Question for those doing Body Rx eating plan


I'm getting started with this today with a few modifications as I need to go to the grocery store. I have a few questions. I bought the book yesterday and I'm not sure of a couple of things. Maybe I just missed it in the book or I didn't understand.

1) Are black-eyed peas listed? I couldn't find them and I love them. I was wondering what type of carb they are.

2) Some things I eat such as my bread contains protein, carbs, and fiber. Do I count the protein grams from my carbs or no?

3) Is it hard for any of you to eat all the food he wants you to eat? I just ate lunch and I feel so full, and I didn't even eat it all.

I ordered the Slow & Heavy series today and paid extra for shipping, so hopefully I'll get it either Friday, Saturday, or Monday at the latest so I can get started. I'm going to do S&H for cycle 1 and then the PS Series for cycle 2. I'm planning on either Power Hour or MIS for cycle 3, but this may change as hopefully we'll have Cathe's new DVDs by then and I know I'll have to give them a try. :)

Thanks for any help, Kelley
Hi Kelley! I think it would be quite all right to eat black-eyed peas. I don't have the book in front of me I'm at work. He doesn't want you to eat beans. The first week is the hardest to eat all of this food. I remember I thought I was going to throw up that first week from all the food but now I'm into my 4th week and my body wants the food every 2 hours!! I stuck w/his meal plan examples for the first 2 weeks just so that I could get a handle on how I should be eating. Cycle 1 is quite easy to do. I think the last Cycle will be the toughest. Slow and Heavy tapes are great for this program, but I don't think you should use PH because this is an endurance tape using lighter weights and this is not how Dr. Connelly wants you to train. I take the exercises on Cathe's tapes but adapt them to his program.

I mostly just pay attention to the food label for protein and fiber grams; making sure I've hit my marks on these 2. Regarding carb grams # he lists in the book this is NOT a target to shoot for; its merely your limit but you can come in under this number so don't be too concerned w/this. I've never gone over my carb # which is 220. Just remember to try to keep to the Green stuff but I think he said you should have 2-3 Yellow carbs a week. The program gets easier as you keep going. There's a chat board that all of the BodyRX people are on; you should check it out. Its Take care and Good Luck! Kathy
aren;t you supposed to eat yellow carbs each day and have occassional reds if you want them? Isn't your carb allowance supposed to be made up from green and yellows - I sure hope so, because I have yellows every day!

bye for now
Thanks for the help Kathy.

Hi Lynne, I also understood that we were supposed to eat green and yellow carbs and a very occasional red carb.

Today is my first day and I've done pretty good so far, except I drank half a Big Red with my lunch. Diet Big Red grosses me out, but I'm going to try to stop drinking these as much as I can.
Hi Kelley
I have just finished my first week. I did find it very hard initially to eat after years of programming not to! But let me tell you, I do not eat my full quota but I have noticed that every couple of hours I am actuallu hungry!

Check out the MSN address that kathy gave you, I have posted a few questions there and always had the most wonderful replies!

Good luck and if you email DR. Connelly he will reply back to you!


Don't you guys LOVE BRX? Isn't it great to feel FULL and not deprived? You can eat anything, as long as you make sure its within your cycle range of reds or yellows. I ate 4 donuts on Saturday! LOL I still lost a pound over the weekend.

I'm hooked!

I didn't know doughnuts were allowed. Or is this only after Cycle 1. I have to say I have not done too well with the plan. It is just SO MUCH protein I am having a really hard time!! Plus, I find I have to have some treats and it seemed restrictive atleast with the simple carbs. Am I missing something?? Even when I am not following the plan, my eating style is very similar minus 50 grams of protein if you know what I am saying...

Can you give me a sample day for you and a few of the treats you allow yourself..other than the 4 donuts. And HOW could that be within the range?? You are allowed that much for one day?? Enlighten me...

