I think we have some HR professionals on this site, if you don't mind offering a little advice I would really appreciate it.
I am helping a friend's daughter who has just graduated with a BS in nutrition. She is applying for an intership and must submit a resume along with her application.
I was HR director of a bank about 12 years ago and I'm not sure if the rules have changed. I always felt that entry level resumes should only be one page in length. Does that still hold? I am having a difficult time condensing her experience on to one page. She actually is holding down 3 part time jobs all of which offer very relevant experience. She also volunteers and has several professional affiliations. One page really crams it, are two pages too much?
Thanks in advance,
Debbie Russo
I think we have some HR professionals on this site, if you don't mind offering a little advice I would really appreciate it.
I am helping a friend's daughter who has just graduated with a BS in nutrition. She is applying for an intership and must submit a resume along with her application.
I was HR director of a bank about 12 years ago and I'm not sure if the rules have changed. I always felt that entry level resumes should only be one page in length. Does that still hold? I am having a difficult time condensing her experience on to one page. She actually is holding down 3 part time jobs all of which offer very relevant experience. She also volunteers and has several professional affiliations. One page really crams it, are two pages too much?
Thanks in advance,
Debbie Russo