question on 30 minute per bodypart workout


Active Member
hi cathe. someone on the forum suggested a 30 minute per bodypart workout by combining the bodypart from mis, ps, bodymax and ctx. it sounds like a good idea to me but before i begin this rotation i was wondering what you thought of this. thanks for your time and your tapes.
RE: another idea for a 30 minute per bodypart workout

just thought of another idea. i wonder cathe, if you could give your opinion on the idea of completing a bodypart on ctx, then rewinding the tape and doing the bodypart again. it's very difficult to do a 30 minute bodypart rotation without the use of a tape. any suggestions would be appreciated.
One that I'm working with...

Hi s...
Not Cathe but I have been using a one bodypart a day for a week or two and I've been combining PS and CTX to do it. Not sure if it's what you are looking for, but I seem to like it for now and it's holding my interest. Might even springboard you into other ideas.

I'm doing the PS warm up for the bodypart of that day. Then I choose 2 or three compound moves from the PS series...example for Chest day would be...warmup high rep chest press and then I do three sets of regular heavy chest presses with the bar. (The DVD makes this work BTW...I just use the mix and match for the PS sections and rerun sets that I want to do more of). Then I do incline Dumbbell raises with 3 sets and move into incline flys. After I get the heavy sets of PS done I move into that bodypart with CTX. The CTX works as a giant super/tri set that just fatigues the bageezzzzzes out of the already worked muscles. I'm liking it:)....and this usually takes about 30 minutes..or maybe a tiny bit more depending on rests in PS and exercises. Speaking of which..if I don't turn this computer off..tris will not be done this morning!

Cathe, I wouldn't mind seeing other options down the road for one a day parts too;-)...heavy:7

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