Hi -
I've been trying to get my body used to running. I've never ran prior to about 6 months ago when we got a treadmill. I have neck/back problems and running has (in the past) made my neck bothersome and sciatica flare up. However, I kept doing Cardio Coaches and added more jogging than walking in and have finally built up to where I can do 1/2 hour to 45 minutes on the treadmill, but I'm still walking and running. I can't run continually yet. Also, to get to my desired heart rate, I need to turn the speed all the way up (as I don't have ability to adjust incline -older machine) and I find this is sort of hard on my joints.
Anyway - to get to the point..........since I've been running/walking with CC twice a week, I constantly have very tight hamstrings and my glutes/hamstrings (right where they meet) gets so tender that it hurts to sit on it.
I have also added in Lotte Berk/Fluidiity 3 times a week in an effort to slim my lower half down and I"m not sure exactly how much soreness is strictly from the running, but I think it's a LOT. I lost my job a while ago and I've even been doing yoga daily.....so you'd think they would loosen up and not be so sore.
Can you ladies tell me -- Do you think my body will ever adjust to this running where I don't get this tight in my hamstrings and sore, etc? or is this just normal?
I've been trying to get my body used to running. I've never ran prior to about 6 months ago when we got a treadmill. I have neck/back problems and running has (in the past) made my neck bothersome and sciatica flare up. However, I kept doing Cardio Coaches and added more jogging than walking in and have finally built up to where I can do 1/2 hour to 45 minutes on the treadmill, but I'm still walking and running. I can't run continually yet. Also, to get to my desired heart rate, I need to turn the speed all the way up (as I don't have ability to adjust incline -older machine) and I find this is sort of hard on my joints.
Anyway - to get to the point..........since I've been running/walking with CC twice a week, I constantly have very tight hamstrings and my glutes/hamstrings (right where they meet) gets so tender that it hurts to sit on it.
I have also added in Lotte Berk/Fluidiity 3 times a week in an effort to slim my lower half down and I"m not sure exactly how much soreness is strictly from the running, but I think it's a LOT. I lost my job a while ago and I've even been doing yoga daily.....so you'd think they would loosen up and not be so sore.
Can you ladies tell me -- Do you think my body will ever adjust to this running where I don't get this tight in my hamstrings and sore, etc? or is this just normal?