Question for people with multiple dogs


Okay.... here's the thing (there's always a thing, isn't there?).

We lost our cat on Monday. She was my DD's cat, she got her for her birthday 4 years ago. She was a young cat, but she got really sick and just didn't get better.

We also have a dog. We adopted him last fall. He's been a great addition to our family.

Now... to the thing. We're leaning towards rescuing another dog as company for our current pooch. The girl we want to adopt is a 7 month old spayed Shepherd X named Baja. Our current dog is an almost two year old male Shepherd X.

What do y'all think? Apart from the obvious double vet bills, what else should we think about having two dogs? Any input is appreciated.
Hey Shell!!

I think it's a great idea. I can't speak to the breed, and I'm not any kind of an expert, but dogs are companion animals and having 2 is always better, IMO. There will be a period of adjustment, but I see no problem with it. I would talk to your vet to see what kind of guidance s/he can give you, but I'd go for it! I had 2 dachshunds and they were the loves of my life:+

Edited to correct multiple spelling errors:eek:
Your solo dog will be a whole lot happier. He won't "hound" you as much for attention, won't be so bored. They will play together at the dog park. I think two or more dogs are better than just one.

Dogs are so social.
I have three dogs in a 1200 sq. ft. house! I have two bulldogs and a boston terrier. My older bulldog is crazy and can only be with the other two dogs for short periods of time with supervision. I never thought I'd get a third dog, but we had the opportunity to adopt this precious bulldog who's deaf and he is such a sweetheart. The younger bulldog and the boston terrier are best friends. I'm happy they have each other to hang out with. The boston terrier is rather alpha, but it suits the deaf bulldog fine because he takes all his cues and follows the boston around as his lead.

Having multiple dogs is alot like having multiple children. It gets a little louder, wilder, dirtier, expensive, chaotic, but if you have dogs who personalities mix well, it's worth it for them to have each other!
Shelley, Baja is beautiful. How does Gilbert behave towards other dogs? How do you feel about walking 2 dogs? She is beautiful. I know, I'm no help. Good Luck deciding!
Gilbert adores other dogs. Especially other female dogs. The foster home he came from had 8 dogs, including him.

I think I'd better sleep on this.
I remember when you were agonizing over Gilbert... and then it was so fun to see how happy he made you and Sophie!!

I'm not going to be any help either so I'll stop now, LOL. ;-)
We just rescued our fourth dog, a purebred weimaraner. My SO just happened to be filling up at a gas station when this man pulled up, saw one of our dogs with my SO and asked if my SO could take his dog. The man started crying and saying he had to get rid of him and was going to "dump" him soon cause he could't find a home. So here comes this un-neutered (immediate vet visit required)two year old terrified dog into our lives and it was not easy at first. Two of our other dogs are also rescue dogs and have some issues. To make a very long story short, each time we introduce a new dog, we bring them into more neutral territory like the front yard rather than the house or back yard. We also put them on leashes and walk them around the block a little before we bring them in. Pick up food bowls, toys, etc for a couple of days so there won't be any fighting. Reassure your first dog that they are loved, its hard not to pay a lot of attention to the new dog but a pecking order has to be established. Though our house (and poop bucket) are very full with four dogs, after only a week, they get along fine now. They are great companions for each other and I don't think we will ever have fewer than two dogs for that reason. And if you walk your dog on a leash, now you will have one for each arm which helps the biceps evenly toned!
Hope this helps, Sue
Oh, Shelley, what a wonderful idea. Baja looks like a lovely dog. I'll bet she and Mr. Prancypants will keep each other company and play well together. But then, it's easy for me to say, isn't it? I don't even have one dog yet. Good luck with your decision.
Shelley...Baja is a beauty! I agree that 2 dogs give each other company and is a bit more work. I will also one time I had 5 dogs!!! Talk about work....I would not recommend this...:)...let us know how it goes...:)
Absolutely, Shelley! Dogs are pack animals and do so much better when you have a second dog. You will notice the difference with a second dog, but it is sooo worth it. Plus she's gorgeous and sounds wonderful. Take Gilbert with you when you go to visit her to see how they get along. But as they are male and female, the pack hierchy won't be as big an issue, so they should get along well.
I know that I am a bit late on this one and did not read any of the other replies.

I can tell you that getting my 2nd dog actually made taking care of my first one easier.

My oldest is 3 1/2 and the younger is 2 1/2. The older one gets irritated from time to time with the younger one but they really get along well. And the baby knows who is boss.

I really enjoy having both of them and honestly am very glad I did it.
I vote for getting the second dog. We had our very first dog for 1 1/2 years, when we took my aunt's dog (she couldn't take care of him anymore). We were very skeptical at first; how would our first dog react to not being an only child; would he be jealous? Well, the two of them got along from the moment they were together. It was the best thing we ever did. I don't worry so much when we leave the house - they have each other for company. It's been almost two years since we got our second dog; I wish I could convince my husband to get a third.

Good Luck.

Thanks for the input everyone:) I've sent an e-mail to the Rescue place and we're just waiting to hear back. Only one person has told me that they regret getting a second dog. Everyone else seems to be all for it.

I can't take Gilbert with us to meet her, because he gets terribly car sick and it's a fair distance. But the foster family he came from had 8 dogs (5 of their own and three fosters), and he got along great with all of them, and he's particularly fond of female dogs, so I think we'll be okay.

Thanks again:)

I'm knda late chiming in here, but I'd say go for it. When we had one dog, I always felt so bad leaving him when I'd have to go to work. Now I don't feel that way - well, maybe a little - I'd love to stay home with them all the time. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

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