Reluctantly… Recumbent or Upright?? I want my Cardio.....


Okay, (sigh) I have been dealing with a recurring plantar fasciitis situation. My cardio is suffering miserably. I’m doing everything for my condition that is possible at this point i.e. ice, weeks rest, stretching, orthodics, Birkenstocks, never going barefoot etc. I really am not sooo miserable, I mean for cortisone shots (crossing fingers here) and have been able to keep it at bay mostly. Although every time I get better and try to start back any cardio, running, step, kick box, or bosu here it comes again. So now I’m looking at bikes. Here is my long winded question which type do any of you guys prefer upright or recumbent? I have put a little weight back on, which of course doesn’t help my foot, so I need to get cardio back in. I lift heavy 6 to 7 days a week usually heavier than Cathe but it isn’t enough to fight my perimenoupause situation and lack of cardio. I’m cleaning up my diet even more but I’m not to bad with that, as I really have learned to eat healthily. Heck I use to wear a size 24 and now my 6’s feel better when they are 8’s. Any way’s HELP!!!! Begging here on bended knee’s and sore foot. What suggestions on bikes do ya’ll have for me? Or any other helpful advise would soooo (California girl speak here) be welcomed.

Thanks in advance…
Yours truly desperately seeking Cardio,
I had a similar situation with plantar fascitis. Getting a bike was a great option. Watching Cathe workouts while riding was very helpful.
A semi-recumbent bike made by Diamond Back it was we bought. It has a heart rate monitor (the strap is worn around the chest.) The model, 1100R is from 1999 and is going strong. It has gotten much use at our home. At first it was my exclusive cardio (probably for at least 6 weeks) Now I work it in for varitey. Believe me, I can do very tough interval workouts with it and my foot is fine. In fact I've even done it while watching IMAX2 and varried my speed and cadence to go with the intervals. TOUGH, TOUGH, TOUGH!

Your foot will get better if you rest it and do your stretches daily (or several times daily). At this point, I am back to full strength cardio, even running! Does your Doctor recommend orthotics? They were part of my recovery and I still wear them to exercise.

I wish you the best in your recovery phase and beyond.:)

Sorry -I can't tell you much about what bike to use but I saw your pictures and just wanted you to know you look great! You should be so proud of yourself. Keep up the great work and hope your foot feels better soon:)
RE: Reluctantly… Recumbent or Upright?? I want my Card...

You might want to consider buying (or checking your library for) a Spinerval tape or two if you're going to be using the bike for cardio for a long time. Coach Troy Jacobson has created some killer workouts specifically for the bicycle (, and he and the bikers he's coaching (most of whom are triathletes) are very motivating. I started biking for cardio because my knees are shot (too much running and high impact aerobics) and it has really helped. I had been taking Motrin 800 twice daily just to be able to use the stairs at home, now I haven't taken one since May. Good luck in your biking.
RE: Reluctantly… Recumbent or Upright?? I want my Card...

No suggestions on bikes, but one thing my doctor has recommended and I haven't made time to get it yet is a night splint for my PF. Also I've heard PT can help. Hope your foot (or feet) feel better soon. PF is the PITS!

RE: Reluctantly… Recumbent or Upright?? I want my Card...

Judy- Thank you sooo much for your suggestions. I will definitely check out the Diamond Back semi-recumbent. It’s very encouraging to hear that someone else has gone through this and that “the bike solution” really helped out. You give me hope for my running program somewhere down the line too. Thanks again.

Wendy- Thanks for the compliment. I do feel better than my “fat Debbie” days. Who was the chick???

Maximus- The girl at a Busy Body store where I went to check out bikes yesterday said the same thing about the “numbing effect”, she was hemming and hawing and it took her awhile to get out just what she meant. She was young and was obviously embarrassed talking about it. Thanks for your input.

Jodi- I will definitely check out those spinervals w/o’s with Troy Jacobson. I think I will need the motivation to get this done. What a drag about your knee. I’m so glad you are better now. You give me hope as well too. Thanks.

Colleen – I have seen those sock things in my “Runners World” magazine before. Maybe I should buy some and see if that helps. I will try PT if I have too as well. Heck I would wear a garlic wreath if that would help. Tee hee…. Thanks for the well wishes. I love your baby pic too.

RE: Reluctantly… Recumbent or Upright?? I want my Card...


I'm so sorry about your PF. I also have been suffering from it since summer of 2003. What has helped me is: custom orthodics, 3 months of physical therapy with icing, massage and cortison delivered by ultrasound, lots of stretching of my feet and calves, the recumbant bike (boring,but you get a good workout), and wearing Dansko shoes all the time that I'm not wearing my orthodics (Berkinstocks don't give me enough support... I cannot recommend the Danskos enough!!! I wear them all the time.). I was so upset because I thought my days of Cathe step, hilo and kickboxing were over and I'm only 35! But, since this spring, I have been able to add all my Cathe cardios back into my schedule as long as I really stretch my feet and calves afterwards and listen to my feet (back off when they start hurting again).

Good luck and take it slowly.

RE: Reluctantly… Recumbent or Upright?? I want my Card...

Hi Debbie! I'll leave the the bike advice to others since the only kind I've been on are the uprights. I just wanted to say it's sooooo (Ohio girl speak here! :)) great to see you here. We have missed you. I'm sorry to hear about your PF. I had it some time ago and the thing that helped me the MOST was hanging my heels down over the edge of a step, hearth, jacuzzi step or whatever 4-5x/day. I would hold it, no ballistic bouncing) for about 10-15 seconds and repeat about 2-3 more times. I did this whenever I would think of it during the day and once I started doing it faithfully, I finally got relief. Don't know if it was coincidental but it never came back. Keep us posted and hope to see you around more.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Reluctantly… Recumbent or Upright?? I want my Card...

