Results w/ Cathe vs. the Firm


Hi Everyone -

I just purchased my first Cathe videos and I'm still waiting to get them in the mail. I have been Firming for 2 years and stopped seeing results the past few months, even using the older firms and Fitprime along with running. I finally got around to buying Cathe videos (I have way too many videos and didn't want to buy yet more videos I wouldn't use).

Well, I was curious to see someone's results with Cathe vs. the Firm. I am at my goal weight, but I am looking for much more muscle definition. Should I continue to use the Firm videos along with Cathe, or just use Cathe for a while to see the difference? I have so many videos and I just feel guilty not using them all, even though some or now easy for me...

Hi Diane,

My advice would be to use just Cathe and see what changes occur. I bet you won't believe it! Cathe is so intense and the enthusiasm is unbelievable.

Which vids did you purchase?

Good luck, let us know how you like your vids.

Cheers, Marcia :)
I purchased some of the videos in the new series (Push and Pull, Superset and Legs & Glutes) and also Muscle Endurance and Bootcamp from the Intensity Series. I tried to choose videos where a full length step is not necessary b/c I only have the Fanny Lifter.

I used the Firm for a year before switching to Cathe and although I liked the Firm, I also stopped seeing results. Cathe has definitely increased my endurance and strength and I developed muscles I never knew I had! But, at the same time I also developed a lot more soreness and stiffness (and a couple of injuries!) because I wasn't modifiying Cathe's impact. Of course, I'm pushing 40 so that could have something to do with it too;) ! Anyway, stick with Cathe for a while and I'm sure you'll see great results. Plus, her workouts are so fun!
I agree with the others that you should just try Cathe for a while. I think you'll see great results. For a while I did the Firm exclusively, and was doing their 90 day rotation calendar that they used to send with multiple video orders. Now, I workout with Cathe exclusively for strength, and Cathe and Christi Taylor for cardio. When I was doing the Firm, I was working out more in terms of hours per week, but I'm in much better shape now, both from a cardiovascular standpoint and in terms of strength, than I was with the Firm. I think I've been much more motivated to push myself to new levels of fitness with Cathe, and feel that I can go even further with her. Good luck! I know that you'll be happy with your purchases, and will be back for more soon!

I recently switched to Cathe after working out steadily with the Firm. I credit the Firm with getting me off my behind and becoming a regular exerciser. However, when I switched to Cathe, my Firms just gathered dust. My muscle definition increased quickly and my cardio capacity skyrocketed. I never felt that the Firm cardio workouts really pushed me too much.

If you feel guilty about not using your current vids, wait a while and see which ones you truly use and want to keep. Then do what I did, sell 'em all on Ebay to fund more Cathe purchases - and don't look back! LOL!

Best of luck!
You will definitely notice a change! I exclusively used Firm tapes for 3 years or so. I remained thin but I should have looked better for all the time I spent exercising. I was tipped on to Cathe and I saw results nearly immediately. I started out with Step Fit and Strong Legs and Abs...using only my tiny step. When I noticed the toning in my legs I didn't bother with the Firm any longer. I bought a lot of Cathe tapes and a full size step. There is nothing that compares to Cathe. If you mean business and want a fit body, don't waste any more of your time on other tapes! You'll become addicted to Cathe and will want to buy the full size step. It really makes a big difference! Good luck!!
Diane I had used the Firm since I first found Volume I with Susan Harris, in 1989, and never thought I'd use anything else. When Anna Benson sold the company, I bought the first set of the "new" Firm, and was VERY disappointed. I gave them away the next week. Then I eagerly began buying her FitPrime tapes, only to find sloppy editing and strange workouts which left me feeling like I had not worked out at all. I also didn't think a lot of the moves were shown with proper - or safe - form. The editing alone was enough to prevent me from wanting to keep buying them. Sacrificing quality for quantity, just to prove something or get them out there, is not the mark of a professional. When she was asked about it on the forum, her responses were defensive and downright snotty. I was WAY turned off. I too stopped seeing results with the workouts, and was BORED. I almost fell back into old habits and stopped working out!! I was three months on Weight Watchers at that point, and knew I needed to find a workout challenge - and quickly!! On the FitPrime forum, they were talking a lot about Cathe, and one day I went to Collage Video (not even realizing this site existed!!) and ordered Circuit Max and MIS. I have never looked back!! I've also given away all the FitPrime tapes I bought, and quite a few of my old Firm ones! I credit Cathe's tapes with being size 6 once again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am hooked for life!!

Thanks for you input everyone. I am going to rotate the 5 videos I bought with running for cardio to start. I don't really have enough videos yet to do any of the posted rotations, so I will have to just make up my own for now. I have never done step workouts and I'm not sure if Cathe is a good place to start. I am choreographically challenged, so I might just stick to running (unless someone convinces me that Cathe's step videos have made the difference for them). I really need to start selling some of my older videos b/c they are just gathering dust or when I get around to doing one, I feel like I am wasting my precious time (I am in law school and usually don't have much to spare).

