Ripped with HiiT - Bonus Abs


Staff member

There are two bonus ab workouts with Ripped With Hiit Series. While this series already involves a huge amount of core work through all of the explosive training and metabolic conditioning, I’ve included two additional bonus workouts to put specific focus on the core. Each challenging workout is about 10 minutes in length. One includes a handweight while the other uses your own body weight to get the job done. You will see some new moves mixed in with some classic moves to challenge your core from a variety of angles (Ie: standing, seated, lying down, leaning back and prone/face down)
From this description it seems like there are still some traditional core exercises in the workout, which is great if you like them, but I really don't.

I would love to see a pre-mix with just the non-traditional core work; in other words, no situps or crunches. It would also be really helpful if there were chapters within the abs sections. In most workouts I have to fast-forward through all the traditional exercises to get to the ones I want.

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