Recommend Cathe to be on Oprah!

>Me either. I definitely wouldn't want to see Cathe
>publicized like that.

I agree with Tess!

As you may know I am from Europe, Oprah is not watched all over the world! Having lived here all my life and traveled a lot, I have never seen Oprah on any european stations!

I've always liked the Oprah show. She's given millions and millions to charities, bought people houses, given away TONS of stuff (not to mention her 'favorite things' show which I would LOVE to be on) and started her own charities which inspired others to give as well. I remember watching the show when she donated 10 million for Katrina aid. And I don't mind that she also has inspired millions to read (which is an amazing feat IMO). I think her message, overall, is uplifting for people. Her talk show is not a typical sensational talk show (although she does do interviews,etc)and I think her message is always positive. Anyway, that's my take on it. :)

i am not crazy about any type of talk shows, unless that topic is something to do with my interest (honestly i didn't care for dr.phil's take on autism,why doesn't he try raising a few of these kids then he can tell ME how hard it is,okay off that soapbox LOL). it wouldn't matter who was doing it if cathe was on i would watch it. the same goes for other instructors i like.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
I agree with Michele. I don't care of blather shows, particularly obnoxious know it alls like Dr. Phil. No disrespect to anyone but I think were Cathe to appear on one of these shows it would mean she's truly gone commercial...and that would disappoint at least a few of us for a number of reasons. (I remember when Metallica went just wasn't the same after that. ;) )

I'd rather see Cathe on a well respected fitness show or perhaps a guest appearance on a cooking show, such as Ellie Krieger's. I also saw both TamiLee Webb and Judy Sheppard Missett on one the news channels talking about how they got their start and successfully run their own business...I'd like to see Cathe speak to that.

Again, it's just my opinion and if you dig Orpah, Dr. Phil...that's cool too.
I just love Oprah. I think she's not just a talk show personality. She's really a force in the modern world. She has done SO much for others: built a village of homes for Katrina victims, promoted the (red) campaign that is raising tons of money for AIDS victims in Africa, opened a school in Africa, taught people the value of reading (though I don't like her book picks), has inspired others to give, has really educated people with the wisdom of Dr. Oz (whom I also adore). To lump her in with Tyra and Dr. Phil is comparing apples and oranges. That said, I think that Cathe would make a great feature for Oprah's magazine. I think she'd make a really awesome continuous contributor to the magazine. But when we posted the idea of Cathe on Oprah on the Ask Cathe forum, she didn't respond (as best as I can recall), so I'd hate to do anything without her blessing. If she's not interested in that kind of publicity; if she likes the way things are going now, then that's the way it should be. But I do think that she deserves all of the attention Oprah would bring her.
I think I like the idea of Oprah, just not Oprah. (I feel the same way about R.E.M.)

I DO like many of her book picks--Faulkner, Zora Neale Hurston, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Leo Tolstoy, John Steinbeck, Carson McCullers, Toni Morrison...and I guess I should be happy that she's introducing the masses to some classics, but having her name on them seems to just cheapen them. And it's like she thinks she's the first one who ever heard of them.

(I have to say that when I heard that she referred to reading "As I Lay Dying" and "The Sound and the Fury" as "fun," all I could think was that she obviously hadn't read them. Faulkner is brilliant, complex, frustrating, and rewarding, but I can't imagine anyone referring to his writing or subject matter as "fun.")
Well, I hope no one is offended by this. I respect Oprah for many of the things she's done, like that school for girls in Africa. It's the daytime TV viewers I'm concerned about.

Sure, there are some intelligent occasional watchers of daytime TV like students and caretakers, but there are also a lot of weirdos out there watching daytime TV and I'm not so sure I want them joining the Cathe boards. I mean, most of the people I know are too busy working or taking care of their kids to watch TV in the middle of the day. Am I being too judgmental? It wouldn't be the first time, but to me it would be bye-bye Educated Crowd.
I agree that whether you like Oprah and her show or not, that she has a huge viewership and the more people who could see Cathe, the better. However, with Bob Green on Oprah, it's true that Oprah may not give him the competition.

