Redoing 1 rep max....


I am sure this question has been asked before, but I just cant seem to find it. I am almost done with the 6 month rotation and want to start a 3month rotation later next month. My questions is what "new" numbers to put in for the one rep max? I am supposed to guess, redo the test or use numbers from Meso 3? It is not clear to me what to do next. I really dont want to redo the testing again. Thanks, Veronica
Edit your 1RM

You really don't need to retest, but you should examine your workouts and make any adjustments to your weights that you feel are necessary. The best way to do this is to go through the workout cards online in the calendar and then click on the edit icon next to any exercise where you feel the weight you used previously was either too light or too heavy. You will be asked to enter the weight you felt you should have used and the computer will reverse calculate your 1RM for that exercise and change your target weight for every STS workout using that exercise.

The second time doing STS can bring better results than the first time you did the program if you really focus on using the correct weight. We've recently added this feature to make this as simple as possible to do.

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