Remember those Cher exercise videos?


:D Did any of you used to do the Cher exercise videos? I used to have the Cher step tape and "Body Confidence". Back when these came out I thought they were pretty good, until I found Cathe shortly after! The Cher videos became very basic and boring after doing Cathe's challenging step choreography. I do like Kelli Roberts, the instructor of the Cher videos, and never felt she got the credit she deserved. Cher received all the credit even though she didn't know a thing about exercise and Kelli was teaching the class! I thought Kelli looked so cool in the Cher videos with the black biker outfit look!
LOL, yes, I remember these! I used to love those workouts. The outfits were classic Cher and the workouts were actually pretty good, not Cathe quality, but good nonetheless. I used to have fun doing them. I'm just a big Cher fan anyway :).

Both of Cher's fitness videos were the first i ever did and i loved them. Keli is a great instructor and looks fantastic in the step video. I love them both. I think i still have them to be honest! lol ... not Cathe i know, but still...pretty damn good if you ask me.
Ha, ha! Yes, I totally remember those, I thought the step video was was the best, of course it was one of my first, though. Then I got the Keli Roberts Ultimate Step tape and never went back.
By the way, what made you think of those old videos?

:D I was just reminiscing about my exercise journey, who I started with, what I liked. I did like the Cher videos. I thought they were the best for quite a while. I always liked Cher and back then my goal was to be skinny like Cher (not fit), so I gave her videos a whirl! I actually started out doing those album record exercises with Joannie Greggins. I also had: Jane Fonda, Heather Locklear video (did any of you have that one)? I used to do Gilad, Bodyshaping and Charlene Prickett (can't believe she is still around). I found Cathe and Kari Anderson at the same time (around 1991-92) and they were the ULTIMATE! I liked Kari's advanced dance choreography and Cathe's ab work, creative choreography for step, weight work and the way she makes me SWEAT!
Cher was my first video... I liked the step tape... not so much the one with the dance workout (although I did like the Dyna Band work).
That's too funny. I have that video but haven't seen it for years. The first time I tried to do one of her videos that came with some bands, I snapped the band in half and that was that.

I had no idea that Kelly Roberts was in those videos. I'll have to go back and look now.

One of the earliest one's I remember was doing Jane Fonda. And Callenetics.

Wow, we've come a long way haven't we?
Hi Lisa! You must be the only other person I know that remembers Joannie Greggins!!!!! Ha! I too used to do her workouts w/an album in my living room at 6 a.m. before I headed into work. What a hoot you gave me today remembering! Kathy:7
I remember Joannie Greggains! My mom used to workout with her and Richard Simmons every day. She lost 80 lbs. that way w/o really dieting. Come to think of it, my mom's the one who got me started with video/tv exercise! She always worked out at home, in front of the tv, like I do now. We have certainly come a long way.

Oh yes I remember Jayne Fonda workouts and her leg warmers!

How many of you remember exercising with Jack LaLane? I remember working out with him almost every day when I was an adolescent.

Actually it was 1961 or 1962 cause I was only about 9 years old.

Mar - My God I could be your mother!!!

Oh I don't know about that! I am 38 so you would have had to been 12 or 13 YIKES! Jack LaLane must have ran for a long time because I do remember my mother doing his exercises in the 70's, unless they were reruns!
YEs, I had the Body Confidence one. I enjoyed it at the time. I started with records of Joannie Greggans and Cathe Smith. I also used to do Jack Llalanne when I was 12, and some other television exercise shows. I thought the Cher one was fun. I enjoyed the music which really helps keep me motivated.
Diane Sue
Hello Intensitylisa,

Cher was my first video too. I loved it!! I still do it once in a great while because I love the music and Cher!!!
I can't believe out of all the vids I have, that I don't have Cher's! I have always been a fan of her and we even got to see her in concert when we were in Vegas this past September. (AndreaL from here and her hubby got to go with us!!! Hi Andi!!) The show was awesome. You can imagine all the outfits and hairdos I am SURE! FUN NIGHT! I just might have to keep my eyes open for one of her old exercise tapes.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Body Confidence was the very first video I ever exercised to. I was 16 and had checked it out from the library. It was so fun to me! When I was about 20 I had fond memories and traded for it and the step video. By then of course I didn't do them as much and I have since traded them both.

I think they were good fun workouts though:)

Debbie-I wish I would have kept them! You could have had them for your collection!

Hi Andi! Thanks! I don't know why I have never looked them up. I know in the past it seems every time I get an exercise vid done by a celebrity, it is soooo bad! Nice to "see" you here!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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