Riser Question

ss's girl

Hi All,

Does anyone know if you can use the High Step topper with the risers from the original step (the pink risers)?

Yes, that was the idea behind the high step. Anyway, some people do complain that the High Step shift a little with the old risers... mine do too. So I got just one new black riser, and now the High Step is VERY stable (the black riser is right beneath the High Step, the pink risers stacked below the black one).
I have both the purple risers and the older pink risers. When I tried the topper with the purple risers they shifted around a bit. I than tried the older pink ones and to my surprise they fit the topper perfectly. So maybe your pink ones will fit even better than the purple ones. I was really happy the pink ones fit so well, as I have 6 from my original step (bought in the early 90's).

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