Its a very challenging time in many many peoples lives & I think it will make an interesting twist on an old favorite. BTW: Thats why he said he didnt call it Rocky # ??? It is not a typical Rocky plot. He said it was very much autobiographical.
You know, if I didn't see one of the scenes shown on GMA yesterday, I would feel the same way.

One of the lines was, "Being a winner isn't about being able to take the hits. It's about how many times you take the hits and keep coming back".

Okay, I'm a pushover for lines like that :D

P.S. The body looks pretty good but his face is pretty bloated and saggy :-(
I love the Rocky character. TNT had a mini Rocky marathon a couple of weekends ago and I watched Rocky I, II, & III again. I think my favorite scenes are of him running through Philly or on the beach with the Apollo character, and where he's doing all those variations of pushups! :eek:

I agree, his face may show his age but his body sure looks good for 60. I hope I can look half as good as that in 17 years. :)

I'm going to see it this weekend.

Kathy G
Ok I know Im dorky but I cant wait to see this movie!!! I am a huge Rocky fan and I love Sly-and you know he looks great for being 60.
I am going to see it friday and like I said I cant wait!!

When I first saw the trailor I thought the same thing. "Rocky Balboa"--how original! But then I read a review from a critic who said he had been horribly underwhelmed by all the sequels to Rocky and was expecting the same, but said "Rocky Balboa" could be the secret success of the year--that it is an enchanting and inspiring film. After that I figure I'll give it a try, just not the $8.50 movies! I'm thinking a matinee.
He is 60 years old already!?! Wow, time has gotten away from me. He looks absolutely wonderful for his age. Do you see any other men that age, that looks like that?

I have to admitt, it's harder for most people at that age to keep moving, but more power to them if they can. I think it's crucial to stay fit and trim at all ages, but especially when people get older. Face puffy? He's 60 years old for pete sakes.

I'm getting very close to being that age myself, and workouts keep me very healthy.

There is nothing wrong in getting older and still want to contribute in life. He has a powerful message to share. His experiences in life are very worthy to listen to.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I think the next installment Rocky will take on a rival nursing home tenant. It'll get down and dirty in ward 6, folks.


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
I think it has something to do with his three young daughters. Maybe he wants to show them their old dad can still pack a punch. I have to admit, I am a sucker for Rocky. ADRIEANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

My hubby and I are going to see it tonight. I think it will bring back fun memories. I'm not expecting it to be great but I do think it will be fun and it seems to have gotten pretty good reviews from the critics(not that that means anything...I often disagree with them).
Oh my gosh...I totally LOVED it!!! The 5 and 6:55 showing were sold out. We bought tickets for 7:30 and it was full. When we got out there was another crowd already lined up outside to see the next showing. I thought Sylvester did a fantastic job with this movie...stayed so true to the beloved Rocky movies. I did not expect to enjoy this movie so fun!!!
Edited to come back and say that they may have made Rocky look puffy and bloated and kind of bad due to years of boxing...he looked like a guy who had spent his life boxing. I don't know what he looks like in real life, so maybe I'm dead wrong.
"Edited to come back and say that they may have made Rocky look
puffy and bloated and kind of bad due to years of boxing..."

I don't know what he did for this movie, but I did see him on "Biography" a while back. He is just nuts with what he will do to his body for a role. Anybody remember "Copland"? He put on 30 pounds of fat to play a lazy cop. For "Rocky 3", I think it was, he trained like mad and ate chicken, fish, and green vegies to get his body fat down to 3%. He said that was tough, because of the reduced carbs....had trouble with remembering stuff and of course he didn't maintain that, but it was one of those movies where Rocky was supposed to be in his prime so he felt he had to look like that. He got really cut for one of the "Rambo" ones, too.

I haven't seen the movie yet, but on "The Contender" he looks great.

I was going to say too like Julie that on "The Contender" I couldn't believe how good he looked. His face wasn't bloated or anything. I thought he looked better than some guys in their 20's and 30's. I don't know if he looked bloated because of the movie or what but he sure didn't look like that for "The Contender".
I am a hopeless Sly Stallone fan.
I don't care how old he is.
The Washington Post gave it a good review and they hate everything so it must be pretty darn good!
I am looking forward to seeing it.
Y'all, seriously, I want to see this, too. You know I love to joke but I've seen them all & I'll probably see this one when I get a chance ;)


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy

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