Right Arm Weakness


It is not news to me that my left arm is stronger than my right. Probably because of carrying around a 2 year old in my left. What did suprise me yesterday is how much stronger my left is. While doing week 1 of STS Hypertrophy Biceps and Back, I was cruising along just fine lifting 30 pounds on the barbell curls, then I knew I needed to drop for the one arm curls and went to 12 and was fine, even did the bonus. When we got to the preacher curls I couldn't budge the 12's and went to 10. Couldn't budge the 10 on my right arm, left was fine. I had to drop to 8 pounds and could only get to 6 reps on my right arm. My left arm felt like it didn't get a workout at all.

My question: is this okay and should I just keep training light on my right until my left arm catches up or is there something else I should do? I've noticed a big difference in my triceps as well.

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Hey...I had a similar muscle imbalance only on my left side weaker. Went to a fitness seminar yrs. ago. Juan Carlos Santan gave this exact ex. with biceps. He said absolutely stay with the weight the weaker side can handle until the stronger side catches up. Also, as difficult as it may be, force yourself to hold your kids, bags etc. with the weaker side. If you carry your purse, child and anything else on the strong side, just switch. It will feel awkward at first but it works wonders. When doing your barbell weighted exercises... contract the weaker side and make sure it is not just "following" the lead of the left side. It takes practice but it makes a difference. Make sure to do core and leg work this way too. you would be surprised how the lower body and core also affects the upper body. Good luck!

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