To make searching easier, I would suggest looking up "low fat raw vegan" in order to avoid the "gourmet" raw food recipes that tend to take a lot of time, and, as Kathryn mentioned, tend to be WAY too high in fat. It will only make you feel worse. I would avoid the supplement trap, as well, of powdered "this" and powdered "that" that many recipes require. It gets expensive really quickly

Frederick Pautenaude (sp?) has some DVDs that are good.
Just to let you know, most low fat raw vegan recipes don't include spices or salt, so if that's something you don't care about, you can easily add your own.
I am allergic to tomatoes, but one of my favorite raw recipes used to be raw "noodles" (a good cucumber or zucchini "spiralized") with a sauce of tomato, sun-dried tomatoes (probably not truly raw), basil, orange juice, red pepper and maybe mango or dates for sweetness. LOVED IT. Eating this everyday for a few days is what made me realize how allergic I was!
Green smoothies are an excellent way to get in more greens (and raw stuff). I also make salad dressings with a ton of greens blended in it just to get as much as possible... For example, I blend the juice of two oranges, some braggs amino acids (not really a raw food), cumin, pepper, garam masala spice, and then I fill the blender the rest of the way with spinach and cilantro or parsley. Pour it over the salad.