Rocky #752

I agree, he looks TERRIBLE!
OMG, I love Rocky but he should have stopped at 3.
I hate what he's done with that character!!!
I don't know...I have a soft spot for the Rocky movies. Motivating dialog, music...just plain cool. The extra bonus for me is the boxing; I love boxing!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
>Edited to come back and say that they may have made Rocky look
>puffy and bloated and kind of bad due to years of boxing...he
>looked like a guy who had spent his life boxing. I don't know
>what he looks like in real life, so maybe I'm dead wrong.

I think that's just the way he looks now, since he's bloaty-in-the-face looking on the promo circuit (a year or so after filming).

The whole idea of a 60-year-old (no matter how great a shape he is iin) fighting a 20- or 30-something opponent is rather ridiculous, but that's what suspension of disbelief is for.
I for one can't wait for it. I remember the audience actually cheering and applauding the fight scene in the first film, it was truly a film for the common man.
I think this is going to be just what the movie goer needs right now, realistic appreciation of what you are at whatever stage of life you are at.
Nothing wrong with feeling good about a movie, unless you get a kick out of perpetual criticism.

I think Stallone has finally got it right and will be able to leave Rocky knowing he has done his character justice.
>I for one can't wait for it. I remember the audience
>actually cheering and applauding the fight scene in the first
>film, it was truly a film for the common man.
>I think this is going to be just what the movie goer needs
>right now, realistic appreciation of what you are at whatever
>stage of life you are at.
>Nothing wrong with feeling good about a movie, unless you get
>a kick out of perpetual criticism.
>I think Stallone has finally got it right and will be able to
>leave Rocky knowing he has done his character justice.

Well said and I agree.
>>I for one can't wait for it. I remember the audience
>>actually cheering and applauding the fight scene in the
>>film, it was truly a film for the common man.
>>I think this is going to be just what the movie goer needs
>>right now, realistic appreciation of what you are at
>>stage of life you are at.
>>Nothing wrong with feeling good about a movie, unless you
>>a kick out of perpetual criticism.
>>I think Stallone has finally got it right and will be able
>>leave Rocky knowing he has done his character justice.
>Well said and I agree.


"The whole idea of a 60-year-old (no matter how great a shape he is iin) fighting a 20- or 30-something opponent is rather ridiculous, but that's what suspension of disbelief is for."

I'm not a big Rocky fan, but am intriged by this one. I won't go see it, but I'll rent it. However, I did see an interview with him and the whole aging thing is part of the point, as is the old vs young. The premise with the computer program to see if and aging fighter would be able to beat the younger fighter is a commentary on all of these "marquis" matchups popular today. Does anyone remember George Foreman coming back a few years ago to fight some younger guy? All of this "sports entertainment." The computer program actually happened back when the original Rocky came out, it pitted Ali vs someone else (don't remember who). So, that part, oddly enough is more realistic than one would think. On the interview Sly indicated this is definitely the last one, but wanted to be able to wrap things up for the character and to end the series on a stronger movie/story than the way it had been left. He sounded much more intelligent than I thought he was.
Another Rambo, however, is a whole other story!!
Sylvester Stallone is actually more of a writer than anything else. He is extremely intellectual, some of his interviews have been so cerebral I wasn't understanding some of the words he was using. He is working on a Biopic of Edgar Allen Poe, and if that isn't a mental challenge I don't know what is. I think the public is going to appreciate a more mature Stallone from all of this. I also like the fact that he keeps his family life private now ( he won't even discuss the Bridgette Nielsen debacle), and I know at least one of his children has serious health issues.
In other words, I think the man has grown up.
>Sylvester Stallone is actually more of a writer than anything
>else. He is extremely intellectual, some of his interviews
>have been so cerebral I wasn't understanding some of the words
>he was using. He is working on a Biopic of Edgar Allen Poe,
>and if that isn't a mental challenge I don't know what is. I
>think the public is going to appreciate a more mature Stallone
>from all of this. I also like the fact that he keeps his
>family life private now ( he won't even discuss the Bridgette
>Nielsen debacle), and I know at least one of his children has
>serious health issues.
>In other words, I think the man has grown up.

Conni, he has an autistic child (grown) and a child with a heart condition, IIRC.

You're right that he's no dummy. It may be apocryphal, but I remember hearing that when he wrote Rocky, he was on the verge of total bankruptcy. He had producers interested in it, but they wanted someone else to play the lead. Even though he was broke he didn't budge, refusing to sell the script until he was hired to play the lead.


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
I can't wait to see it. I like Rocky movies and I also have liked Sylvester every time I've seen him interviewed. And, there are days I look at myself in the mirror and think Uuugh and I'm not 60 YET! Ha! Again, can't wait to see it!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
---"The whole idea of a 60-year-old (no matter how great a shape he is in) fighting a 20- or 30-something opponent is rather ridiculous, but that's what suspension of disbelief is for."---

For the most part, people go to the movies to escape reality and be entertained. A large percentage of movies(and television shows for that matter) require that one suspend "disbelief." It's a movie!

In addition, age is a theme of this movie, and there is nothing wrong with being 60, 70,80 or beyond and starring in a movie of any kind. If anything, this movie reminds us that those who are 60 or older are still functioning members of society, which serves to counteract the perpetuation of age discrimination.

There is a large, devoted fan base to the "Rocky" movies, and if people are willing to keep watching, then I see nothing wrong with "Rocky 845!" Those that think otherwise needn't go see it!
I saw this movie on friday and I cant tell you how much my husband and I enjoyed it!! He did it right for the last Rocky and we were very happy it ended the way it did. This is a very inspirational movie with no curse words its PG not PG 13 and has a very important message to it. I think everyone should see this movie. Merry Christmas!!!


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