Real Housewives of N.J....

Ok, this is funny, I looked up the book, people are buying this book on ebay for between 80 and $100! And I checked the reviews on Amazon, I guess the author tried listing his book for $186 after the housewives show aired, and a couple of the reviews are awesome, a couple of guy, who know and want to kill the author, are just berating his character and bringing up all these inconsistencies with the book, the reviews are worth reading, entirely unrelated to the show, but 2 of the most entertaining "reviews" I've ever read on Amazon.

$80 for this, are you freakin kidding me?! how many times can you look at danielle's mugshot or read about her "past life" to justify spending that kind of money? i searched on my library's website and they actually have it so i might be checking this out sometime soon ;-)

btw danielle is HIDEOUS. i find it painful to look at her sometimes. her profile looks like a tiger that got hit in the face by a wrecking ball. i did feel bad for her at the dancing scene though, when the girls were making fun of her for being so into it. it seems like they have to find SOMETHING to criticize her about no matter how petty it is. she is still a wack-job though. and there is NO WAY her bf is 26. ive known guys with receding hairlines in their 20s but their faces looked young; this dude just looks plain OLD and worn.
Actually I think the problem w/Danielle's face is more the filler than the botox (altho I think she's over-toxed too--she has absolutely no motion in her face). But she has too much filler all over the place, esp. around her mouth--it just look monkey-like (hopefully I'm not insulting any monkeys out there :p).

Teresa & Jacqueline are married to brothers, right? So Dina, Caroline & the two brothers are the blood relations, Teresa & Jacqueline are the married relations, & Danielle needs to be institutionalized.

I think Dina got her money from Da Family. I'm pretty sure the Brownstone is a family business that's been around for a long time. She has her own interior design firm (I suspect funded by Da Family) and her own event planning firm, which I believe works exclusively for the Brownstone (I suspect funded by Da Family). Her first hubby was Greek, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't an Onassis. ;)
I'm having a hard time following this, but here is an article detailing who is married to who, Dina is married to a brother as well, so as the article says, they are sisters married to brothers

"Caroline is married to Albert Manzo, owner of the Brownstone and the son of Albert (Tiny) Manzo, whose 350-pound body was found loaded with bullet holes, his arms and legs bound in plastic, in the trunk of his Lincoln Continental in 1983. Caroline's baby sister Dina is married to Albert's brother, Tommy, so they are sisters married to brothers.

The sisters' brother, Chris, is married to Jacqueline Laurita, a former Las Vegas cosmetologist, and Dina and Caroline treat Jacqueline as a younger sister."
Oh no, there are lots of rumors. Oh and Teresa is married to a guy who owns a construction company, but neither Teresa or her DH are related to Dina and Caroline. Phew!
Phew is right! So Teresa isn't part of Da Family at all? I am utterly confused!

Correct, at least per that article, Teresa and DH are just friends of Da Family, but they are treated a lot like family.

So if I have this straight, Dina and Caroline are sisters married to two brothers, and I think Jacqueline is married to one of the brothers of Dina and Caroline, which makes Jacqueline a sister in law to Dina and Caroline and Theresa and her DH are not related to anyone, but very friendly with everyone, and of course Danielle is just totally an outsider.

Did I get it right?? :eek:
actually, my coworker's fiancee is in the music biz so he knows a lot of people. apparently, theresa's husband is part of da family, hence the "construction" cover up. this could be a rumor but it's what im told.
actually, my coworker's fiancee is in the music biz so he knows a lot of people. apparently, theresa's husband is part of da family, hence the "construction" cover up. this could be a rumor but it's what im told.

Oh by "Da Family", just meant the whole Caroline Dina, brothers, Jacqueline relationships, now who is part of DA Family, is a whole nother story!
I had to see what all the hoopla was all about so I watched an episode. Personally, I think all those women and men are no better than back street trailer trash. I hope I didn't offend any trailer trash by even putting those people in the same league. Gossiping back stabbing slime is probably the best way to describe the New Jersey Housewives of that series. I do hope the IRS nails them.....maybe I'll actually watch that episode.

Thanks sooooooo much for posting this link. I rarely catch shows that have the ladies from the RH series are on. I always like to see how they are today since the shows are taped up to 10 months or so in the past. Danielle actually looks better now. It appears as if she's had something else done to her face and she certainly has hair extensions but I think it gives her a softer look.

WOW! all this info and I might just startwatching the show, it does sound better now than watching grass grow.:) :):) :) Now, since Cathe is from NJ...
you guys are funny!!

I stared watching this show, But what is really funny is reading all yours post... Ok I don't like Danielle if I found some one like her I will close my house and change my phone #. The blond I don't remember her name she is annoying and her sister is a B**. I found one of her son really cute tough, and the mam of 3 girls I think she is fine I hate her because she paid everything cash, darned" I haven't watch the last show but I did recorded so later...
I agree, Danielle looks better in that clip! I think her long, soft flowing hair takes away from the distraction that is her face!

Anyway, last night's episode was getting good, can't wait for next week when Theresa goes berserk!!!!

And I can't believe that's going to be the finale!!!! Why such a short season?!?!?!?! I was getting into it and now Bravo is cutting me off! What mindless trash will I watch over the summer???

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