Hi Janice, After only one day I'm also not sure if I want to do this program. I know one day is not enough time to tell much of anything, but I also eat about the same as the plan with the exception of so much protein. I kept thinking all day long, this is exactly what I eat anyway. Maybe that's why I've never really been overweight. Maybe I can just continue my normal eating habits and just add in extra protein.
Hi all,

I'm in week 4 of cycle 1, so I'm no expert, but this is my take on the above questions and posts:
-black eyed peas are, I think, a legume like chick peas, and therefore a yellow carb. eat them as you please but they count towards the yellow carb limit.
-Dr. connelly seems to be really advising heavily against frustose. I avoid anything, even if it is a yellow carb like whole wheat bread, if it has fructose added. I make sure the yellow carbs I buy don't have it (ie, wonder whole wheat doesn't, I think)
-he also seems to say that sugar works similarly to fructose in "partitioning" the food you eat into the fat area, and it should be avoided...Mindi, I know you've been on body RX for a were your donuts consumed on your free day? Cause of course there isn't really a free day in cycle one. I do sometimes eat sugarless ice cream, I believe it is a yellow carb
-I hit my protein quota by having protein every time I eat. Try lots of low fat cottage cheese, throw a small tin of shrimp in your salad, and use protein powder. I use optimum whey powder, it is very economical compared to others, it is sweetened with suralose. I mix it with milk or water in the morning and will have another if I have to later on.

In general, I'm finding it a really good guideline for clean eating. I also find that if I eat a protein at every meal (all 6) I'm not craving sweets. My sweet treat is a labrada low carb protein bar. I also find it helpful to not worry about fats. I try to stick to lo cal dressing, but I will have a tablespoon of peanut butter every day.

I use fitday to track my grams of protein etc. This is what I do: I log everything, then check to see if I've met my fibre quota. Then I go in and delete all the green carbs, and from there check my carb and protein quota.

wow, long post, sorry! hth!

Hi Lynne! Yes you are; its just fine to eat Yellow carbs every day but do try to limit the Reds. The Red section foods just don't appeal to me. I've had such good nutrition for so long that's why I said to limit it if you can. We're not going to see any real changes until Cycle 3 anyway. I'm still learning just like you. If your really stumped on something please email Dr. Connelly directly. He replied to my email the very same day. Good luck! Kathy
Hi Janice! I happen to have a terrible sweet tooth and that's why I went on this program because you have to eat a lot of protein and fiber which takes the sugar cravings away. That's what I wanted to achieve and couldn't do it before. I wouldn't recommend you eat doughnuts; that's not going to make you strong and lean but an occassional doughnut is all right. Dr. Connelly states in his book that for special occasions such as your birthday its all right to eat a piece of your birthday cake; its not going to do much damage if any at all. Its when we binge and lose control like I do that's the problem; that's why I can't eat sweets at all except for that special time.

The way I eat to give you an example:

Meal 1: 3 sunny-side up eggs w/2 pieces of Eziekiel bread w/sugar free raspberry jam and a cup of coffee or oatmeal w/blueberries or a high fiber cereal w/blueberries
Meal 2: 1/2 cantaloupe w/1/2 c cottage cheese
Meal 3: large mixed green salad w/red peppers, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, cheese & tuna or salmon or chicken and strawberries
Meal 4: either beef jerky and fruit or yogurt w/high fiber cereal or protein bar
Meal 5: chicken, fish, turkey w/baked potato or sweet potato or brown rice and assortment of veggies (zucchini, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower)
Then I workout
Meal 6: post workout protein shake w/either 1 c raspberries or 1/2 banana

Once a week I have London broil either as is or as a beef stir-fry. Also have turkey burgers; chicken fajitas, pork w/apples and cinnamon on top. So you can see I'm eating very well and I do have a variety of foods. I'm going to incorporate some pasta next week (I think this is a Yellow carb).

