Random annoyances...


So here's some totally random things that make me go arghhhhh. Humor me,I've been tired from a sick toddler lately ;) Add any you would like!

1. why do hot chocolate packets come sealed together w/ a perforated strip only to rip and then the powder goes everywhere?

2. why are chips bags filled with 3/4 air?

3. why everytime you like an athletic shoe they come out w/ the next model that is the SAME thing (yeah right) but doesn't fit right anymore?

4. why do people honk at you if you're in a valid go straight-turn/right only lane & you're waiting for pedestrians to cross so you can turn and yet the car behind you honks as if their a$$ will set on fire if they don't get past you immediately?

5. why do some strangers start telling you stories that nothing to do with anything you would remotely care about and you still have many many minutes left on the bus/train/airplane ride?

k...done for now...carry on.

Age only matters if you're cheese.
hey, just sending empathy--I've got a sick toddler too.

annoyance: WHY, why WHY do I have to get so drowsy at times that I'm asleep on my feet and with eyes open, but still have little kids to take care of? I need a Reset button, so I can be alert when I need to be!
- why do people exit a store and then come to a dead stop right in front of the doorway?! Hellloooo, others are trying to get out behind you, dingy. :D

- why are CDs and DVDs wrapped up as tightly as if the crown jewels were contained within?

- why do people whip out in front of my car, causing me to hit my brakes, when there are no cars behind me and they could have waited two seconds and pulled out after me?


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
>- why do people exit a store and then come to a dead stop
>right in front of the doorway?! Hellloooo, others are trying
>to get out behind you, dingy. :D

Or, why to people go in an entrance, then come to a dead stop?

Why do people feel they need to walk down the center of the aisle as s-s-s-s-sl-l-l-l-l-l-l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w-w-w-w-w-w-ly as they can then get mad at you when you try and walk around them?
Heres some things that annoy me:

*Why do fat guys walk around with their guts stickin out and their back arched. And they huff and buff and their only walkin like 1mph.

*Why do some guys wear "unitards" to the gym that are like 2 sizes too small and half their butt shows.

*I also hate it when ppl walk in the middle of an isle and walk slower than a turtle. Then you try ta go around them and they just stare at you like you have too heads.

And this one REALLY annoys me:


Take Care!

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

I'll play a bit. I'm a bit testy at times... *winks*

Why does the phone company feel that an appointment that mandates that I remain at my house between 8AM and 7PM is acceptable? That's my job tomorrow. Wait by the phone, literally. Thank heavens for Cathe!

Why is it so danged impossible to speak to a human when you call a big company? I spend 20 minutes on the phone to the phone company and never once spoke to a person. *sighs* But I do have an appointment - oddly enough.

Okay - a non-phone company related one...

Why do people think that turn signals are optional? Do they think I can read minds and can sense that they want to turn left at that 4 way stop?
* why do people jsut decide to cross the road whenever they want to even thought they see a car coming at 30-40 miles an hour, yet it would be my fault if I hit them>

* why does an insurance company send you an application, you mail it in, just to make yo come in for an appt and do it all over again

* why do people call on the phone, hear your screaming toddler, and just continue on asking their questions?

I know there are many more, give me time.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]

Not just the insurance company.

Ever go to the doctor for a first visit - fill out 5 pages of paperwork on everything that has happened to you and your family in the last 100 years on this earth - sit and wait for an hour at minimum - then have the doctor ask you to tell them everything that has happened to you and your entire family over the past 100 years? (Isn't that what I spent 30 minutes doing on paper in the waiting room?)x(

OK - I'd rather be doing Cathe's IMax 3 }(

And another one: You have been shopping for at least an hour at Costco with a shopping cart so filled that your shoes slide along the aisle when you need to turn (NOPE, don't even think about stopping }( ). BUT, that :+ just has to cut right in front of you and you naturally revert to see yourself driving a car - if you hit them it will be a big insurance claim. (Just once I want to run into them - yes I should not be like that, but c'mon, can't they tell that it will be hard for me to stop 200 lbs. worth of goods and groceries with my little 125 lbs. of "solid Cathe muscle" ? LOL

OK - it is getting late and YES LADIES (and possibly Bill :7 ), tomorrow is FRIDAY and even better than that A 3 DAY weekend and even better than that - I AM TAKING OFF TUESDAY TOO }( }( }(
Reminds me of when Billy Crystal was on Saturday Night Live and he would say, "I hate that!"

