Refining diet


New Member
I am 100lbs. overweight am currently working with a nutritionist but not too happy with him. Would like some ideas on getting my diet together. Currently doing high protein but I am a vegetarian the only animal product I eat is fish. I have just changed my hours at work it is almost a month now. Usually go to gym first thing in the morning. On an empty stomach though. But find that I am waiting too long to eat after working out. Like all things if I could get this sorted out it would make things alot easier. I don't want to obsess about it just get a kind of schedule where i wouldn't be eating most of my meals at work. I work from 6pm-1:30am M-F. I try to have one protein drink per day my nutritionist says treat it as a snack. What do you think? I am not limiting fruit and am not into food combining. anything else is ok. Thanks
Would you consider going to another Nutritionist? You really need a long term plan that you can continue to work with after you lose your excess weight. You can fire this person and get someone you're happy with.

I love Weight Watchers, and they have an "At Home" program that is excellent. You may want to consider the meetings, however, for moral support. I DO think this is one of the better plans, and they can help you with maintanance, also.

Personally, I will work out this morning, then I USUALLY have breakfast within an hour, but this morning it's going to be longer. Then I have lunch at noon, with a little nibble at about 10:30 (dry cereal of the bran variety). I have a big salad that I eat in halves, the first half at noon, and the second half at 3:00, then dinner at about 6:00, and I eat enough to keep me full up to bed time.

For a vegetarian, I'd prescribe BEANS!!!! Lots of protein, low glycemic level, and FIBER, the dieter's frient.

Refined carbs, lots of protein and fiber, and eat frequently. You'd be surprised how much you can eat if you eat smart.

Is that helpful at all? If not, just ignore me!;-)
I totally agree with Honeybunch. Maybe you need to try another nutritionist. I have a few recommendations on books. The Diet Trap by Pamela M. Smith is very good. Also, Miriam Nelson releases another one of her "Strong Women" books today called Strong Women Eat Well. I'm going to purchase this book today. You can check it out at

As a group exercise instructor, my participants are always asking what to eat, when to eat, etc. I usually suggest that they eat 5-6 small meals a day and of course, drink 8-10 glasses of water.

You may want to check out the website - It is one of the best sites I have come across as far as meal planning.

Good luck to you. You are on the right track. You have the desire to exercise and eat properly.

Hi, Stephanie, it's me again! I have Strong Women Stay Slim and I'll send it to you if you like. Check out stuff by Dr. Weil. He's a fish eating vegetarian also

That would be great bobbi I wanted to get messages off other board maybe you left me your e-mail address but it doesn't seem to be working. The dreaded period has finally come. Much Love

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