Rhythemic step and all those side squat.. pedulem.. things.. wow!


Okay, my legs and buns are on fire. LOL That is a good thing I guess..lol I was wondering for those that do this workout do you consider that lower body work too? I was going to do some lower body stuff today, but after that workout.. I figured man all those squats and lunges must have been something for my lower body. What do you all do? I was thinking of maybe doing a few sets of leg press, but def. no squats or lunges.. :)
I LOVE that move (or is it "those moves"?;-) ).
Like Low Max, I think that Rhythmic Step could be considered somewhat of a lower body workout, but not enough that you necessarily need to avoid a weight workout the following day. It all depends on you. I did a Low Max/GSL back-to-backer (LM on one day, and GSL the next day), and it was a lower body blast, but doable. Just be prepared for the extra DOMS on the third day!

One exercise theory that actually has you work the lower body almost daily (with no weights or light weights, though) is called "Freestyle training," and it's meant to build strength and tone the lower body without adding bulk (Beachbody's "Slim Series" follows a similar approach). If your lower body is an area that you don't want to really get bigger, then following this theory, doing RS and a leg workout on the following day could be a good thing.
Like Kathryn, I have no qualms about doing either LM or RS and GS legs or LL the following day. I would not do these cardio routines and GSL or LL on the same day however. I want to be able to walk afterwards.

After RS I usually just do some ab work or call it a day and shower.

Thanks for the replies ladies.. tha tmakes total sense to do a lower body workout the next day, but not the same day.. I think I can do that and maybe just walk for cardio on the day I do my lower body workout. Great suggestion.. I knew you all would have some good advice!! :) I really love RS!! I love it love it love it! I squeeze my buns w/ each squat.. pendulem.. thingy..lol I am hoping after a few more weeks of consistancy w/ the cahte workouts I will see some major improvements.. I already see them in the arms.. I just am so hooked..lol
You know, this is a little off-topic, but I have to say that while lunges and squats can be killers on my legs, they sure give me good results. Reverse lunges on the floor, and reverse lunges off the step with a front kick on the way up, are my favorites! I really feel those in the glutes! Good stuff! I don't look forward to doing squats and lunges, but when they're done I am so glad I did them!
Oh Kathy.. that stinks! You will love it! Have you checked ebay? I got mine for just over $10 (vhs) including shipping a few weeks ago. I think right now it's my favorite one I have. :)

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