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
Cell phones, cell phones, cell phones! Why are there cell phones everywhere? In restaurants, in the mall, in the market, in the gym, in people's cars while they're driving......why can't cell phones be outlawed in public?

Rudeness! Why do people think they're the center of the universe? Like, I was in CVS the other day & this lady had picked up some pictures w/her young daughter, & they stood at the cashier's register after they were done paying putting pictures in the frames while a line of 6 people stood there waiting....

I'm w/Adri on the too-tight clothes, but not just unitards at the gym (BTW, who the heck wears unitards? They're like impossible to go to the bathroom in!). Please don't wear a pair of jeans 2 sizes too small w/a shirt that shows your belly. This is something I do not want to see, especially around mealtimes.

And along those lines, men in spandex. WAAAY too much information.
Why do they call the Hope Diamond the "Hope Diamond????"

It is NOT a diamond. It is a necklace with a blue diamond in the center.

And why do they call the Mall in Washington DC a "Mall????" It is not a mall, it is a large grassy field. I got so confused when I went there because I saw all these references to the mall but I couldnt find the mall.

I guess I am too literal.
Stringbean: the word "mall" predates shopping malls. The Mall in London, England is a road. You'd be sorely disappointed, I think;)

And the diamond in the necklace is the Hope diamond. It's not a clear diamond. It's violet in colour.
I'm annoyed by people who leave crap on, near, or attached to my front door--flyers and business cards, etc.

Borrowing from an older thread--I'm annoyed by kids that ride their bikes through my front lawn. If I still had a dog I'd be sorely tempted to let it take a BIG DUMP on their lawns:p :7
>Not just the insurance company.
>Ever go to the doctor for a first visit - fill out 5 pages of
>paperwork on everything that has happened to you and your
>family in the last 100 years on this earth - sit and wait for
>an hour at minimum - then have the doctor ask you to tell them
>everything that has happened to you and your entire family
>over the past 100 years? (Isn't that what I spent 30 minutes
>doing on paper in the waiting room?)x(

And then, next time you go in they need to "update" their files, and you gotta do it allover again.
>2. why are chips bags filled with 3/4 air?
To minimize breakage of chips (at least there is a logical explanation for that one!)

>3. why everytime you like an athletic shoe they come out w/
>the next model that is the SAME thing (yeah right) but doesn't
>fit right anymore?

I'm with you on this one. And why should athletic shoes change style so often anyway?
>- why do people exit a store and then come to a dead stop
>right in front of the doorway?! Hellloooo, others are trying
>to get out behind you, dingy. :D

And why do they walk down the middle of the aisle with their shopping cart, slooooowly, and then just stop.

>- why are CDs and DVDs wrapped up as tightly as if the crown
>jewels were contained within?
And why are some not only wrapped, but sealed with security tape, not just on one side, but on all three sides!

>- why do people whip out in front of my car, causing me to hit
>my brakes, when there are no cars behind me and they could
>have waited two seconds and pulled out after me?

At times like these, I wish I drove a Humveee, or a tank, or something that I didn't have to brake in order to keep it from getting damaged.}(
>Cell phones, cell phones, cell phones! Why are there cell
>phones everywhere? In restaurants, in the mall, in the
>market, in the gym, in people's cars while they're
>driving......why can't cell phones be outlawed in public?

I agree completely!
I was actually wishing yesterday that I had a device that could zap cell phones and make them unusable for about 30 minutes (the time for me to get away). It would look like a pen (so I could be discrete) and the signal would also penetrate two layers of auto glass, so I could zap people driving and yakking on the cell phone at the same time.

Another automotive-related peeve:
When did people decide that their 'emergency' blinkers were to be used when they can't find a legal parking spot and just want to stop anywhere?
If they can outlaw smoking in a public place (e.g., restaurants, public transportation, etc.), why can't they outlaw cell phones?

Susan L.G.

P.S. And ESPECIALLY WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING!!! Come on PEOPLE, put the ^$^#&$^$ phone down and pay attention while you're navigating that death machine!!!!

Man, I sure wish I had something that I could use to take out the cell phone glued to every person's ear when they're on the phone and DRIVING!!!!!

Whew! I feel better now...

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