<--rise up, gather round, rock this place to the ground...

RE: <--rise up, gather round, rock this place to the gr...

<--is totally ROTFLHAO at Dr Rash and Mr Tule!!!
<--says the Niagra GTG sounds super fun!!
<--forgot that today is Whoopie's first day on The View
<--expects a full report from Steph when it's over
<--says it's been weird here today
<--has a jammed packed schedule this afternoon
<--would much rather start off busy and end slower

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<---complies with Liann's wish and sends whoevertheheckthoseguysare down into the HH
<---is sure she is showing her age with ^^^^
<---will definitely make sure the rain stays at home during Beavs' salmon cookout
<---wouldn't mind if the rain parked itself over the entire state for about two weeks
<---doesn't know who those guys are down in the HH either
<---hopes Liann has a nice time :7
<---wants Robin to come to the GTG too
<---wants all the OALers to come
<---is looking forward to that visit to the Farmer's Market,for sure!
<---thinks 34 kids is a BIG class!
<---hopes it works out well for Sophie
<---graduated in a class of 14 - no kidding
RE: <--rise up, gather round, rock this place to the gr...

<--- "BWAHAHAHA! Mr. Tool (Tule), the high school shop teacher!"
<--- thinks that's as hilarious as Dr. Rash!
<--- also went to school with a girl named Candy Barr!:p:7
<--- wonders what other funny names y'all can supply?
<--- agrees with Stephanie about Shelley buying the cool purple shoes
<--- is impressed with Stephanie's weekend project too!
<--- says "way to go girl!"
<--- is super sorry about Liann's headache & hopes she feels better soon
<--- wonders if Lorie got <---'s PM too?

<--- edited for dumbo typo
<--rushes in to thread and waves good morning to everyone
<--has not read above <--was really late getting day started
<--is afraid <--will be rushing around all day trying to get caught up
<--hopes to bbl for personals
<--tells everyone to have a great day

<--email is [email protected]
<--- sees how long this thread is and slumps in her chair with a deep sigh
<--- no can keep up with this today
<--- welcomes home the vacationing OALers and says <--- missed you a bunch
<--- sends healing and soothing vibes to all who are sick and/or in pain
<--- sends hugs for moms who sent their DK's (dear kids) back to school
<--- ^5's anyone who worked out
<--- can't think of anything else...OH! <--- agrees that Niagara is NOT spelled like Viagra ;)
<--- waves to everyone ^^^ and vvv and will BBL if time permits
RE: <--rise up, gather round, rock this place to the gr...

<---shares some pics with Robin and Shannon of the guys that are now hanging out with her in the HH:

Gerard Butler (whose Scottish - gotta luv that)

Christian Bale (he's Welsh - another lovely accent)

And them together...

<---tells Robin that Christian was in Spielberg's "Empire of the Sun" when he was just a kid - has played in tons of movies since then
<---adds that Gerard was in "Phantom of the Opera" and the recent "300", but he's been playing in movies way before that too
<---feels her headache slipping away...
<--- thanks Stephanie for the Sophie wishes, but thinks it will just mean that many more kids to pick on her, unfortunately
<--would love Sean Bean to hangout with <-- in HH
<--dreams of Sergei Bodrov, Jr. but alas he was killed in an avalanche
<--is thinking of dragging in Henry Rollins too
<--doesn't like the idea of anyone picking on Ms. Sophie
<--has been there and it isn't fun
<--wonders if teri tried her tea
<--loves the spearmint but not so hot on the "white monkey"
<--needs a reminder on when the Niagara GTG is
<--doesn't think <-- could get the time off work but would like to delivery a nuggy to Shelley in person ;-)
RE: <--rise up, gather round, rock this place to the gr...

<--- thinks yikes this thread is mighty long already! no way dumbo here can remember everything!
<--- hopes Robin feels more rested soon after broken night
<--- says hi to Beavs and nice to 'see' her back too
<--- says good to meet you to Stephanie
<--- is looking forward to DD going back to school tomorrow so <--- can get some work done!
<--- is glad to see Nancy out of the HH
<--- is mighty tempted to pop down there now as Christian Bale is in there! }(
<--- hopes Lorie got <---'s PM (<---'s very first one - aahhh!)
<--- didn't know there was a niagara GTG (you say niagara and i say viagra, 0h let's call the whole thing off ...) sounds like fun :)
<--- did low max earlier and nearly died! :-( had to take two short breaks as heart rate was way too high
<--- may bbl
RE: <--rise up, gather round, rock this place to the gr...

<--- says HI to Teri, Michele, & Ronne!
<--- also thinks the thread has grown quickly today:eek:
<--- tells Ronne it was <---'s first PM too!

<--- can't imagine anyone picking on Miss Sophie
<--- was picked on in school too, though, & doesn't have a clue how or why kids can be so cruel
<--- sends lots of understanding & (((MEGA HUGS))) Sophie's way

<--- is now thinking of spending time in the HH too!:p
<--- tells Beavs that <--- also loves Henry Rollins!
<--- has seen his music tour, as well as the spoken word tour
<--- loved both!
<--- took a photo of him & DH after the spoken word show but it turned out a little blurry:(
<--- wonders if Beavs knows anything about the West Memphis 3?
RE: <--rise up, gather round, rock this place to the gr...

<--tells everyone to clear out of the HH :+
<--missed that Sophie is being picked on
<--will open up a can of you know what on that someone!!
<--just went to check on <--shoes that just ordered yesterday and it says they are delivered :eek:
<--thinks that's amazing!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


RE: <--rise up, gather round, rock this place to the gr...

<---is relieved to know <--- spelled Niagara correctly - whew
<---takes a peek down into the HH to examine the hunks down there
<---waves wildly to Cuz and hopes she's doing okay
<---thinks that maybe more kids in Sophie's class means more kids to take up for her when The Brat tries to pick on her
<---looks at the clock - YIKES - it's lunchtime!!!
<---will bbl
RE: <--rise up, gather round, rock this place to the gr...

<--Rushes back in quickly after watching The View. Yey Whoopi! She is going to be a good co-host.
<--wipes up drool from computer keyboard after looking at pictures in thread. Yowsa!
<--Says hi to Ronne and others whom I've yet to meet!
<--Glad PM got to Lorie and didn't get lost in outer space.
<--extremely low-tech
<--thinks if Sophie is anything like her mom, she will have no problem making friends!
<--Kind of likes spelling Niagra like Viagra. hee hee
<--Visited Niagra Falls this past summer for the very first time and LOVED it. Must have been the ions.
<--Must go shopping with my little sidekick.
<--wishes you all a wonderful day!
RE: <--rise up, gather round, rock this place to the gr...

<--waves at everyone
<--took FOREVER to read and catch up on youse!!!
<--is thinking of crashing the HH party!!!:+
<--sends Sophiepants some belated {{{{{{first day of fifth grade}}}}}}}
<--can't believe that Schmoopy is old enough for school!!
<--thinks that salmon at Beav's sounds heavenly!
<--tells Lorie that <-- is the 22 Aug birthday
<--'s email is [email protected] as well
<--is also in the Save the Sopie mob!!!
<--knows that Robin couldn't ever be a SBE
<--also remembers Pokey Little Puppy
<--'s younger brother's favorite book was "Let's Go Trucks!"
<--could recite that at one time, too!
<--'s littlest cat is bored, thus pestering <--!!!
<--is glad that everyone had a decent/good vacation.....<--worked!x(
<--well, most the weekend, anyway
<--loved Niagara!!!
<--has been twice....both in college!

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