Ready to rock, Tri-Staters...Monday's coming!!


Ellie and Dianna...your respective DH's coming??? My DW hasn't tried too hard to wiggle out of the trip, which is good, I really want her to meet Cathe, and of course to see Ellie and DH again, and meet Dianna for the first time.

Anyone else joining us??
Jerry, DH is sooooo scared!!! But we are definately in!!! I am really looking forward to it. I want DH to meet cathe and see what a killer class really feels like. Are we having a quick cup of coffee afterwards??? DH will need to go to work afterwards so I won't have too much time.

ANYBODY is welcome. If you are close enough and can make it, please do!!!

Dianna- I hope to see you and DH too!!! Think of all the FUN we wil have!!!

Hey, Jerry.....who's in your avatar???

Have fun Monday, you guys!!! I'll miss you, but I'll be 'playing' with over 600 kids instead! :) But I'm in for April (the 3rd, right???)!


That's Gin (TxGin) in my avatar with me.

I think you're right, the next TSC class is Friday, April 3.
Yep, DH and I are both off Monday. Tough week at work this week with very little time for exercise so I desperately need a good w/o.

I'm looking forward to meeting your significant others, Jerry and Ellie. Ellie, my DH is also scared so they'll make a good pair!!

I'm hoping to pick up a copy of Ab Circuits while I'm there. I was going to preorder it but couldn't justify the shipping cost when we're so close.

See ya Monday!

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