Ready to Post Your Pics?? Come on.... Cathe Addicts!


Guess what!! Some of you may remember months ago.... me promising to start a page for us all to share our photos of one another??

Well... I finally did it! You can find the page at:

It is a MSN group site and provides Member Only Access. Click on the link above and you will be taken directly to the site!

Right now it is setup so non-members can view pics but to post you must become a member. I am open to ideas on how all of you want the security of the site setup, what content etc.! We can change the security so that only Members can VIEW the pics as well.

The site is a mess right now as I just started it today. However, it is still ready for posting pics!

Please let me know what other type of information, message boards, etc. you would like to see on this site!

Please note the site is NOT intended to REPLACE the Cathe Forum by any means. It's primary purpose is to provide a secure place for us to share our photos and learn more about one another. We can also use it as a formal method of sharing addtl. information for those that are interested.

This is my first time doing a MSN Group so it should be interesting! I will make sure to be VERY Responsive to new member requests to the board over the coming weeks!

Now come on girls.... get those pics a postin!
RE: Ready to Post Your Pics?? Come on.... Cathe Addict...

Great Deb! I'll look out for your e-mail.

Also, I think the easiest way for everyone to post pics is to:
1. Click on the "Pictures" link on left hand nav bar of site
2. Click on "Create a New Album"

That way everyone can upload their own photos, and keep a mini album all of their own! You can even come back and edit it later!!!!

Have fun!
RE: Ready to Post Your Pics?? Come on.... Cathe Addict...

Wow! You look great! The kids and hubby look wonderful! You should use that picture in your posts here too:)
RE: Ready to Post Your Pics?? Come on.... Cathe Addict...

What a generous and thoughtful thing to do, fitnut. Thank you so much. This will be fun.

RE: Ready to Post Your Pics?? Come on.... Cathe Addict...

Thanks, Deb! We just went to a wedding yesterday and got our picture taken, so I'll upload it as soon as I am able!

RE: Ready to Post Your Pics?? Come on.... Cathe Addict...

OK, I did it. Someone else be brave and put yours up too!!
RE: Ready to Post Your Pics?? Come on.... Cathe Addict...

Come on gals.... you can do it! :D

Dawn I just saw your pic! You are sooooo cute! So glad to get to see you finally! Thanks for being one of the first brave ones ;-)

All of you who have requested membership have ALL been admitted in! We already have 10 members! Yeah! :+

Wanted to let you all know I have a very busy day at work tomorrow. However, I will make sure I log on first thing tomorrow night and approve all of you who happen join during the day:)

Happy Picture Posting!!!!!
RE: Ready to Post Your Pics?? Come on.... Cathe Addict...

Terrific site! I love this idea! I'll post a before and . . . "during" picture very shortly. Thanks so much for all the work you've done.
RE: Ready to Post Your Pics?? Come on.... Cathe Addict...

Hi Fitnut,
I surfed over to your is really cool. Sounds like it will be a fun place to come and visit. I can't imagine all the hours it took you to get your site up and running, but I think your labors will pay off as you will soon have lots of visitors. Your site has a warm friendly feeling. That isn't surprising because that is how you come across in your posts as well. :D

Great job!:D:D:D

BTW where is the best place to take your pictures in order to post them on your site and Cathe's? I'm confused about picturetrail and Geocities? Help!! LOL
Fitnut! Good idea! I just signed up to be a member and am waiting for the email, then I'll post a pic.

How long does it usually take to get the email saying you're a member?

Thanks! :p
:D Hi! I signed up for your group! The only thing is I do not have any recent pictures of myself. I will take some this week. Also I have never posted pictures on websites, so if some of you pros could help me it would be appreciated. I know, I am a computer dummy! Actually, I just have not taken enough time to figure it out! We have a brand new, printer, scanner, copier combination from Hewitt Packard.;-)
RE: Ready to Post Your Pics?? Come on.... Cathe Addict...

Hey guys!

Good Idea!! I am going to post something, but not until this weekend. Gotta get new pics, since you have seen all mine in my posts!!

RE: Ready to Post Your Pics?? Come on.... Cathe Addict...

Okay... everyone who has requested membership has been formally approved! Start posting those cute pics!

Deb - I don't know why yours are showing up like that? Maybe try it again and make sure you click on the "Create a New Album" link. Let me know if it doesn't work!

I love all the pics so far! You guys are ALL so cute! Love all the cute pics! I am going to have to find some more creative ones. Need to take some recent ones I guess.

SAra - You're a doll! Love your kitties! (oh and your fiance looks like a sweetie too too:)
Liana - Great pics! What a variety!
slnewman - love all your pics! What a great fam! Show them muscles!
Dawn - simply mavelous babe!
Hollie - You look great! Love your hair!
Deb - Love your pics! You are so cute. Funny I did picture you with dark hair!!!! Cute pic of your hubby at the BBQ. Reminded me of a face my DH would make;)

This is soooo fun to finally put faces with all our Cathe friends:)

Good luck postin! We already have 22 members! Yeah!!!!!!!!! Keep em' comin!
Fitnut!'re sweet! Is there any way I can MOVE my pix from that top link into my album? Not sure what I did wrong. If not, no biggy. I will re-do them later. Thanks, you've done a great job. It is sooo fun to see the faces of our friends!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hollie! I "know" you! It was so weird to look at the photo albums and see Hollie from the LHC. (I'm RedJen over there.)

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