Rest Week: Looking for Sympathy


So at last I have given in before I get a fever and have to go to bed for 3 days, and taken a rest week as of yesterday. So can I vent? My muscles ache even more, I am T-I-R-E-D and I eat everything not nailed down. I have been working out very hard the last few weeks, my version of "fitness freak heavy weight rotation" for last 5 weeks (girlfriend, how DO you do it for weeks on end???). Plus serious cardio. So bear with me all, send me support, convince me that I will not balloon to 500 lbs by Friday.

I am just so beat, even walking upstairs to go to bed shoots my heart rate up.

Now excuse me, the buzzer on my cheescake just went off..... OK that was a joke!

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You will NOT balloon to 500 pounds by Friday. It does sound to me like you are just worn out, and your body will benefit from the break in the long run. However, I do sympathize with you - if I miss even one scheduled workout in a week I'm an absolute mental / emotional wreck. Logey, sluggish, my appetite weirds out, depressed . . . the whole nine yards. I hate to admit it but my subsequent workout after a break is usually red-letter, because I've gotten a bit more rest. But I absolutely hate it.

Hang in there, kiddo, and just be proud of yourself that it's much harder for you to rest than to work, rather than the great mass (pun intended) of your fellow citizens. You're in a very tiny elite minority!

ITA w/ Aqua Jock!!

And, get ready for when you get back at it.. you WILL lift heavier, feel more focused, and have much more endurance during your cardio.

Also, I find that the first few days of a rest week are the toughest.. kind of like a "withdrawal period". Then, it gets a bit easier to deal. And on the bright side, think about that extra time you have in your day now this something you wouldn't normally have time for in that you would normally exercise. That will help too.

Hang in there! Lynn M.
You're doing a good thing for yourself. Consider it part of your whole workout plan. You'll probably come back even stronger.
Rest weeks are sooo beneficial, so hang in there. My only advise is to make sure you stretch even though you are resting. That will make you feel good!
Thanks everyone. I sit here on Day Three, and you know I feel pretty good. Got out in the fresh air which helped. And I slept last eve 9 1/2 hours, which has not happened in about a year. Staying positive! I will report back when i return to let you all know how I feel.


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