Becky – I don’t have custom orthodics but I do have pretty good ones I get from Road Runner sports online. I have been avoiding the PT with all of this but I’m thinking I need to get more aggressive with it. Cortisone delivered by ultra sound doesn’t sound as bad as shots. I will check out the Dansko’s too. Taking it slowly is soooo hard for me but I now suppose I must listen to my body. (Dang it!!) Thanks for your words of encouragement.

DebbieH – Hey what up girl? I hear you on the perpetual stretch thing. I take my high step platform with me from room to room lately. I hate dealing with this UGH!! It’s nice to hear from others like yourself to know there is light at the other end of this dark tunnel. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for your input. BTW my daughters are going to Ohio next month for the Gravity Games in Cleveland, they are very very excited.

RE: Reluctantly… Recumbent or Upright?? I want my Card...

Debbie, my sympathy for the plantar fascitis. Seems to take a lot of patience to beat it.

Unless you have lower back issues, I recommend an upright bike so that you can cycle in a variety of positions. Even sitting, you can push back on the seat & "climb" a hill with heavy tension. Or move forward to do seated speed work with less tension. Plus you can stand. The recumbent fans should correct me, but it seems that the recumbent pedal stroke power comes from pushing while you use both quads & hamstrings with an upright especially if you get clipless pedals (& you do want them).

If the Spinervals interest you, then an upright would be much better so that you can stand and also to do Coach Troy's sadistic drills.

You might want to take a test ride on your choice to make sure that the cycling doesn't irritate your foot.

Good luck with the PF. Be patient.

RE: Reluctantly… Recumbent or Upright?? I want my Card...

Hi Debbie...thought I'd add to this, even thought it's mostly to agree with what has already been posted. PF has been much worse in the past for me but now is pretty much gone and/or manageable. Icing and ibuprofen therapy is great when it's really hurting. The night support was also very helpful (I don't use it anymore). Hanging your heels off a step for about 15 seconds multiple times a day, stretching your calves before getting out of bed, keeping bedsheets loose so your foot doesnt' flex, Spenco liners in my workout shoes and Dansko clogs (love them!) all seem to keep it at bay.

As for biking I have a road bike (upright) and a mountain bike, and I have a trainer that I can set my road bike in and spin (stationary cycling) inside when I can't go out. Someone suggested Spinervals and I can't recommed it enough...if you want HARD cardio Spinervals will fit the bill. You can go to their site for tips on which one to get depending on your level of training. My faves are Muscle Breakdown, Tough Love (pure endurance), and Big Gear Strength. If you try, these'll hurt.

Also, you need to consider any extra costs associated with a bike. Padded shorts (must have), shoes that clip into the pedals (highly recommended if you can), the trainer (if you're going to workout indoors), helmet (the law), maintenence (I have a handy-man DH:) ), plus a lot of other stuff that's not necessary but sooooo tempting. Your local bike shop can answer all of those questions.

Best wishes!! I pray your PF heals, and have fun looking for your bike!

RE: Reluctantly… Recumbent or Upright?? I want my Card...

Debbie, I had to get a bike because of a bad hip. Doc said treadmill, running, even elliptical were not good for my hip. I looked for a long time and got a LifeCycle (3 yrs ago). I can do some mean intervals on that semi-recumbent! I looked again recently (just messing around) and I like the Diamondback, LifeCycle, and Nautilus (made by Schwinn).

Try lots and lots of bikes. The uprights really bother my "delicates" no matter how much cushioning they claim to have. Some semi-recumbents just "fit" well and you'll know it when you find it. Any store you go to should encourage you to spend at least 10 minutes on the bike. I was told to bring my workout clothes and do a complete workout because you can't really get a good feel for the bike until you sit on it for awhile.

Good luck with your feet, Alexis
RE: Reluctantly… Recumbent or Upright?? I want my Card...

CinDee- Wow so much info.!!! You sound like a girl after my own heart. I love going full tilt when I get into something new. Trust me if something is fun I’m going to do it more and more and if I can accessorize look out. I am starting to really look forward to this new part of my fitness routine. I am going to take my time (my feet can use the rest anyways) and really check out all the options everyone has suggested. I have so much to consider. I love being an informed consumer thanks for helping. Maybe I won’t dork out to badly at the bike/exercise stores this weekend.

Debra- My lower back is very strong, thanks to my Cathe w/o’s. I do agree that I really need to make certain that the pushing down motion doesn’t irritate my feet. Boy I hope this works out ya’ll make it sound like such fun. I looked at the spinerval site and that looks like another good way to bust into the piggy bank for too. Thanks for the input.

Alexis- Saturday is my scheduled lower body weight w/o day, but I think this Saturday will be all test cardio sessions. I think I’ll take my pickup truck, grab my plastic and throw on my w/o clothes and start shopping. Don’t worry I will take a couple of weekends if I need to. I will look up different stores and try out several types & brands. Thanks for making me think about that. I’m waaay to much of an impulse buyer and I really need to take my time on this. I am just missing my cardio so much. My Nike PSA thinks I have abandoned her. Tee hee. Again thanks for your help.
Hi Deb!

I'm great, thanks! All this talk of spinning makes me want to jump on my bike! I just may do that today! Thanks everyone for making it sound sooo fun again. This really IS an EC! Deb, I'll have to check into the Gravity Games next month, or is it next month already??? Ha! Where did August go? Is that like skateboarding, motorbikes and all? That's great your daughters get to go. That is clear cross-country for them!!! Hope it's a great time. Still thinking of you and hoping that the biking will do the trick for your cardio. I KNOW the frustration of not being able to do it. Keep us posted.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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