Kiki - I am like Tracy, I have a trainer for my road bike. It's called a virutal reality trainer which plugs into my computer. Came with some animated courses that you can ride, or you can also purchase dvds that will take you on courses in Italy and France, very addictive and fun.

Sarah - it is amazing what you can do when you adrenaline kicks in, your courage is also amazing.

JeanneMarie - congrats on getting through your therapy. Sounds like you are well on your way to full recovery, and that is great. 6 miles :) that's awesome! My running group starts up again on the 29 of August, I'll have to join the walkers this time around, but even that is going to feel good, I can't wait.
Glenda~ You are so right, most of us are unaware of the depths of our inner strength and resilience, until tested.

Tomorrow, I am going to start the 8 week Peak Fit Challenge. I really like Michelle Dozois and need a structured goal right now. I still have to make modifications to weight amounts on my left side, but I am anxious to see the results.
I am going to use our check-in to keep me motivated.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, ladies :)


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