Ripped With HiiT project Update - 10-29-14


Staff member

Just want to give everyone a Ripped With HiiT project update tonight. We finished editing all of the videos on Monday. We're now working hard on the final phase of this project - DVD authoring.

Several teams are currently working on transforming the videos into DVDs. This includes setting the audio levels, creating all of the DVD menus and premixes and encoding the videos to the correct DVD format. This is a very detailed and tedious part of the production process, but things seem to moving extremely quickly.

We plan on starting to share premix information with you either tomorrow or at the latest on Friday. So keep checking back for more updates.
Yabba Dabba Doo!!! Love the updates. Starting to get a little obsessed with checking the forum.
The updates have been great and so much fun to see all of the pictures.

Thanks for all the hard work. And a big thanks to Chris and the other behind the scenes unsung heroes helping to get the job done.
What a team!

Thanks for keeping us informed cathe. A big thank to you and your team working hard to bring and set the standard on the market.

Can't wait to get the premixes listed. As if that wasn't enough we will get to customise our own premixes on the blender.

That is the difference shopping cathe ;-)

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