You should try to hit the marks on protein and fiber especially. If you can't hit the mark on protein but come close anyway I wouldn't worry about it. How do you feel strength wise? Are you lifting heavier now than before? Because I sure am. I'm already finding that the 20# dumbbells are getting easy. Do you supplement w/shakes and bars at all? This will help you to take in all that protein. Kathy
LOL there are really NO donuts on the plan..but for me, this has to be a plan for life, not just a few weeks, then I'm off. So I have to incorporate it into my regular day. The donut day just happened to be a trip to Wisconsin to get apples, pumpkins and cheese. There's a little bakery who makes fresh apple donuts all day long and I took that trip day as a day to eat what I wanted.

I have to tell you tho..I felt HORRIBLE after eating all that sugar..I got so tired and draggy, I'll not do that again!

My regular day consists of my green protein gms and plenty of fiber and green carbs. Depending on what I crave, I may have some bread or potatoes or pasta, but not all on the same day. I really limit my yellows because I feel better when I do. I'm almost really eating Cycle 3, but I have to eat enough yellows for good energy to lift.

I throw in a little red now and then. After all, this is LIFE and I won't eliminate the good stuff totally and to me, Ben&Jerrys is part of the good stuff. :)
Janice, for example today I had 3eggs w/broccoli and fat free cheese when I got up. then at midmorning I had a cup of Fiber1 mixed w/a tablespoon of flaxseed and 2 scoops of protein powder, strawberries and fat free yogurt.

For lunch I had grilled chicken w/mixed vegetables and a banana. before I work out I'll some turkey breast w/apple slices and a protein shake after, berries in it too.

I'll probably eat a little ice cream before bed BUT I mix some Fiber1 in with it. Its my treat and I really like it. :)

I'm never hungry..if I find I'm short on protein, I make a shake and that usually takes care of it. I'm using Labrada Lean Body, 42gms of protein per serving.
Kathy and Mindi..

Thanks for the replies. I think Body Rx is a wonderful eating plan and I will try to adhere. I think my protein intake is probably higher than I think when I am not counting it. Lots of milk. OK, Fiber One in my ice cream???? I don't know about that one, but I wish I could give up peanut is my downfall! Oh, but hey...PROTEIN!!!


PS... I really don't know if my strength has increased. I have been doing S&H for 4 weeks and can put 60 lbs on my shoulders, but that is all I can safely hoist with my arms. In order to see true STRENGTH gains, I think I need the equipment in the gym..squat racks and such. We will see next week when I go back to MIS and PH. Thanks again..J
Janice get a squat rack..not too expensive and not TOO huge as far as taking up room.

Peanut butter? I love it TOO! I try to make it my 'treat' on those days I need pms. LOL I put a tablepoon on a couple of multigrain crackers and it usually does the trick.

Try the Fiber1 in your ice cream. *S* Its like getting crunchies that are actually GOOD for you. :)

Hang tough girls...we're getting there!
Hi Everyone,

I have been lurking around this board for a while, but have never posted until now.

I decided to try the body rx program, my first day was Friday. I have been following the high protein, but eating a little less carbs than called for. Since Fri. I have gained 4 pds. Has this happened to anyone else, I am seriously considering going off it before I end up gaining more weight.

I have been exercising with weights and cardio for the last couple of years. I have been "clean eating" for a couple of months now, so basically I just added some more protein to my diet (a protein shake, a protein bar in the afternoon and a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese). So, I am not really sure what the problem is other than that maybe it really is too many calories for my body.

I wanted to know if anyone else experienced the same thing.

Thanks for your help.
Ali :)
first of all Ali, in the BRX program, the carb level is a not a requirement, its a cap. you do NOT have to eat all the yellow carbs, for example if you list out at 150gms of yellow carbs for your cycle and weight, you do NOT have to eat that many, its a limit.

As for gaining four pounds in a short time, i'd venture a guess that your body may be adjusting to the new amount of fiber and you may be experiencing a bit of a bloat which should go away when your body gets used to the amounts you feed it. also you may gain a bit of weight as you add more muscle. don't expect to lose weight or very much in cycle 1 and/or cycle 2. in fact you may gain a few pounds as you increase your muscle and get your metabolism revved up!

good luck and keep us posted on your progress!

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