Another good idea might be Cathe featured on 20/20 or Dateline or one of those news type of shows.
Yeah, Nancy, you're way too judgemental...and that's why I love ya!!!! I feel the same way. }(

And does Oprah really talk up exercise that much, especially the advanced type of workouts that Cathe does? I thought she was more into the diet thing.
I agree with Nancy, I am not sure if the oprah fan base can handle cathe (let alone heavy wt training). I have several friends who are avid oprah listeners and whenever I talk about wt lifting and eating clean, it is as though I am speaking Japanese (which I dont). They miss the point. They even missed the point on Bob Greene and Dr. Oz (whom I adore). Which is probably why P90x or cathe have never been on her show. Most people just want to lose weight without doing the hard work (eating clean and working out harder than they want to). I remember on one of her episode on losing weight, oprah mentioned that she hates to workout. I really think people watching oprah will miss the point, although at one time I thought cathe/oprah would be great combo.

>As you may know I am from Europe, Oprah is not watched all
>over the world! Having lived here all my life and traveled a
>lot, I have never seen Oprah on any european stations!

Hi Belinda. I'm not a big Oprah fan, but ironically the most I ever watched her was living in Europe. ;) But I was in the Netherlands and they import a ton of American shows and just put Dutch captions. You're right about other parts of Europe, though. When I lived in England I never saw her and I didn't notice her show when traveling in other parts so much. I think I got to watching it because it kept me somewhat connected with American pop culture while I lived away (though the shows were a couple months old by the time I saw them). Now that I'm back in the U.S. I never watch, though I have no personal feelings against the woman or anything. Funny how so many people either love or hate her. I neither love nor hate her. I respect her but think her massive influence is a little scary. I'm glad she generally uses it for good.

ETA: I also only watched soap operas while living in Europe. :) I watched As the World Turns in Holland, but it was two years behind the show here. Then in England I watched a British soap and an Australian soap. Now I never watch soaps now that I'm back in America. :p

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]
I'm an avid Oprah fan and I can definitely handle cathe and weight training. (we're not all bon-bon-eating-whales who watch talk television --it's the only talk show I watch.) And I think if Oprah were introduced to Cathe, she'd no longer hate working out. However, I do have to say that I agree with Nancy about the boards. That's the only hesitation I have. I like this close-knit community, and I'd hate to be overwhelmed by the massive numbers of visitors to the forums that such big exposure would bring. Good point.
I know a number of non bon-bon scarfing attractive Oprah fans who would not get Cathe. Kathy Smith for example, is good for the masses. Cathe is for those ready and willing to kick it up a few notches...and most people watching Oprah aren't ready for that, sorry to say.
"Kathy Smith for example, is good for the masses."

And don't forget the ever-popular Denise Austin. :p
Oprah hates working out because she spent too much time listening to Bob Green. I don't look upon his track record as a success because of Oprah's weight ups and downs over the years - NOT counting, of course, her recent bouts with thyroid problems. I'm not a fan of his, needless to say. He also has a program on her XM Oprah & Friends station.
No disrespect intended here, but all this talk about "the masses" and those people who watch daytime TV and might infiltrate the boards sort of turns my stomach.

I barely ever watch Oprah and when I do, it's on Tivo as I'm not normally free during the time that it airs. I am pretty educated I think (2 BAs and a MA) and I have gotten some valuable information from Ms. O. I certainly don't think I'm above listening to the most successful woman in the world and I don't think I'm above her fans, or "the masses", because they haven't had the same privileges and educational opportunities that I have had. Just because we like Cathe and like to work out harder than the average woman, we are not morally or intellectually superior, are we?

Another point, Cathe is already hugely and commercially successful. How else can she afford to put out the best fitness videos in existence? The fact that there aren't huge numbers of posters on the forums doesn't prove that "the masses" don't already know about and work out with Cathe. I mean, Cathe ladies are special (of course!) but I'm pretty sure we are also more numerous than any of us know.


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