Hi ladies. Well I think I'm ready for the RT. I went to target and costco this weekend and bought a few tops and some cargo pants. I couldn't resist buying a pair of brown cargo pants. I'm sure everyone will be wearing them since Cathe's that she had on her blog seemed so popular.
I just think they look so cute.
Workouts were good this weekend. I did GS Back and PowerMax on Saturday. Yesterday I did a L&G/KPC premix and this morning I walked with my neighbor. Eating was decent this weekend too. I am leaving for Florida on Thursday so I have a lot to do between now and then to get ready. Have a great day ladies.
Randi - awesome job on KPC. Yes you should be able to save a picture from your picturetrail. Or I bet if you just send Kathy S a link to it, she can get it for you from there.
Vicki - I am sorry your DH won't be able to come on the trip but at least you will have company for the drive. How long of a drive is that from where you are? I am nervous about driving from the airport to the hotel but I'm actually more nervous because I will have people in the car with me.
Melissa - Enjoy your Imax 2 and S&H!! I love your avatar by the way. Your photo is cute!
Carol - I always count house cleaning as a workout too. I get more cardio cleaning house than I do any tape!
Gin - Enjoy cat in the hat! That was always my favorite Dr. Seuss.
Michelle - Don't worry. I'll program your phone # into my cell phone and will guide you to the hotel room if I have to. I'll even come pick you up if you get lost on the way.
Hmm workout clothes, ummm... I'll drive you to the mall if you forget them??
Robin - your new photo is cute too!
Kara - total bummer about the Nike outlet!