Replacement dvd?


What is everyone going to do whose dvds play fine on one of their players, but freezes on another player. Are you going to get replacements?
Since my DVDs skip, I will get replacements when the problem is fixed and they become available.

Susan L.G.
If it freezes on one, but not the other the problem is probably the DVD player and not the DVD. I had that problem with KPC and just got a new DVD player for $50.00. It worked out fine. I just moved the other one downstairs. It's nice to have 2 of them.
>If it freezes on one, but not the other the problem is
>probably the DVD player and not the DVD.

Not with this batch of workouts, it seems, as a problem was identifies with the discs. Some players may be able to handle the "glitches" better than others, but even SNM has said that this is a disc problem, not a player problem.
>Yikes! How on earth are they gonna fix that? Buy everyone a
>DVD player that works?

They have to fix the problem on the DVD's, rerun the DVD batches, and replace all the DVD's.
Some players may be able to handle
>the "glitches" better than others, >

Yes, this is what I am concerned about. Sure one of my players works on these dvds right now, but eventually I will have to replace that player. How will I know if my next player will have a problem playing them, and if it does by then it would be too late to return the dvds.
>I asked this question because I am thinking about buying a
>5-disc changer later. SNM said that the DVD's have a
>lifetime guarantee and if I have problems in the future, they
>would replace them. Right now I have no freezing problems.
>Here's the link....

Thank you for posting that. I must have missed that thread. I wonder if that applies to dvds purchased through CK Sales. I better email CK Sales and find out what the policy is regarding this issue.
>I ordered throuch Ck Sales too. Would you mind posting their
>response? Thanks a bunch.

I sure will Sherry :)
I got an email back from CK Sales and this is what they said:

As long as Cathe office backing the life time warranty, we will offer it.

CK Sales

I don't know if that would include shipping, or how this would work. I am starting to think I am just going to get them replaced once the problem is solved. It just seems like it will be the easiest solution.
LIC seems to have totally bamboozled one of dvd players.
It was fine 'til I previewed LIC and now it won't play anything.
I have tried to see if I could reset it to the default, but not having any luck.
Thank goodness it wasn't expensive!!!!

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