I am a 37 year old mother to six wonderful children. My dh and I have agreed and chosen that I not work outside the home.
First off, I'd like to get this out of the way... Like others have mentioned, there is life insurance if you fear becoming a finacially ruined widow with lots of mouths to feed. So, that shouldn't be a huge factor in your decision to work outside the home or not. If acquiring life insurance is an issue, I would think that financial security would be a current issue if something unexpected were to happen to your dh considering he's the current breadwinner or at least a major contributor to your current finances.
Not all mothers who do not work outside the home live identical lifestyles. Some spend more time with other adults than some people who earn a paycheck! There are opportunities to have adult interactions with or without the company of your dc. Clubs, churches, neighbors, charities and your dc's schools are some examples. How much adult interaction you have is dependent on how much of priority you make it.
I'm not offended by your question. But, I do wonder if you feel that it could be offensive due to your views or your perception of other people's views on mothers who does not work outside the home. I don't know what your particular views are or what you value about yourself. Nor, is it necessary to defend or hash them out here. Just saying that maybe this is an area you might want to contemplate for yourself.
At different times in my life, I have viewed working outside the home both positively and negatively based on external and internal factors. Try as I might, it is impossible for me not to be biased as you may have already concluded from my avoidance of defining myself or others as SAHM.
I have worked for a paycheck, gone to college for engineering, and put my children under the care of others (family, friends, strangers). Never once have I regretted not working outside the home or pursuing my degree. I have regretted not being able to be more focused and involved in my dc's lives mainly due to full time work or school.
They truly grow up FAST! ;-)
Blessings on finding peace with your decision.