Road Trippers...What are you embarrassed about?


I thought this might be a fun confessional type thread. Those of you going on the Road Trip, what are you embarrassed about having the other Road Trippers or Cathe see?

I'll start: My face gets cherry red when I do cardio. Always has, always will. The worst upper lip does NOT get red so I wind up looking like I have a white moustache. x(

Who else has something they're going to just have to buck up about for the Road Trip? Any jiggly triceps or wheezy breathers out there? Confess! :D

My face gets beet red too! We should make a lovely pair:p

Not in the working out area, but I have a terrible problem with people's accents. Not that I can't understand them, but that I mimic them and I do it without realizing. So please don't be offended. I'm not making fun;)
Your face gets beet red and you're embarrassed? Forget it. Mine has ALWAYS been that way, since I was 15 y/o. when I work out, that is. I refuse to be embarrasssed now!

What I will say is, first, Lunacat, I'm excited you are going, somehow I must have missed you in the sign up thingey.

Second of all, I did Imax 3 yesterday, and while some were good, some were HORRRIBBBBBLLLLLE!!!! All those plie jacks!!!! Guess I need to focus on those!

That's so sweet of you, Marla! I'm glad you're going too! I haven't been as active on the forums lately as I would like so it's not surprising I slipped under your radar! But the idea of meeting all of you great people, is sustaining me through a tough time right now.

Wait a second, wait a second....are we REALLY going to have to do (*gulp*) plie jacks!! :eek:

I might as well confess,
I stop just about every ten minutes to um....."sip water". Yeah right, take a break is more like it. I know so lame! I'll be in the back watching you guys.......
Speaking of plie jacks, I'm a bit worried that Cathe will do stuff that I can't do, or can't do all of, and people will gather round me and point and laugh and sneer. And the EVERYONE else will be able to do all the push-ups on their toes except me. And that people will snicker behind my back about my choice of workout attire.

You know, high school was so long ago, but it just lingers.
See, I thought about all this. I figure she'll tame it down a little more. She wouldn't want anyone to code, right? Not on her floor, or time.

Okay, I'm being morbid. A little lack of sleep is all....

If Cathe has us doing pikes on the ball, I'll "sip water" too. But I'll be sipping it as I run in terror from the room! You're not lame, none of us are. We're just going to have fun and no one will be judging anyone else.
We'll only snicker about your outfit if you dress like an 80's Jane Fonda lookalike!

If there are moves I can't do, I think I will spend that time striking poses like Arnold Schwartzenegger!
It's so funny I made a list of of the things I can't do, which by the way include pikes, levitation holds, more than 10 minutes of ab work with a weighted ball, and so on and so on and told hubby, and he just rolled his eyes and said, there are 110 people going, there is bound to be at least one other person who can't either. I'm just going to stop making excuses for myself to back out at the last minute. I can tell that's all I'm gearing myself up to do. I'm just going to bite the bullet and be inspired by everyone there!
Things I can't do:

levitation holds
plyo scissors (for more than a couple reps)
supine planks (ouch, my wrists hurt thinking about them)
more than 30 push-ups on ze toesies (it's a good day if I can do 30)
and many more!

So No Excuses! You will show up and have fun! You will not show up and worry that people care what you can or can't do! Wow, I didn't know I had an inner dictator! :p
Oh yeah about plie jacks,
I can only do about 12 of them at that fast of a pace with Cathe. Is it supposed to be burning your quads or the back of the leg. Cause my quads are usually on FIRE!!!!
Okay, I sweat like a pig and I usually have to change workout shirts in a long workout because I am dripping. I also like to hoot and make noise when i am tired. I also, will probably have to be in the back.:)

I can see it now: 110 women and men clamoring for the step benches in the back. Cathe will think none of us wants to be around her!

Christi- I'm not sure where you're supposed to feel the plie jacks, but my quads burn any time Cathe does plie anything!

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