Question for people with multiple dogs

We have two dogs. At first they butted heads, but now they are just like brothers. They look out for each other and if I ask where is one, the other actually goes and get the other!!! It was trying at first, but now I look at it and I could never be without two dogs.
Shelley, I think it is a GREAT idea to get another dog! We got another one because Lucy has so much fun at the dog park and she gets bored and depressed here when they kids are at school... and because we really wanted another one ;) They are such social creatures and need to be in a pack... plus how could you NOT get her, she is BEAUTIFUL! I would really loved to have had a shep, I LOVE them, but the dog we fell in love with ended up being a mutt! :p

And I am so sorry to hear about the cat... how is Sophie doing with it? ;(

I can't wait to hear how it turns out! :)

She's adorable! She looks a lot like Cosmo--does she have lab in her?

I've always had 2 dogs. I made the mistake of getting the puppies when the other dogs were older (7-8 years old), but they've always gotten along pretty well.

I say go for it too--it's like getting a new baby! My only suggestion is to make sure your other dog gets just as much, if not more attention than the new addition, just to make sure she doesn't feel like she's being left out or replaced.
Unfortunately, we found out last night that another family is interested in her and is meeting her this week. If she doesn't work out, then we'll keep looking for another dog who will fit in with our family. Or maybe she won't be a good fit with the family she's seeing. Anyone care to cross their fingers for us?:p
Fingers & toes.

Shelley, another option besides shelters are rescues--there are rescue shelters for almost every breed out there. Golden retriever rescues, lab rescues, pug rescues, you name it. They take in pedigreeds when the owners give them up for whatever reason.

Although I do think mutts are a better choice--IMO they tend to be healthier b/c of less inbreeding & genetic defects.

Anyway, good luck! If it's meant to be.......
Hey Laura - Baja is actually from a rescue. Not a specific breed rescue though. We got Gilbert from the same place when his previous owners moved and left him and his brother tied to their doghouse.
Shelly, I have a yellow lab and a shih-poo. I had been told when we first got our lab to just go get a second dog right away because it makes life so much easier. I thought that friend of mine was crazy. But finally I decided that I wanted another dog, just smaller. So, I got our shih-poo. Our lab, who is high strung even at the age of 2 now has a play mate. He is more mellow, and doesn't chew on things like he used to. The shih-poo loves him, she has been easier to train commands to being that she sees our lab doing things and she just follows suit. Plus as a puppy, she doesn't chew up hardly anything because she has our lab to play with when she's bored. Granted, our lab does get annoyed when she decided that his ears where a great alternative to raw hides. LOL! But I would recommend that you do get a second dog. I think that both dogs and your family will not regret it.

I think it is really cool you are looking to expand your family. I wish you luck with Baja, or the next perfect fit! Good luck!

BTW, you are all really making me want to get a dog now!! I think I will wait till Chase is a little older so he can do the walking!!!LOL!!!:p

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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