I think the Firm has made me thin and I have slight defintion, but I want to look "fit" not thin. I also don't think the Firm provides enough cardio so I run along with the videos. I think I also need workouts with heavier weights to get any definition - I am always scared to up the weight because I don't want to bulk up, but after reading some of the postings on this site, I saw that lots of people get smaller when uping the weight. I am going to go buy a barbell and heavier dumbells and hopefully that will make the difference.

Thanks a bunch for everyone's advice. I really have enjoyed this board so far, even more than some of the other boards I have looked at. I think it is so great that Cathe actually listens and responds to her customers. Are there some kind of groups that check in with each other or something? I usually just watch other people's postings, but I might stop lurking on this site!
Hi Diane,

I spent a lot of money on Firm DVD's and videos. After trying them once, they all went on Ebay. HATED them. One of the DVD's was a compilation of old footage and there was a lot of jumping from one exercise to the next with hardly any form pointers. They simply did not suit me one bit.

My first Cathe DVD's were Cardio Hits and the PS Series. I was immediately hooked to her workouts. My goal is strength and it took me a few months to see results. I had to work on my form first before attempting to increase my weights. Now the weights I use are about three times heavier than when I started. And I'm only getting stronger, that I'm sure of.

Definition is a different story. I gauge my results on how much weight I can lift because I find it impossible to be objective about my own body. But lately, the moms in my son's school have been complementing me on how I look. My husband keeps poking my deltoids and calves, saying that he can't believe how hard and defined they are. My friends say I don't need to do any more aerobics because they can see a six-pack where I can only see a glimmer of it. So I may have results there too, after five full months on mostly Cathe.

I would suggest that you try to use only Cathe for a month and see how it goes. I tried the same and never looked back. Since you have a lot of videos, it would be easy for you to make your own rotations. Good luck.:)

Just a note about Cathe's step tapes. I was chore challenged myself until I started doing her step routines. I began with her earlier workouts like Get in Shape for your Wedding, Step Heat, Step Max, Step Fit. She breaks the routines down and most of her basic moves can be found on these tapes. Before doing Cathe I hated aerobics in general because I had two left feet. But, as I mentioned before Cathe's workouts are a lot of fun and I found myself doing them everyday. I rarely do her older tapes now because the routines and music are so much better in her newer tapes--from CTX on. I used to run a lot but now I prefer stepping. And I feel that MIC, and the IMAX's are the equivalent of running a 10K!
Diane, I have never worked as hard at cardio as I do with Cathe's tapes! I know exactly what you mean about the Firm tapes. The cardio doesn't even compare. If you really don't want to do step, try Cardio Kicks or Boot Camp! Cardio! Cardio! Cardio! You will be amazed at the increase in your aerobic endurance!! As for step, no one I know is more choreographically (is that a word??? LOL!!) challenged than me, and I have finally figured it out! Her step workouts are a blast!! I love them!!

Personally, I get the best results from FIRM for lower body (somehow, the speed or the sequence of their leg presses and hover squats and whatever hits me right in the ham/glute tie-in better than any Cathe exercise I've done. Maybe part of it is that I use dumbbells, and a bit lighter weight so I squeeze the muscle more than working on hefting the weight?), Cathe for upper body (especially PUB or the chest/back from Slow and HEavy), and a mix of cardio from different instructors.
I am a recent Cathe convert. I absolutely love Boot Camp, PUB and PLB. I don't own a barbell, so the heaviest weight I am using now is a pair of 12 pound dumbbells. I think when I can up the weight I will see a huge difference with Cathe. IMAX2 is really hard for me because I am so choreography-challenged. But Cardio and Weights is easy now that I have done it a few times.

The Firm Standing Legs is still the hardest leg workout I have ever done, but I am not so sure it is very safe for your joints. My knees hurt like crazy after I do it.

All in all, I think Cathe is the way to go if you are looking for a safe, well-structured workout. I wish she would do some shorter (30-45 minute) workouts for days when I simply can't squeeze in a whole hour. Her ab routines are second to none though.
Hi Diane,

If muscle definition is your primary goal at this point, I think you'll be very pleased with Cathe's strength training. I worked out with the Firm for several years and never saw much improvement, if any. Then I discovered Cathe. I started with the Pure Strength series a couple of years ago and now I do Cathe's stuff exclusively for strength. The Slow and Heavy series is great, too, for quick muscle improvement!

That is interesting that your results with the Firm were so different than mine! I have slight definition in my arms but the "ham/glute tie-in" is where I need the most work! Hopefully Cathe's lower body workouts will work better for me - if not, it might just be something I will live with x(

Any specific videos someone would suggest that made a difference with the "ham/glute tie-in"???

- Diane
I wish she would do some
>shorter (30-45 minute) workouts for days when I simply can't
>squeeze in a whole hour.

Are you getting the new BB series on DVD? Looks like there are several shorter workouts included in the numerous premixes.
I used the Firm exclusively for several years and stopped seeing results as well. My first Cathe tapes were the PS series, which I purchased about three years ago, and I was absolutely amazed at the results. My upper body finally had clearly defined muscles, and just wait until you see your shoulder muscles just pop out! I always had a very hard time with the Firm and any shoulder exercises and now it is one of my very favorite parts to work!

I now have just about every workout Cathe has put out (all the new stuff and most of the older ones) and have never been disappointed with anything that she has done! You'll be very happy with your purchases!

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