RapidBreath's Rotations


Inspired by FitnessFreak, I am now posting my rotations. Bear in mind, that I don't adhere like glue to these, rotations are an organic, living thing, that adjusts to my real life, including schedule changes, not to mention mood changes;) My rest days seem random, but they accommodate my work/education schedule.

November/December are heavy on cardio, yoga, step, and circuits. I also throw some oldies like RS, and the older Low Impact Circuit in the mix. I'm using a lot of the LIS series. If the weather is inclement or you don't like to run, substitute cycling, elliptical, or walking, some kind of cardio. I like the HIIT workouts for those days, but those are high impact (mostly.) I guess Afterburn would work.


Week 1:
Sunday Oct. 30: Cardio Supersets (done, loved it!)
Monday Oct. 31: 4DS LIS/HIS Double Cardio Premix (loved it, like always.)
Tuesday Nov. 1: Yoga Relax; Athletic Training (kicked my ass.)
Wednesday Nov. 2: Rest
Thursday Nov. 3: Turbobarre
Friday: Rest (travel.)
Saturday: Rest (Travel)

Week 2:
Sunday Nov. 6: (Travel) Rest
Monday Nov. 7: Warm up 10 min, Jog 20 min. intervals + Slide n Glide (whole thing.)
Tuesday Nov. 8: Low Max; Yoga Relax
Wednesday Nov. 9: Rest
Thursday Nov. 10: Turbo barre + Jog 4 miles
Friday Nov. 11: Step Moves; Shiva Rae Flow Yoga for beginners
Saturday Nov. 12: Warm up 10 min, Jog 2 miles. intervals + MMA Boxing

Week 3:
Sunday: Nov.13: Rest
Monday Nov. 14: Warm up 10 min, Jog 2 miles + Cardio Supersets
Tuesday Nov. 15: Rhythmic Step (aka RS); Shiva Rae Flow Yoga for beginners
Wednesday Nov. 16: Jog 4 miles; Yoga Relax
Thursday Nov. 17: Athletic Training
Friday Nov. 18; Jog 4.5 miles; Yoga Max
Saturday: Rest

Week 4:
Sunday Nov. 20: Warm up 10 min, Jog 2 miles + MMA Fusion
Monday: Low Max; Yoga Relax
Tuesday: Jog 4.5 miles, Yoga Max
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Jog 5 miles, Stretch Max w/ball
Friday Nov. 25: Low Impact Circuit (green box, not the new LIC); Yoga with Gary Bromley
Saturday Nov. 26: Jog 5 miles; Stretch Max w/band

Week 1:
Sunday Nov. 27: Yoga Today with Sarah Kline
Monday Nov. 28: Rest
Tuesday Nov. 29: 4DS LIS/HIS Step Premix
Wednesday Nov. 30: Turbo Barre
Thursday: 4DS KB/BC Cardio Premix
Friday: Cardio Supersets
Saturday: Rest

Week 2:
Sunday Dec. 4: Low Max; Shiva Rae Flow Yoga for beginners
Monday Dec. 5: Jog 2 miles + MMA KB
Tuesday: Dec. 6: Rest
Wednesday Dec. 7: Jog 3 miles + Yoga Today with Sarah Kline
Thursday Dec. 8: Rest
Friday Dec. 9: Drill Max; Yoga relax
Saturday Dec. 10: Jog 3.5 miles + Low Impact Challenge Step add on (20 min.)

Week 3:
Sunday Dec. 11: Step Moves; Shiva Rae Flow Yoga for beginners
Monday Dec. 12: Jog 3.5 miles + Kick Max
Tuesday Dec. 13: Rest
Wednesday Dec. 14: Rest
Thursday Dec. 15: Jog 4 miles + Yoga Max
Friday Dec. 16: Athletic Training + Yoga Relax
Saturday Dec. 17: Jog 4 miles + SJP Step only add on (20 min.)

Week 4:
Sunday Dec. 18: Rest
Monday Dec. 19: Rest
Tuesday: 4 miles + Slide n' Glide
Wednesday: Low Max; Shiva Rae Flow Yoga for beginners
Thursday: 4.5 miles; Yoga Max
Friday: Body Max 2
Saturday: Jog 4.5 miles; Yoga Relax

Week 5:
Sunday Dec. 25: Yes, I am;) working out on Christmas.;) Step Moves + Shiva Rae Flow Yoga for beginners
Monday: Jog 5 miles; Yoga Today with Sarah Kline (or Yoga Max)
Tuesday: Low Max;
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: RS
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 4DS LIS/HIS premix; Yoga Today

Sunday: Jan 1: Jog until I can't jog no more! + Stretch Max (Or Yoga Relax)
Weigh In:eek:

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