I think that Danielle used to be Daniel. Her face is SO masculine...not pretty.
I got a chuckle out of that comment!
I didn't know Dina was married. Thanks for clearing that up.
I think that Danielle used to be Daniel. Her face is SO masculine...not pretty.
Ok, this is funny, I looked up the book, people are buying this book on ebay for between 80 and $100! And I checked the reviews on Amazon, I guess the author tried listing his book for $186 after the housewives show aired, and a couple of the reviews are awesome, a couple of guy, who know and want to kill the author, are just berating his character and bringing up all these inconsistencies with the book, the reviews are worth reading, entirely unrelated to the show, but 2 of the most entertaining "reviews" I've ever read on Amazon.
"Caroline is married to Albert Manzo, owner of the Brownstone and the son of Albert (Tiny) Manzo, whose 350-pound body was found loaded with bullet holes, his arms and legs bound in plastic, in the trunk of his Lincoln Continental in 1983.
Phew is right! So Teresa isn't part of Da Family at all? I am utterly confused!
actually, my coworker's fiancee is in the music biz so he knows a lot of people. apparently, theresa's husband is part of da family, hence the "construction" cover up. this could be a rumor but it's what im told.
Oh by "Da Family", just meant the whole Caroline Dina, brothers, Jacqueline relationships, now who is part of DA Family, is a whole nother story!
You'll see that scene in the upcoming episode.... the finale! I wonder why the RHoNJ "season" was so short?I keep missin' that segament with Theresa, over turning the tables.