Good for you, Penny!

Hopefully I can go into XTrain a little stronger than last time too.
I am in week 3 of Meso 3. By next week I will see if I was able to gain some strength. I will let you know! But, so far so good.
Thanks for thinking of me, Penny, and giving me the heads up. I will be cautious for sure and just do my own thing.
I am glad you mentioned how individual weight load is. I too have noticed this. Yesterday I did Disk 31 and Cathe used less than I did for deadlifts (what's with that?) and yet used what looked like 95 lbs for flat bench chest press when I can only go to 82 lbs at the moment. 95 would be tough/nerve-wracking for me without a spotter, especially for reracking the weight. I have noticed Cathe can sometimes go really heavy for chest flys and also quite heavy for some tricep moves - much heavier than I. Yet keeping up with her or exceeding her is possible on other moves. In STS squat rack legs Cathe doesn't look like she is using really heavy weights for squats and lunges, although I don't know the weight of her vest. Seems like you went much heavier than she did on those moves, Penny.